Sample characteristics of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

“Characteristics of a speech therapist teacher for certification”


Rynchak Ekaterina Pavlovna,

teacher-speech therapist of speech therapy group of senior preschool age

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Nursery - garden No. 93 of the city of Donetsk"

Rynchak Ekaterina Pavlovna, born 02/09/1984. Complete higher education. In 2014, she graduated from the Donbass State Pedagogical University, received a full higher education in the specialty “Correctional Education”, and has the qualification “Speech therapist, special psychologist of preschool and school institutions.” Since 2011, Ekaterina Pavlovna has been working as a speech therapist in a specialized group for speech disorders. Has 6 years of teaching experience.

During the period of work at MDOU No. 93, Ekaterina Pavlovna has established herself as a highly professional, erudite, methodologically competent and proactive specialist, distinguished by high professional qualities, such as: the ability to analyze teaching activities, identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them. She is a tolerant, tactful teacher who uses the latest interactive technologies and methods in her work. Thanks to her qualities, she was able to achieve high results in teaching and raising children with speech disorders in children with special needs in a compensatory kindergarten.

Her professionalism is characterized by her communicative competence, i.e. the ability to communicate with a child at the level of a partner. She is able to provide the necessary support to children experiencing failure, involve the child in the overall work, and find the right approach to children with higher rates of development.

When determining the causes and mechanisms of disorders in children, the teacher

Speech therapist Ekaterina Pavlovna uses various methods, diagnostic examination results, and information material. Completes subgroups based on diagnostic results, taking into account the structure of the disorder, psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of the students. Develops the compensatory capabilities of each child, performs oriented correction, monitors dynamics and progress. To develop optimal ways of correction, he interacts with a teacher-psychologist and educator.

Collaborates with parents, speaks at group parent meetings, conducts open demonstrations of correctional classes, collective and individual conversations, consultations, places the necessary information material in parent corners, and can always provide prompt, competent speech therapy and pedagogical assistance.

During the certification period I carried out:

consultation for teachers “Use of mnemonic tables in the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age”;

for parents, she held an open screening of the presentation “Development of speech and memory of children with special needs using mnemonics”;

for teachers showed: an open subgroup lesson on speech development with children of OHP of senior preschool age: “Visiting Autumn”; open individual speech therapy session “Producing the sound R”; articulatory gymnastics with ICT “Fairy Tale for the Tongue”;

prepared a report for the training of speech therapists: “Forms, methods, directions and content of work with parents in preschool educational institutions in various areas of children’s activities”;

presented a reminder about the stages of memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table; developed an “Algorithm and didactic tools for individual correctional work of a speech therapist with children with speech disorders”;

created a project of interactive technologies in the system of speech therapy work “The World of Children’s Fantasies” - the use of “collaging” in correctional work with preschool children”;

spoke at the city seminar Master Class “Journey to the Land of LEGO”, prepared a presentation and developed a number of games using the LEGO constructor for speech development classes.

She was awarded a diploma from the EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF PETROVSKY DISTRICT OF THE CITY of Donetsk for honest and conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, active life position (order No. 434-k/dl. dated 09.19.16)

Successfully passed testing on the website of the DRIDPO REMOTE SELF-DIAGNOSTICS CENTER to determine the level of professional knowledge:

  1. “Educational work” with a result of 92.22% (certificate No. 8228 dated January 14, 2017);
  2. “Educational work” with a result of 100.00% (certificate No. 8411 dated January 15, 2017);
  3. “Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology” with a result of 86.67% (certificate No. 9239 dated January 18, 2017);
  4. “ICT competence” with a result of 90.00% (certificate No. 9498 dated January 19, 2017);
  5. “Special and inclusive education” with a result of 75.00% (certificate No. 9500 dated January 19, 2017).

Ekaterina Pavlovna is an active participant in the webinar on the Speech Therapy website

"Mersibo". Listened to webinars on the following topics:

“Game techniques for “starting speech” in babies and “non-speaking” children” (certificate No. 389821 dated November 16, 2016);

“Development of different types of memory in children with disabilities. The use of interactive games in activating mnemonic processes" (certificate No. 394176 dated November 23, 2016);

“Effective use of desktop and interactive material in group classes on working with “difficult” sounds” (certificate No. 407317 dated 12/07/16);

“Game techniques for activating vocabulary in children with mental retardation” (certificate No. 416126 dated December 21, 2016).

I created my personal account online on the Infourok website, where I actively share my material with colleagues (certificate No. AA-537167 dated 10/02/16).

She published her developments on the websites:

Website “Infourok” - “A brief dictionary of speech therapy diagnoses” (certificate No. DB-232348 dated 10/02/16); “Visiting card of the Preschool educational institution nursery-kindergarten No. 93 “Cherry” in Donetsk” (certificate No. DB-3924480 dated November 26, 2016); “Interactive technologies in the system of speech therapy work. Project “The World of Children’s Fantasies” (the use of the “collaging” technique in correctional work with preschool children)” (certificate No. DB-317896 dated 03.11.16); “Summary of a frontal correctional and developmental lesson in a senior speech therapy group on the topic “Autumn” "(Certificate No. DB-290719 dated 10/25/16); Website "Presentation" - Presentation at the parent meeting "Development of speech and memory of preschool children using mnemonics" (Certificate No. E18233 dated 12/14/16); Website "Preparing a lesson" - “Speech therapy examination of speechless children” (certificate No. 30684 dated 10/02/16); Website “Moneybox of lessons” - “Perspective plan for self-education” (certificate No. 347186 dated 10/02/16); Website “Multi lesson” - “Presentation and report “LEGO construction in speech development classes” (certificates No. 541489 and 541487 dated January 28, 2017).

Ekaterina Pavlovna enjoys well-deserved authority among the teaching staff because she has not only professional knowledge, but also such moral qualities as discipline, composure and a high sense of responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation.

Ekaterina Pavlovna corresponds to her position and can be certified to establish the qualification category “specialist of category II”.

Rynchak E.P. has been familiarized with the characteristics. /____________________/

Head of MDOU No. 93 Tverdokhleb T.A. /_____________________/

Characteristics of a mother of many children for awarding sample

Tatyana Nikolaevna takes an active part in the public life of the preschool institution, in particular, she provides consultations for teachers and parents.

There is no single template for creating an award document. The contractor is guided by the general rules of writing and requirements for the design of business paper.

In the case when an employee is nominated for an award by the authorities, the reference can be drawn up both on the organization’s letterhead and on a specially approved letterhead of the ministry.

The Ivanovs lead a healthy lifestyle. There is democracy in the house and full support for the creative and other endeavors of children. The eldest son (full name) has repeatedly won the regional mathematics Olympiad, and the youngest daughter (full name).

The speech therapy room is equipped in accordance with the requirements, norms and rules of Health, Safety, SanPiN. The subject-development environment ensures the implementation of the tasks of correctional education; the existing passport of the speech therapy room reflects the functional capabilities of speech therapy. Designs teaching activities and always uses their capabilities to the fullest.

Competently manages the work to ensure strong financial discipline at the enterprise. Performs other duties assigned to the chief accountant in a timely manner, in full and with high quality. Consistently improves personal professional training in the corporate training system.

The introduction of developmental, gaming technologies, problem-based learning methods, and project activities helps improve the quality of educational work with children. The results of diagnostics of child development show 100% mastery of the program in all areas.

She is respected and respected by the parents of students and the school administration, she is ready to help and support them in any situation, you can always ask for help and advice when preparing for various events, and you can always hear valuable advice.

Characteristics of the leader for the award

During the period of his work, Andrey Romanovich Potapov graduated in absentia from the Saratov Petroleum College with a degree in technical repair of automobiles and automobile engines. I applied for a job in the 4th category, successfully completed my responsibilities and was promoted to promotion. After completing the courses, I received the 5th qualification category.

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When performing the duties of the chief accountant, he invariably demonstrates high competence and punctuality.

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Speech therapy characteristics

Speech therapy characteristics

To Keshuova Dilyara Astovna

Date of birth 05/07/2017

Dilyara entered the middle group of the State Public Institution “nursery-kindergarten No. 4” at the age of 4 years.

Speech environment

. There are no speech disorders in close relatives. The upbringing process is under control: parents are interested in the problems of their child, consult with the teaching staff. They try to follow the recommendations of experts.

State of
fine motor skills
: Dilyara’s fine motor skills are sufficiently developed; leading right hand; Heda performs samples randomly. Possesses self-service skills. Still has slight difficulties in mastering graphic skills (when painting drawings he goes beyond the outline).

Gross motor skills

. Delayed switchability of movements is noted; Dilyara experiences slight difficulties in imitating movements; no substitutions of movements or synkenesis are observed.

and mobility of the articulatory apparatus
. The anatomical structure of the organs of the articulation apparatus is without pathologies (teeth are sparse). Slight hyperkinesis of the tongue is observed, the volume and accuracy of movements performed suffers.

General sound of speech

. Speech is slurred because phonemic awareness is not sufficiently developed. Phonemes do not differ in meaning, which leads to the replacement of sounds. Uses complex sentences in speech. Makes mistakes due to unformed lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Statements are intonational. Breathing is free, the rate and rhythm of speech are within normal limits.

At the moment, the speech of others is understood within the limits of the level of intelligence; completes tasks following verbal instructions (example: Show me where the zebra is? Where is the giraffe?)

Sound pronunciation is impaired and has local whistling sigmatism, parorathocysm, paralambdacism. Phonemic hearing is reduced, Phonemic perception is not formed; There are no skills in sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Dilyara's passive and active vocabulary is characterized by sufficiency. There is underdevelopment of coherent speech; pronounces words unclearly.

The sounds [S], [Z] are introduced, but they are not completely fixed in speech. The sound-syllable structure of the word is distorted. There are omissions of syllables (for example, “gusetsa” - caterpillar, “velosed” - bicycle). Words with a complex syllabic structure are grossly distorted.

Dilyara names almost all the letters of the alphabet (except H). The retelling is carried out using help (leading questions, repeated reading to adults). Difficulties in composing a story based on a series of plot pictures - the sequence of events changes.

Dilyara knows information about herself and understands family ties. Spatial orientation skills are not fully developed, and poor understanding of the basic concepts of time.

Situations of success evoke positive emotions in the child. The reaction to approval and remark is adequate.

Relationships with adults are restrained and stable. Makes contact with peers quickly. Prefers quiet games, knows how to organize games.

It should be noted that Dilyara is neat, responsive to an adult’s request, and helps the teacher.

Speech therapy diagnosis:

General speech underdevelopment of level III.
Speech therapist: Mukhtarova M.S.

I.O: Mustafina B.B.

Structure of characteristics for rewarding an employee

Uses ICT elements when preparing for classes. It has a wealth of didactic material and card files for all age groups, constantly updates and expands them, and monitors innovations in the field of speech therapy. Workers of educational institutions, awarded with a diploma from the Ministry of Education. In the event of a reorganization of the organization, the collective contract remains in effect. Events in the area, is a prototype and a favorite. The head of the department where the employee deserving of encouragement works specifically needs to prepare a petition for an award of honorable mention on this issue.

For conscientious, creative work in 2010, the TEACHER was recommended by the teaching staff to participate in the project “Gifted Children - the Future of Russia.”

How to apply for a speech therapist through government services, registration of a notary's characteristics. Sample she pay characteristics speech therapist award. The mortgage is drawn up as a sample if it is the awarding of the person by the speech therapist to the obligation secured by the mortgage.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten "Zvezdochka" in Zernograd PORTFOLIO Teacher - speech therapist Marina Aleksandrovna Bagaiskova, Zernograd Contents: 1. Competence in the field of personal qualities information card; application for a speech therapist teacher; a copy of a higher education diploma; copies of certificates, advanced training certificates; copies of letters; reviews from colleagues.

2. Competence in the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activities, lesson notes within the framework of formative technologies (traditional); lesson notes within the framework of developmental or personality-oriented technologies.

3. Competence in the field of motivation of educational activities, topics of creative, design, research work; scenarios for extracurricular activities.

4. Competence in the field of providing the information basis for activities, a list of equipment for the speech therapy room; availability of a computer and computer teaching aids (multimedia presentations, a list of audio recordings, educational films, educational and developmental computer programs, visual aids); availability of technical training tools; a list of dictionaries and other reference literature on the subject; availability of didactic material.

5. Competence in the field of developing educational programs and making pedagogical decisions for the program; generalization and dissemination of one’s own pedagogical experience at the municipal, regional, all-Russian and international levels (master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.); materials for the participation of teachers and speech therapists in the work of creative groups; publications (in the media, the Internet, scientific and methodological collections).

6. Competence in the field of organizing the educational process, final results, work on the problem

information card; presentation to a specialist; pedagogical credo; essay; commandments and oaths; professional biography; regulatory support; correctional and developmental education, a copy of a diploma of higher education; copies of certificates, advanced training certificates; copies of letters; reviews from colleagues; reviews from parents.

INFORMATION CARD 1. Full name – Bagaiskova Marina Aleksandrovna 2. Position – teacher – speech therapist 3. Education (specialty, year of graduation) – higher, Rostov State Pedagogical University, qualification teacher-speech therapist with a specialty in “Speech Therapy”, 2005; secondary vocational, Zernograd Pedagogical School, qualification primary school teacher, specialty teaching in primary classes, 1996; 4. Category - highest 5. Date of birth - 06/30/1976 6. Awards - 7. Titles - 8. Work experience • total experience - 17 years teaching experience - 15 years in the specialty - 10 years in this kindergarten - 6 years (since 2007 ) 9. Advanced training courses - Analytical scientific and methodological, Moscow, 2010. 11. Certification - 2010 12. Problem - “The use of computer technologies for the purposes of efficiency and dynamism of the correctional educational process”

“What does a good teacher mean? This is, first of all, a person who loves children, finds joy in communicating with them, believes that every child can become a good person, knows how to be friends with children, takes children’s joys and sorrows to heart, knows the soul of a child, never forgets, that he himself was a child.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

My pedagogical credo

“You can love what you gave a piece of your soul to.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

My pedagogical credo is a pedagogy of cooperation, which helps to solve learning problems, achieve results, and constantly increase the motivation of learning. I try to see each of my pupils as an individual, I recognize their uniqueness, I strive to respect the thoughts, feelings and rights of my pupils, thereby recognizing the main thing - their right to cooperation. The child’s personality is valuable in itself, and everyone who comes to class has their own personal experience, their own perception of the world around them. The most important thing is recognition of the student’s identity and uniqueness. The main point of my work is to create a situation of success for every child in every lesson. Even a one-time success affects the psychological state of the child and dramatically changes his activity. When children come to kindergarten, they expect spiritual generosity from their teachers, and no one gave us the right to deceive them in these expectations. A friendly smile, intonation, remarks that do not cause offense or rejection, support those who are unsure, reassure and encourage those who make mistakes, reward knowledgeable and thinking students - all this helps to create positive emotions during the lesson. You need to behave in such a way that the child is sure that the teacher loves him.

Essay “Teacher! He is always on the road - In worries, searches, anxiety - And there is never peace. And a hundred questions are on the doorstep, And you need to give the right answer. He judges himself more harshly than everyone else. He is all earthly, but strives upward. It’s impossible to count how many destinies are intertwined with his destiny!” I was born on June 30 in Zernograd. In 1996 she entered the pedagogical school. The years of study flew by. In 2005, she graduated from Rostov State Pedagogical University with a degree in speech therapy teacher. Since childhood, the specialty of speech therapist has attracted me. My mother worked in a correctional school for more than 30 years, and there I became acquainted with this amazing and necessary profession. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is the child, his development and prospects. For a child with speech disorders, the specialist he sees is of great importance. A speech therapist teacher not only opens up unlimited communication opportunities for him, I am a kind of guide for a little person into the diverse world of human relationships. I have been working as a speech therapist teacher since 2003. My work to overcome speech impairment instills in the child confidence in his own abilities and contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. By expanding the boundaries of communication - both among peers and with adults - the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive. His views on the world and his relationships with others change. He becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, and feels like a full-fledged person. The main thing in the correctional educational process is that my activities are socially oriented. In this case, the leading role is given to kindness, justice, love, and respect for students, especially those who have some problems, including speech problems. Flexibility, wisdom, patience, and most importantly, love for children. Currently, the problems of early diagnosis and correction of speech disorders are extremely relevant. This is not surprising, because Russia is going through one of the most difficult, dynamic periods of its history. The number of families with official incomes below the subsistence level has increased. An analysis of the scientific literature on the problems of speech pathology, its etiology and social adaptation of speech-language pathologists indicates that the situation of children in modern Russia causes reasonable concern among the public. Only 14% of children are practically healthy, while half have health problems, and 35% suffer from chronic diseases. In the 1990s, the term “deceleration” appeared, the essence of which is the slow rate of growth and development of children. If you imagine society as an organism, then the child is its heart. Childhood is an ecological niche of our society, our spirituality. It is important to preserve this niche, otherwise the environment will perish and society will lose its spirituality. My commandments and vows Love children! With a kind soul and an open heart, I vow to love children and accept them as they are. I swear to teach and educate, to rejoice in any success of students, relying on the nature of the child, not to attribute success to myself, but to the preschoolers. Do no harm. Under no circumstances will I allow the secrets entrusted to me by the child’s parents to be disclosed and I will not use them to harm the child. Having the profession of a speech therapist, I fervently wish for only one thing - to be someone people can trust. Don't push me away. The soul is in my hands and that means the fate of the one who turns to me for help. I will not tarnish my profession with incompetence, indifference and money-grubbing. Everything that I can and know, everything that nature and people have given me as an individual is for those who come to me. Don't neglect it. I swear to be the teacher - the speech therapist who is expected. I swear not to lose my dignity, not to stoop to insult by word and action. I swear to believe in the exclusivity of every child and to give this faith to him. Don't be deceitful. I swear to preserve humanity in myself in order to teach humanity. Do not stop. Stepping onto the path of practical speech therapy, I swear that I will put all my knowledge and abilities into my difficult work, and will not stop on the path of knowledge and self-improvement. Don't get bitter. If I can’t smile, then at least I won’t frown. Kindness is a golden key that fits any door. If I get angry, it’s only at myself, and not at the children. Don't despair if you're having a hard time. I swear to be tolerant, restrained, wise. Respect your colleagues and students' parents. I swear to support my colleagues and help them in our common cause, without stooping to hostility, blasphemy and slander. I swear not to say things about others that I don’t want to hear about myself. I swear to maintain good relations with the parents of my preschool children, to ensure that upbringing and education in the family and kindergarten become the common task of all adults caring for their children. Don't be afraid to make a mistake, don't be afraid to not correct the mistake. I swear to admit my mistakes and not repeat them. I think that both parents and teachers will find for themselves in my commandments something that will make them kinder, more humane, and teach them to hear not only themselves, but also their children. PS I didn’t come up with the words, but I fully accept it.

Professional biography Total work experience 17 years Teaching experience 15 years STUDIES 1996 – 1999 studying at the Zernograd Pedagogical College; Faculty of Primary Schools, specialty Primary School Teacher; 2001 – 2005 study at the Russian State Pedagogical University; Faculty of Special Psychology and Speech Therapy, specialty “Teacher-Speech Therapist”; WORK October 1998 - Special school - boarding school of the 5th type - teacher; September 2003 - Special school - boarding school of the 5th type - primary school teacher; September 2007 MDOU d/s No. 3 “Zvezdochka” - speech therapist teacher; April 2010 MDOU kindergarten No. 3 “Zvezdochka” - senior teacher. IMPROVEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATION CATEGORY 2004, December – second qualification category 2007, January – first qualification category 2010, January – highest qualification category 2012, June – first qualification category (senior teacher)

Regulatory and legal support for correctional and developmental education “Be able to obey the law, discipline, order. The ability to obey laws is the highest expression of freedom.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Model Regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities. Approved on March 12, 1997. No. 288. Changes and additions to the Standard Regulations on a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for Students and Pupils with Developmental Disabilities dated March 10, 2000 No. 212. Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2001. No. 29/1886-6 “On the use of the working time of a speech therapist teacher, educational psychologist of an educational institution.” More details.. On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education, instructional letter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2000. No. 65/2316. On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPc) of an educational institution Letter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000. No. 27/9016. On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system Letter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/1999. No. 70/23-16. On the integrated education and training of children with developmental disabilities in educational institutions Letter from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2002. No. 03-51-5 in/23-03 On the direction of the Program for the development of new forms of Russian preschool education in modern socio-economic conditions Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2000. No. 106/23-16. On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of III-IV types. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 1997 N 48. On the normalization of the study load of students in educational institutions. The concept of reforming the special education system. Proposals for improving training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the special education system. Federal Law on the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population. Sanitary rules for the design and maintenance of preschool institutions.

Pedagogical technologies “Education and training of preschool children with physical disabilities” T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina “Education and training of children with special needs” T.B. Filichiva, G.V. Chirkina - elements of the program. The main goal of the program “Education and training of preschool children with physical disabilities” T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina - to form a full-fledged phonetic system of the language, develop phonemic perception and initial skills of sound analysis, automate auditory pronunciation skills in various speech situations, teach children to change the prosodic characteristics of an utterance depending on speech intentions. This program is focused on mastering the articulatory characteristics of sounds and their perceptual features, which underlie the perception of speech messages and determine the level of formation of the child’s linguistic ability and his readiness to master literacy. In my work I use computer programs: “Games for tigers”, “Pronunciation world of sounds”, “Fun games for the development of speech and hearing”, “To help a speech therapist”, “Computer verbal and didactic games”. The programs are built on the basis of teaching methods for children with developmental disabilities by L. N. Efimenkova, G. A. Kashe, R. E. Levina, L. V. Lopatina, N. V. Serebryakova, R. I. Lalaeva, N. S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, as well as programs for education and training in kindergarten edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. Computer programs are focused on step-by-step developmental learning in various content areas. Their use in teaching children with developmental problems allows solving two problems: pedagogical diagnostics of development and individualization of remedial education. The use of these programs allows you to work on the formation, development and correction of the following characteristics: • sound pronunciation, • prosodic components of oral speech, • phonemic hearing and perception, • lexical and grammatical means of the language, • communication skills, • articulatory motor skills, • reverse speech kinesthesia, • fine motor skills of the fingers (working with a manipulator - mouse, keyboard), • auditory and visual perception, • attention, • verbal and visual memory, • will and motivation, • verbal and logical thinking.

topics of creative, design, research work; event scenarios.

list of equipment for the speech therapy room (office passport); availability of a computer and computer teaching aids (list of audio recordings, educational films, educational and developmental computer programs, visual aids); list of methodological literature; a list of dictionaries and other reference literature on the subject; availability of didactic material.

work programs; generalization and dissemination of one’s own pedagogical experience at the municipal, regional, all-Russian and international levels (master classes, seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.); materials for teacher participation in the work of creative groups; publications (in the media, the Internet, scientific and methodological collections).

final results work on the problem

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