Notebook of interaction between a speech therapist and teacher. Part 1

Documentation of speech therapist Nadezhda Gennadievna at the speech center

Individual work plan

Main directions in the work of a speech therapist

Research parameters and criteria for assessing children's speech

Sheet of interaction between speech therapist and teachers

Logopoint documentation:

1. List of children at the speech center who need speech therapy help. Reserve list. 2. Copies of orders for the enrollment (expulsion) of children to the logo center. 3. Work schedule. Timetable of classes. 4. Step-by-step creative plan of the speech therapist teacher. 5. Cyclogram of the activities of the speech therapist teacher 6. Speech card for each child. 7. Long-term plan for individual correctional work for each child. 8. Notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on correcting sound pronunciation. 9. Journal of attendance at classes by children enrolled in a speech therapy center. 10. Journal of primary examination. 11. Dynamic observation sheet. 12. Plans for individual and subgroup lessons with children. 13. Long-term planning of classes on the formation of the phonetic-phonetic aspect of speech in children with ODD, FFND. (Preparatory group) 14. Long-term planning of classes on the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in children with special needs (senior group) 15. Logbook for recording individual consultations and conversations. 16. Journal of children's movement. 17. Journal of relationship between specialists. 18. Sound pronunciation screen. 19. Certificates of examination of children (middle, senior, preparatory groups) 20. Instructions on labor protection, job description. 21. Regulations on the logopunkt.

Individual plan

Individual work plan for


1. Clarifying the pronunciation of sounds


2. Staging sounds


3. Automation of sounds


4. Differentiation of sounds


5. Development of phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 6. Improving phonemic perception and skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 7. Literacy training. 8. Work on the syllabic structure of the word. 9. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 10. Improving the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 11. Teaching coherent speech. 12. Improving coherent speech. 13. Development of general speech skills. 14. Improving general speech skills. 15. Development of general and fine motor skills. 16. Improving gross and fine motor skills. 17. Development of visual and auditory attention, memory, thinking. 18. Improving visual and auditory attention, memory, thinking.




Research parameters and criteria for assessing children's speech

(to the speech map)
1. Sound pronunciation 2. Phonemic hearing 3. Vocabulary 4. Grammar 5. Coherent speech

Criteria for evaluation. Sound pronunciation. 1. All sounds are automated 3b. 2. Sounds are delivered, but require automation. Violation of sound pronunciation in one group – 2b. 3. Sounds are not supplied. The sounds are delivered, but require automation. Violation of sound pronunciation in two or more groups – 1b.

Phonemic hearing. Dictionary. Grammar. 1. The task was completed correctly – 3 points. 2. Errors 1-2 -2 points. 3. More than two errors – 1 point.

Coherent speech. 1. Independence – 3b; Help was provided 1-2 times – 2b; more – 1b. 2. Semantic adequacy – 3b; 1-2 violations - 2b; more – 1b. 3. The sequence is complete – 3b; 1-2 violations – 2b; more – 1b. 4. Complete smoothness – 3b; 1-2 violations – 2b; more – 1b. 5. Completeness of reproduction – 3b; 1-2 omissions of semantic units -2b; more – 1b. 6. Grammatical correctness -3b; 1-2 mistakes – 2b; more – 1b.


0-1.4 points – low level; 1.5-2.4 points – average level; 2.5-3 points – high level.

Main directions in the work of a speech therapist

The main directions of correction of FNR.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Development of fine motor skills. 3. Improving phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

The main directions of correction of FFNR.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Improving phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 3. Preparing for literacy.

Tasks of correctional education.

  • Formation and development of auditory attention, memory and phonemic perception.
  • Formation of sound pronunciation.
  • Formation of sound differentiation skills.
  • Formation of the sound structure of the word and sound filling.
  • Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
  • Improving vocabulary, grammar and coherent speech.
  • Preparing for literacy.

The main directions of correction of OHP.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation. 2. Formation of phonemic perception and skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. 3. Improving the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. 4. Preparing for literacy.

Tasks of correctional education.

• Formation and development of auditory attention, memory and phonemic perception. • Formation of sound pronunciation. • Formation of sound differentiation skills. • Formation of the sound structure of the word and sound content. • Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. • Preparing for literacy. • Pluralizing nouns. • Formation of the genitive case of nouns. • Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. • Formation of relative adjectives. • Agreement of numerals with nouns. • Practical use of singular nouns in speech. and many more numbers. • Consolidating understanding and practical use of prepositions in speech. • Agreement of nouns with adjectives. • Practical use of possessive pronouns in speech. • Selection of adjectives for nouns. • Consolidation of words - antonyms. • Formation of possessive adjectives. • Formation and use of prefixed verbs in speech. • Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives

Sheet of interaction between speech therapist and teachers

Child’s FI _____________________________________________________

Group No. ________________________________________________________________

Date ___________________________________________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks: Result:
1. Articulation gymnastics.
2. Development of phonemic hearing.
3. Development of skills in sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Sound automation____
6. Sound automation____
7. Differentiation of sounds_______
8. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
9. Consolidation of material on the topic:

Date ___________________________

Tasks to complete are circled.
The results column is written: + if the child completed the task without error;
+ - if the child made mistakes and repetition is required;
- if the child had difficulty completing the task, he allowed a lot of
number of errors, failed to complete the task (you need to clarify what exactly the problems were).

Author of the material: Medvedkova Nadezhda Gennadievna

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