What to do to start burring the letter P beautifully

You've probably noticed that the French pronounce the letter "r" differently than we do.
And there are people who from birth have a speech defect such as burring the letter r. Parents take them to doctors and speech therapists, trying with all their might and means to rid their child of this speech feature.> But for various reasons, some people strive to master this speech feature. The reasons are always different, the most popular of them is learning French, where gradation is an integral requirement for correct pronunciation. In any case, no matter what your reasons are, the methods of studying are the same for everyone.

Is it possible to learn to burr r at home?

If desired, anyone can learn to pronounce the letter “r”, as the natives of France and Germany pronounce it. Depending on the structure of the speech apparatus and abilities, people learn this in different ways.

This requires regular classes aimed at developing speech skills and motivation to achieve the goal. If there is no progress in learning at home, a speech therapist will point out possible mistakes.

There are cases when the inability to pronounce the letter r in the French manner lies in the physiological characteristics of the human body. This problem hinders effective learning. It is associated with the frenulum being too short, which prevents the appearance of specific burr.

In this case, you should contact a dentist who will perform a simple intervention to change its length. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The person feels discomfort for several days after the procedure. Then the classes will be more productive, and soon the first hints of burring will appear. It should be noted that such structural features of the speech apparatus are rare.

Is it worth breaking your pronunciation forever?

Everyone decides for himself whether he needs to change the correct pronunciation forever. In some cases there really is such a need. For example, if you change your place of residence and want to speak only a foreign language.

But more often than not, you should think carefully before you start making radical changes to your speech. Perhaps, after some time, this feature will become boring, will no longer seem like a highlight and will be perceived as a defect that you want to get rid of, but this will not be easy.

French pronunciation

Features of French pronunciation:

  1. When articulating, the lips should not close tightly. The sound becomes fricative.
  2. When the speech apparatus operates, special vortex movements of a small air flow are created, with the help of which the sound “r” is pronounced.
  3. In French pronunciation, friction noise and specific vibrations do not arise: the sound is slit.

Correct articulation involves changing the position of the soft palate, while the back surface of the tongue should remain inactive. There should be a small tongue in a tense state during pronunciation, but it does not vibrate.

The sound “r” in French is classified as a sonorant, voiced, deep-back or uvular consonant. Unlike the sound familiar to Russian people, it is pronounced with the small tongue, and the large tongue is not used at all.

Types of Grassage in French

It is customary to distinguish three variants of pronunciation of “r” in French:

  1. The anterior lingual or apical view involves the tip of the tongue.
  2. Posterior lingual or dorsal - articulation involves the soft palate and partially the posterior wall of the tongue. Characterized by the absence of vibration.
  3. Grassed appearance - a small tongue is actively used in pronunciation. Sound is produced due to its vibration.

French speakers most often use the dorsal variant. A distinctive feature of the sound “r” is that not only the tip of the tongue, but also its base takes part in its formation.

Sound of speech

The French language is particularly soft, beautiful and melodious. As a rule, at first it will seem very unusual, because the French pronounce “r” with a special burr. Experts advise learning to grate the sound the way the native inhabitants of Paris have been doing for many centuries. It turns out to be rolling, quite soft and very pleasant to the ear.

Interesting! In small towns far from the capital of France, people use the usual “r” in their speech without special grading. Therefore, if the language is studied only for tourist purposes, then you should not break your pronunciation.

The difference between French and other languages ​​is the preservation of “r” at the end of words. In English and German this letter is not readable there.

Discreet Method

If the approach and "K" methods don't work, there is still hope!

However, be careful: this method is a bit rough!

You may have unknowingly pronounced the French letter “R” several times in your life.

Usually, when you have a cold, you need to clear the back of your throat of mucus. We often do this by churning up the mucus (inhaling it from the back of the throat) and then spitting it out.

No matter how disgusting it may sound, it is in this horking that the French “R” sound is born.

But wait! No need to spit everywhere!

Aim for a softer sound than the hork.

You should try to achieve a more consistent vibration rather than a harsh crack.

If this is too rough for you, you can use snoring as the basis for the sound.

German pronunciation and burr

The difficulty of learning the German pronunciation of “r” is that in the Russian language such a sound is completely absent. There are several options for how it should be pronounced, depending on the combination of letters in the word and the region where the language is used:

  1. The pronunciation resembles a slight burr. The sound of “r” differs from French in its harshness. Something between the Russian and French versions.
  2. The hissing “r” has no analogues in the Russian language. You can compare it with the soft combination “x”. According to experts, it should be pronounced in parallel with a sharp exhalation. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to catch the sound.
  3. Similar to Russian, growling "r". It is especially popular in Bavaria and is widely used in the southern regions of Germany.

A quick way to get the pronunciation correct: repeat pieces of phrases and sentences many times after a native speaker. If you ignore frequent training, it is unlikely that you will be able to learn complex sounds that are absent in your native language.

What does speech sound like?

The speech of the Germans is harsh, rude, growling, abrupt. There is no smoothness or melody in it at all. To master German pronunciation, you need to become familiar with the basic rules of phonetics, which do not exist in our language. This is also a special confluence of consonant sounds - a combination of several consonants with no vowels between them.

Germans also use a hard attack in their speech - an explosive consonant formed in the larynx and giving the sound a special sharpness and hardness.

Causes of speech impairment

Burr can be caused by a variety of reasons. This can lead to:

  • physical or neurological weakness (occurs with chronic diseases);
  • parents do not correct the child’s speech when there are mistakes in it or the child pronounces some sounds incorrectly;
  • the child hears incorrect speech from adults and copies it;
  • phonetic hearing and sound recognition are not sufficiently developed;
  • incorrect articulation;
  • pathology of the articulatory apparatus.

Burrs can occur after injuries. This is the main reason for the appearance of such a defect in adults. In some cases, correction of burr in adults cannot be carried out without the help of other specialists.

Exercises to practice letter pronunciation at home

To learn how to speak French well, you need to do learning exercises. You can find a lot of them on the Internet, but you should start with the most effective ones. Experts advise doing sound articulation exercises in front of a mirror. This will make it easier to control the operation of your speech apparatus.

To complete the task, I press the middle of the tongue against the upper palate, and its tip should rest against the lower front teeth. And when the tongue is in this position, you need to pronounce the sound “r”.

Then, with the base of your tongue, you need to lift the base of your tongue and hold it in tension. And pronounce the sound being practiced. It should become similar to the dorsal version of the French pronunciation.

For the hypoglossal ligament

Experts call this exercise “fungus.” When the tongue is raised to the upper palate and held there for 5-10 seconds, the hypoglossal ligament is stretched. As a result, the tongue resembles a mushroom cap, and the frenulum resembles its stem. The task helps strengthen the muscles of the tongue and stretch the hypoglossal ligament. All this will be useful for the correct pronunciation of “r”.

For the tip of the tongue

Tasks that improve the mobility of the tip of the tongue are considered useful. These are exercises such as:

  1. “Delicious” - to complete this task you need to smile widely, lick your upper lip with your tongue, while the lower lip should not be tightly adjacent to your teeth.

  2. “Swing” - the tongue is raised to the base of the upper teeth, and then lowered to the lower teeth.
  3. “Cup” - stretch your lips in a wide smile, shape your tongue into a cup and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then the tongue needs to be relaxed, repeated and repeated.

You need to do tongue exercises for at least 15 minutes a day.

Important! The tip of the tongue is actively used when pronouncing the usual letter “r”. And to pronounce a grazing sound, the middle part and base of the speech organ will be more involved.

Workout with water

To improve your pronunciation, you need to take a glass of clean water and gargle, while pronouncing the guttural “r”. After this exercise, you need to do the same thing, only without water. The result should be a vibrating consonant.

It is important to remember to exercise regularly. The speech apparatus must get used to the new articulation, so you may not get the desired result the first time. But with persistence and diligence, it will definitely appear.

Listening and repeating speech

Imitating sounds and repeating them after a person who burrs will help achieve success in learning. To do this, you should start listening to speech that contains a graded “r”. Sources of inspiration can be:

  • songs of French performers who have a Parisian dialect (for example, the work of Mireille Mathieu or Edith Piaf);
  • the speech of the announcers, in which there is a grazing sound;
  • dialogues in German (with different pronunciations);
  • listening and repeating tongue twisters in the target language;
  • the unusual speech of a person who burrs well and thereby attracts attention.

This method of learning is considered the most accessible and simplest. Young children learn pronunciation by imitating adult sounds. Therefore, this option can be practically a win-win.

Listen to songs by French artists

Other ways to learn to burr the letter r

Any materials in French are suitable for imitation: dialogues, music videos, films. When repeating, it is important to pay attention that the spoken words exactly repeat the original sound.

A small child can be taught to burr using his favorite cartoons in French. They need to be turned on regularly, for example in the evenings. If there is musical accompaniment, then the words of the song must be repeated after the characters.

For self-monitoring, it is recommended to use a voice recorder. First, you should record your voice and then listen to evaluate the reproduction of the burry “r”. It is worth comparing your notes with the speech of the French. However, you need to be careful in this matter: not every native speaker pronounces all sounds clearly and correctly.

French lessons for grazing

When learning French, it is important to have correct pronunciation. Professionals will help you do this, but you can do it yourself using video lessons and tutorials. To begin with, you just need to practice the grazing “r”.

When it is reproduced confidently enough, you should move on to studying individual syllables and whole words. The fact is that in different parts of the word this sound is pronounced differently.

When studying on your own, you need to listen to recordings of words in which the sound is in different places. And then repeat them after the announcer, trying to imitate his speech as much as possible. Recording your voice on a voice recorder will greatly facilitate the task of learning.

Tongue twisters in French

When a person has learned a language at a basic level, he can improve his pronunciation by using sayings and tongue twisters. With their help, you can bring the reproduction of certain phrases to automaticity. Tongue twisters with the sound r can be found on the Internet, there are a huge number of them. Everyone can choose the one they like best. Here are examples of some of them:

  • Amour et mort? Rienn'est plus fort. Translation: Love and death? There is nothing stronger.

Or this:

  • Dans la gendarmerie, quandun gendarme rit, tous les gendarmes rientdans la gendarmerie. Translation: In that gendarmerie, where one gendarme laughed, his laughter was picked up by the others.

If you manage to master the correct reproduction of tongue twisters and sayings, then you have come a long way in learning the language. After all, sometimes it’s not so easy to pronounce them. First you need to play the words slowly, and then increase the tempo.

Sayings in German

There are a large number of funny sayings in German on the Internet. Here are some of them:

  • Fünf Ferkel fressen frisches Futter. Translation: Five little pigs are eating fresh food.
  • Kluge kleine Katzen kratzen keine Krokodile.Translation: Smart little cats don't scratch crocodiles.
  • Auf dem Rasen rasen Hasen, atmen rasselnd durch die Nasen. Translation: Hares scamper across the lawn, breathing hoarsely through their noses.

In tongue twisters, you shouldn’t pay much attention to translation. The meaning in them is of secondary importance, and the main thing is the combination of sounds and their rapid pronunciation.

Music for teaching grazing

Melodic music in French is ideal for learning grazing. Sometimes singers pay special attention to unusual burr pronunciation. In their opinion, it makes their songs more attractive and memorable. Such music will be a good option for teaching a foreign language.

If a person has an ear for music and enjoys singing, then such activities will bring a lot of benefits. It is important to find those songs that you really like and give positive emotions.

Using Russian x

At first glance, an exercise that allows you to improve the pronunciation of a grading consonant using the Russian letter “x” seems quite unusual. However, it has proven its effectiveness in practice. “P” and “x” have common characteristics: the movements of the organs of the speech apparatus are similar when they are reproduced.

You can take any Russian word that contains an “x” (preferably in the middle). This could be: shift, mine, fir. At first, you need to pronounce this word a couple of times as they say it in Russian.

It is important to observe how the tongue moves during playback and what happens in the larynx area. Then you need to pronounce the sound separately several times and replace the usual voiceless consonant “x” with a voiced one.

If a person does everything correctly, then he will be able to hear the burr sound “r” in the French manner. The result must be consolidated with regular training.

Sounds [a], [p], , [t], [d], [f], [v], [m], [n]

French soundSimilar Russian soundFrench letters and letter combinationsNotes
vowel[a] as in the words take ,
i.e., like [a] under stress before soft consonants
A, a À, àThe ` icon serves to distinguish certain words in writing, for example: a
- has (
verb form
a preposition that conveys the meaning of the Russian dative case
(to whom? to what?)
and other meanings
The capital letter À

is more often represented as
consonant[p] as in the
word par
P, pDo not confuse the uppercase and lowercase French letters P, p
with the Russian
Р, р
consonant[b] as in the word b
B, bDo not confuse the capital French letter B
with the Russian
consonant [t][t] as in the
word taz
T, t Th, th
consonant [d][d] as in the
word dar
D, d
consonant [f][f] as in the word f
F, f Ph, ph
consonant [v][in] as in the word in
V, v W, wThe letter W, w
is rarely used and is read as [v] in some borrowings from other languages, for example in the word
arrant - guarantee.
consonant [m][m] as in the
word mak
consonant [n][n] as in the
word our
N, n

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Exercise No. 1.
Clearly and energetically say:
[ra - ba - ta - da - fa - va - ma - na].

Exercise No. 2.
Opposite the letter or letter combination, write the transcription. Test yourself using the table above.

T[]f []t[]F[]
d[]p[]à []a []
D[]Ph[]n []V[]
M[]N []Th[]P[]

Exercise No. 3.
Read the sounds from the transcription, not forgetting about their clear and full-voiced pronunciation.
Test yourself using the table above. [n], , [m], [d], , [f], [p], [v], [t].

Is it possible to change the pronunciation of a letter in 5 minutes?

According to experts, it is impossible to radically change pronunciation in a short time. This requires a lot of effort and work. When there is a desire, nothing is impossible. Regularity of classes, readiness to learn and diligence will definitely give the desired results.

Some people manage to place a grazing consonant within a month, others spend six months or more on this task. It all depends on a person’s abilities, ear for music and willingness to reproduce new sounds of a foreign language.

Once a skill is acquired, you should not refuse to continue practicing. This is especially true for those people who do not burr in their normal lives. To improve yourself, you need to do exercises regularly over a long period of time. And only then will it be possible to rearrange the articulation if necessary.

Consonants at the end of words

The rule also applies to all those consonants that you will study further: at the end of words they do not undergo any changes and sound as clearly as before a vowel sound.

Watch yourself: read Russian words out loud

, rad
What do you hear at the end of words?
You hear: [ra
], [ra
], [rof
Never make such substitutions in your French speech!
Exercise No. 4.
Pronounce, clearly contrasting the final sounds:
, [rar - pab], , , .

If a word ends with the sound [v], then any stressed vowel before it, as a rule, is lengthened, for example. The colon in transcription indicates the length of the vowel.

Exercise No. 5.
Say, distinguishing between final

, , .

What to do if you can’t achieve the desired pronunciation

Pronunciation requires a lot of work. Regular practice will definitely bear fruit. The ability to reproduce foreign speech opens up new perspectives for a person and gives a lot of opportunities. French pronunciation is quite difficult, but anyone who really wants to can master it. If the sound cannot be reproduced for physiological reasons (the length of the frenulum is too short), then you should contact your dentist to solve this problem. As for the rest, a person can only help himself: he just needs to tune in to regular practical exercises and readily follow the recommendations of specialists.

Music for learning grazing

A very good way to become a person who can burr is French music. Some artists even use too much grease to give their songs the most appeal. The music of such performers will be the best option for learning burry pronunciation.

Especially if a person knows how and loves to sing, then such an activity will bring a lot of pleasure and at the same time benefit. You just need to choose songs you like, which you can do online or by purchasing a CD of French music in a store.

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