How to learn to speak beautifully, feel confident and express your thoughts so that they reach your interlocutor

Greetings to all those seeking knowledge. In this article we will figure out how a correctly delivered, beautiful speech helps you find a common language with any interlocutor. The ability to express thoughts and convey meaning is a useful skill. However, to achieve mastery, you need to work hard. Beautiful speech is the fruit of quality work on yourself. How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts is a burning question, and today we will look at it in detail.


What does it mean to speak beautifully and confidently?

Listening to the speech of the interlocutor, a person can immediately determine whether it is a beautiful speech or not. This conclusion is based on subjective judgments and generally accepted “unspoken” rules. Words are intangible. They cannot be identified by sight, and therefore interlocutors rely solely on hearing.

Let's figure out what it means to “speak beautifully.”

  1. The speaker feels confident. He understands the topic of conversation and can answer questions. Consequently, he does not need time to extract the necessary information from his memory. There are no pauses, long silences, crumpled answers. Thoughts are expressed clearly and competently.
  2. The speech was delivered correctly. All distractions have been removed: pauses, filler words, jumping from topic to topic. Clear speech helps to convey information and express your thoughts in such a way as to be correctly understood.
  3. Neutral or friendly tone. The ability to gain trust with just intonation is a real art. It is difficult, but it gives enormous confidence. It is pleasant to speak in a beautiful voice, but the interlocutor does not want to stop talking.

It is difficult to change an already formed opinion about yourself. Therefore, it is worth forming positive connections right away. Charisma and correct speech work for this.

Also check out our blog for a practical guide on how to voice.

Learning to describe objects

This exercise will help you learn to speak beautifully, express your thoughts clearly and easily talk about a particular subject all day long. Focus your attention on some object that you have in your home: a wall clock, a plate, a gas stove, a sink, etc. Think about this subject and try to talk only about it for 5-7 minutes. Try to use beautiful literary language.

At first it will be very difficult for you, but over time you will learn to describe objects in literary language. As soon as you see progress, complicate the task: gradually increase the training time and choose those items whose description causes you certain difficulties.

Is it possible to learn to express yourself gracefully and is it necessary?

There is no skill that cannot be mastered. The main thing is to show interest and perseverance. But you can't learn a skill if it's not interesting. Doing something you don't like is a tedious and difficult task.

Therefore, you can learn to speak beautifully. But why? Beautiful speech not only helps to establish contact with other people. The realization that a person himself has accepted his shortcoming and corrected it gives him a surge of motivation and spirituality.

Improving yourself step by step, it is impossible to be disappointed. Achieving goals is a key reason to develop even stronger.

Also, beautiful speech helps you feel confident in any area. There will be no more problems, for example, saying beautiful compliments to a girl or making a good joke. We recently talked about how to be charming and learn to joke quickly.

Rich vocabulary

Visualization of desires - what is this method, how to properly materialize thoughts

A rich vocabulary helps you express your thoughts beautifully and succeed in life. Rich speech speaks of a person’s culture and good education.

The importance of a rich vocabulary is great, since with its help you can express yourself freely, conduct business negotiations and quickly move towards your goals.

Knowing a lot of words and being able to speak beautifully are not the same thing. The vocabulary needs to be replenished with a broad outlook, knowledge, beautiful speech and expressiveness.

Recommendation from the author of the blog – Pavel Butor

Friends, if you want to learn how to sell coolly through voice, then you need to go to Mikhail Kravchenko. He is an expert in the art of public speaking.

I met Misha on Fr. Bali in January 2021 at the Accel anti-conference. Incredible charisma, voice and presentation. He instantly captured our attention - we met and talked.

Me with Mikhail Kravchenko on Accel

I'll tell you what Mikhail will teach. You will never again:

  • be afraid to go live;
  • worry about speaking in public;
  • prohibit yourself from speaking confidently;
  • sell for small checks;
  • Drain audiences on webinars;
  • eat words;
  • avoid recording videos and Stories;
  • be ashamed of your own speech.

Why doesn't your webinar bring in 1 million?

And if it brings, then why doesn’t it bring 2, 3, 5?

Most experts lose money right here, on the webinar! Weak engagement, retention, completion, low number of registrations and, as a result, shortfall in payments.

No one comes to a topical webinar if they are not interested in the topic and are not ready to buy. And then the question is only for you: “Why did 100 people come to the webinar and buy 10, and not 50, for example?” Mikhail also has such cases.

It's all about you. More precisely, in your sale. Submission. The ability to involve, grab the audience “by the metaphorical balls” and bring it to the end - to the offer. After all, this is obvious: in order for your offer to interest a potential buyer, he must first hear it.

Mikhail Kravchenko helps experts and online schools with a turnover of 1 million rubles increase audience engagement and retention at webinars and increase conversion to applications and payments up to +30% in 2 months through voice training and detailed development of a sales speech.

Misha will teach you to speak in such a way that people, listening to you, will not only stay until the end of the webinar, but will not even leave the computer to go to the toilet. So that they feel as if “an angel has descended from heaven” and is whispering in their ear. Not less.

It will reveal your individuality, charisma, natural charm and magnetism. Will teach you how to control your voice in order to better convey key meanings to the audience. Your performances will have a hypnotic effect.

Mikhail works with the best and only individually. His clients:

  • Nikolay Mrochkovsky is one of the founders of the online education market in Russia and the holder of the Guinness record for the largest online business training;
  • Vitaly Kuznetsov – founder of the Federation of Online Business and the best expert on startups in Russia;
  • Sergei Teplykh - man of the year according to JQ, performed at the Olympic Stadium for 25 thousand people;
  • Ajit is the highest paid tantra trainer in Russia and the founder of LYAM-DOM.

All of them are participants in Misha’s individual coaching “Voice in a Million”.

After all, a webinar that brought in 5 million can bring in 10. And voice is one of the most important criteria that most players in the market do not take into account. But the best ones are used.

Your voice and its sound are your personal signature. This is a brand that is expensive. This is a status that inspires trust.

Sign up for a consultation in the header of Mikhail Kravchenko’s Instagram profile.

Exercises to develop diction

So, we've sorted out the tips. I hope you will not neglect them and introduce at least a couple into your daily life. Now let's move on to specific practical exercises. They are suitable for adults and children from 7–8 years old. You can perform them at home.

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are great for training the pronunciation of sounds and clarity of speech. As a rule, each tongue twister is aimed at practicing a specific sound or combination of sounds. Therefore, I recommend that you first work with those sounds that have problems in pronunciation, and then train all the others.

Here are a few short tongue twisters:

  1. The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab. Rake the gravel, crab.
  2. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
  3. Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up.
  4. The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.

Conversation with obstacles

Squeeze the pencil tightly with your teeth and say 10-15 phrases. Try to speak as clearly as possible.

You can also use unshelled walnuts or champagne corks instead of a pencil. Place one nut on each cheek and try to make a small speech. You can recite your favorite poem or read an excerpt from a book.

After this exercise you will immediately feel the effect. Speaking with a free mouth will become much easier.

Voice acting

Actors who voice characters in films and cartoons have excellent diction. Try yourself in this interesting role. Take a short clip of the film and learn the characters' lines. Then play this passage on silent and voice it. Be sure to record the voiceover on a voice recorder.

It is unlikely that you will be able to voice it properly the first time. Try until you achieve perfect pronunciation and expression.

Pronouncing difficult words

By difficult words I mean words with a combination of letters that is difficult to pronounce. When you encounter them for the first time, it will be very difficult for you to read them without errors right away. But once you have thoroughly practiced the pronunciation, you will no longer have problems with these words. Say them slowly at first, and then as quickly as possible.

Here is a list of words for example:

  • who took advantage
  • P.S,
  • illustrated
  • phantasmagoric,
  • disheveled,
  • reverb,
  • over-anxious,
  • counter-breakthrough

Start with this list. When you can pronounce all the words clearly and beautifully without a single hesitation, make a new list.

Practicing the sounds Ж and Ш

Say the following pairs of words as clearly as possible: “fat - wide”, “heat - ball”, “frog - hat”, “live - sew”, “creepy - joke”. Then read the tongue twister: “The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura. The crane Zhura lived on the roof of Shura.”

Practicing sounds K and G

Repeat the following pairs of words until you can pronounce them quickly and clearly: “year - cat”, “Gesha - Kesha”, “goal - stake”, “guest - bone”, “bend - whip”, “goal - stake”. Then read the tongue twister: “Klusha Glasha prepared porridge with pear. And Glasha treated Klusha to yogurt.”

Practicing sounds Z and S

Read the following words: “gaze - rubbish”, “tooth - soup”, “zev - sow”, “green - salty”, “Zoyka - jay”. Then say the tongue twister: “The snake snaked, the snake laughed, the snake laughed, the snake laughed.”

Practicing sounds B and P

Read the following pairs of words: “bar - steam”, “ball - fell”, “pain - field”, “bravo - right”, “board - port”, “white - sang”. Read the tongue twister: “The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.”

Practicing the sound C

Repeat the pairs of words: “heron - saber”, “street - fox”, “color - light”, “clack - juice”, “circus - cheese”, “target - mudflow”. Read the tongue twister: “The prices of valuables are priceless for valuables from antiquity.”


Combining prepositions that end with a consonant with words that begin with a consonant is a weak point for many. You need to learn to pronounce them clearly and articulately.

Read the following phrases out loud until your pronunciation is perfect:

  • to Boris, to Makar, to Gordey, to Katya, to Galina, to Trofim, to Glasha;
  • from the road, from the sidewalk, from Broadway, from the platform, from the tree, from the bird market;
  • over the village, over the firewood, over the grass, over the steep, over the brother, over the test tube, over the door;
  • under the block, under Tver, under Torzhok, under the sleepers, under the helmet, under the drill, under the building;
  • in a crow's nest, in a lantern, in troubled times, on sale, in adulthood, in a vase, in physics.


Another common problem among Russian speakers is swallowing endings. Learn to pronounce endings as clearly as the rest of the word. When reading aloud, make a special emphasis on them. You can even raise your voice slightly, since most often we pronounce endings more quietly than necessary.

List of books for beautiful speech

Linguistic scientists are developing many ways to work with speech. Some achievements develop into scientific literature. Writers take something into account and write manuals that help many people.

  • “How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere” - Larry King;
  • “The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown” - Maxim Krongauz;
  • “A Word about Words” - Lev Uspensky;
  • “I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques” – Natalya Rom;
  • “Russian with a dictionary” - Irina Levontina.

Read aloud

Do this as often as possible. You can also record what you read on a voice recorder and listen to it. Also try listening to an excerpt from an audiobook you like and repeating the text. Record your speech on a voice recorder and play with intonations.

Try to imitate your favorite reader. There is nothing wrong with copying the delivery of one of the masters of speech art you like. You will still have time to develop your own style of speech, but for now you need to learn to feel the text.

Another way to learn how to talk to people correctly

An alternative to home classes are special courses. Here, highly qualified specialists deal with the entire range of speech problems.

Individual problems are solved during the training. In addition to beautiful speech, after the training students improve the following skills:

  1. Controlling your own emotions.
  2. Establishing emotional contact with the interlocutor.
  3. Showing genuine empathy.
  4. Avoiding and managing conflicts.

Completing such trainings helps you formulate goals and achieve what you want. Participants also overcome their fear of communication and interaction. This is necessary for people of all professions, even those who do not communicate directly with people. Correct presentation of information with appropriate intonation ensures better results in all areas of life.

School of speech technique and voice production @LABVoice includes 6 main blocks:

  1. Speech breathing.
  2. Working with diction, articulators, resonators.
  3. Manipulation, intonation and expressiveness of speech.
  4. Self-presentation, improvisation and speech logic.
  5. Speech therapy exercises.
  6. Public speaking, fear of speaking, discomfort in communication.

The training was developed by Maria Savicheva, an expert in speech technique and voice production (more than 20 years of experience).

Suitable for people who:

  • a quiet, expressionless, unconvincing voice;
  • there is misunderstanding on the part of colleagues and relatives;
  • difficulties with pronunciation, sluggish, unclear diction, sore throat, loss of voice;
  • relationships with the opposite sex do not work out;
  • no career growth;
  • They don’t listen, they interrupt, they don’t give a chance to speak in company.

After classes, 1,273 students were surveyed. Of them:

  1. 100% have become more confident in themselves.
  2. 84% began to earn more.
  3. 100% strengthened leadership skills.
  4. 94% felt much sexier and more attractive.
  5. 88% no longer have stage fright.

This is 100% online learning. More than 7,000 participants have already completed it.

How the training works:

  1. First you will conduct a Voice and Speech analysis. Receive personal recommendations and additions to the course program.
  2. Follow video lessons and strictly follow the expert’s instructions.
  3. Interim analysis of voice and speech with program adjustments.
  4. Final voice analysis with an expert’s conclusion and further recommendations.

For 249 rubles. You can get a voice test right now. Then they will create an individual program for you depending on your results. The price of training will depend on this (3,500–26,900 rubles). You can pay immediately or in installments over 4 months.

The training time is approximately 1.5–2 months.

If you don't like the training, you can get your money back within 14 days.

You can also get access to a free trial lesson for 5 days.

The online intensive “Effective Communication” is suitable for:

  1. Entrepreneurs, executives, top managers.
  2. For those who work with clients, middle managers, and freelancers.
  3. To everyone who is involved in raising children.
  4. Anyone who wants to improve their communication with others.

The author of the course is Oleg Kalinichev, an expert in nonverbal behavior, emotional intelligence and lie detection. Accredited trainer Paul Ekman International. Managing Director of Paul Ekman International in Russia (PEI Russia).

You will learn:

  1. Communicate with closed people.
  2. Coping with daily problems involving other people.
  3. Influence your environment and much more.

The course lasts 1 month and contains 33 video lectures, 26 exercises, 6 tests + webinars with emotional intelligence experts.

The training consists of 4 blocks:

  1. Emotions. Basics.
  2. Emotional stability and emotional flexibility.
  3. Social efficiency.
  4. Building harmonious relationships.

How it goes:

  1. You are watching video lectures.
  2. Then you complete independent tasks to reinforce the material.
  3. Participate in webinars and discuss difficult issues.
  4. Take tests on the material you have studied.
  5. You complete the intensive course and receive a certificate.

The cost of completing it independently is 1,040 rubles, with a curator – 2,370 rubles.

They will refund your money if you decide within 7 days that the course is not suitable for you.

Let's vote

You can make it stronger by reading poetry and fables out loud. The range is expanded by reading texts using low and high pitches of voice. The change in timbre is largely due to overtone, which is the reflection of sound from the resonators of body parts. Technique testing should be carried out regularly.

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