Plan - summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds [l] - [r]”

Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds and letters L-R”

Topic: “Differentiation R – L”


: create conditions for the formation of correct, accurate and beautiful speech of students.


-clarify and compare articulation and sound (p) – (l);

-learn to distinguish consonants r-l in oral and written speech using material of varying complexity;

-develop skills in phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds (p) - (l);

- to develop motivation for speech therapy sessions.


computer, projector, colored pencils, cards with the letters
cards with word diagrams.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. 1a) Name these pictures. Slide. What is the first sound in a word ROSE

    What is the first sound in the word LILY OF THE LILY?


Vowels or consonants [r] and [l]?

Are these consonants voiced or voiceless?

2a) Write the letter P

Write the
letter L.

b) Write the letter R

when you hear the sound [r];
write the letter L
when you hear the sound [l]: r, l, l, r

  1. 1a) Read the syllables with letters R


ra ro ru ry

la lo lu ly

b) Show the syllable ro

, etc.

2. Pick up the card with the letter P

when you hear the sound
and a card with the letter
, when you hear the sound
: la, ru, ro, lu.

  1. 1a) Show where the cancer is drawn; show me where the varnish is painted.

Name each picture.

Tell us what cancer is and what varnish is.

b) What is the first sound in the word CANCER

What is the first sound in the word LAK

c) Name all the sounds in order in the word LAK,

d) What letters should be written in the empty cells?

e) Read the words under the pictures. What letters are the same in these words? What letters are different in these words?

f) Agreement:

A mustachioed man fell into the water...

Mom bought pink...

A To
A To
A m A
A m A
O m A
O m

White at the window...
In the picture there is a fluffy one... He was sleeping on the bed... . In the worker's hands...

at n A
at To A

The doll has a broken... There is a beautiful yellow in the sky...

2.Write the corresponding letter L

3. Repeat pairs of words: varnish - cancer, frame - llama, Rum - crowbar, hand - moon.

4. Clap your hands when you hear the R

Make a fist when you hear the sound L.

5. a) Name in one word everything that is drawn in the pictures (kefir, cheese, sausage, butter, sugar, etc.)

b) Name each of the products and tell what sound - [p] or [l] - is in the word. Is this sound at the beginning, end, or middle of a word?

c) Which of the drawn products would you say is MINE?

d) Agreement:

The little bear eats sweet... . The mouse is gnawing on a delicious yellow... .

Roma doesn't like smoked... . Baby Roma drinks delicious cow... .

Roma puts fresh yellow into the porridge... .

d) What other products do you know?

6. a) Name in one word everything that is drawn in the pictures. Name each animal. (cow, horse, lynx, squirrel, tiger, donkey)

b) Name the words - names of animals that contain the sound [r], ...l.

Name the word - the name of an animal in which the first sound is r, l

Name the word - the name of an animal, in which the last sound is r, l

c) What animals are wild? Which ones are homemade? Slide

7. Dynamic pause. (To the music, children assemble a Christmas tree and New Year’s colorful toys from cut-out pictures)

8. Name the color whose name contains [p],...[l].


9. Name in one word everything that is drawn in the pictures. Name each picture. Slide

Name the words - the names of instruments that have the sound [r],...[l].

Name the word - the name of the instrument in which the first sound is [r], ... [l].

Name the word - the name of the instrument in which the last sound is [r].

Name the words - the names of instruments, in the middle of which there is a sound [l].

9. Read the words, inserting the letter L or R instead of dots.

We-.about | coma. | so-.o-ma | so-.o-ka

10. Agreement:

yl-yl-yl - Pinocchio hole... .

yla-yla-yla - Our mouse is in a hole... .

ara-ara-ara - My friend... .

11. Summary of the lesson. Dance: “Tumblers” (Children sing and dance, repeating the movements of the speech therapist)


1. Gaidina L.I., Obukhova L.A. Speech therapy exercises. 1-4 grades. M., 2007

2. Glinka G.A. I will speak, read, write correctly. - St. Petersburg: Peter Press, 1997

3. Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. St. Petersburg, 2008.

4. Collection. “150 tests, games, exercises” AST, M., - 2002.

5. Yastrebova A.V. Correction of speech deficiencies in secondary school students. M, 1997

Summary of correctional classes in the preparatory group. Differentiation of sounds [l]-[r]

Plan - summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Differentiation of sounds [l] - [r]”
summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group Objectives of the lesson: • clarify the articulation of sounds [l], [r];
• consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [l], [r]; • learn to distinguish these sounds by ear; • develop phonemic hearing, speech breathing, fine motor skills; • consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals. Progress of the lesson
Org. moment - Look carefully at the pictures. Today I will introduce you to my brother and sister – Lada and Roma. These children love to play, so they invite us to their place to play. “But before I go, I’ll tell you a secret.” Each of them has a favorite sound. And now you can guess which one for yourself. - Look at the pictures and name what is shown here. (Paw, boat, lily of the valley, moon, skis.) - What is the first sound in all the words mentioned? [l] - That's right, now look: (Rainbow, robot, lynx, hand, rocket) - What is the first sound in all these words? [r] That's right! - Which of the children do you think likes the sound [l] better? (Lada) Why? - Who likes the sound [r]? (To Roma) Why? “These children have prepared many interesting tasks for us.” — What sound does the girl’s name begin with? [l] - What sound does the boy’s name begin with? [p] - Today we will learn to distinguish between these two sounds. Main stage 1. Development of long speech exhalation. — To cope with all the tasks, we will perform breathing exercises. Game "Gluttonous Fruit" and "Cool the Tea". 2. Articulation gymnastics (based on pictures). - Now let’s train the tongue and do gymnastics. (We do it in cubes with pictures) 3. Clarification of articulation patterns . - Let's show Lada how we can “buzz.” Lips in a smiling position, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth or cusps behind the upper teeth. The teeth are located close to each other. The air passes along the sides of the tongue. - Now, let’s “grow” for Roma. The tip of the tongue touches the cusps behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The shape of the tongue resembles a spoon. The tip of the tongue trembles under the pressure of exhaled air. - Look at the picture. Run your finger along the line. When you go up, you need to make the sound of an airplane engine [r], and when you go down, you need to make the sound of a steamship [l]. Put your finger on the beginning of the journey.

4. Educational kinesiology exercises . — Ring — Fist — rib — palm — Ear-nose 5. Work at the word level. - Now let’s complete the next task. Game "Collect the letter." - Name the pictures that you see on these letters.

— Lada and Roma love to play together. Today they mixed up all their things again. Help the guys separate them. Lada's things begin with the sound [l], and Roma's things begin with the sound [r]. Place them in pockets for Lada and Roma.

— What things will Lada take for herself? (elk, horse, bow, boat, shovel). — What things will Roma take for himself? (horns, pen, fish, rocket, cancer). 6. Game “Magic Glade” - Now let’s rest a little and play the game. To recognize the word, you need to collect flowers. The flower is picked The syllable on it is read Collect flowers by color And make up words. Children collect flowers of the same color. Syllables are written on each flower, connecting them to read the words. 7. Work at the level of phrases. Game "Count" Our heroes have a lot of toys and they love to share them with their friends. Let's count how many toys Lada and Roma have. To make it easier for you to count, point your finger at the numbers. (one boat, two boats, ..., five boats)

8. Game "Magic Magnifying Glass". — Do you like magic tricks? Now I will show you one trick. Look carefully. — What color are all the pictures? (white) What if you look through a magic magnifying glass? (pink and green) - Name all the pictures through a magnifying glass. For example, a green drum, green balls, a pink ribbon, a pink bench. 9. Work at the sentence level. - Look at the pictures Lada and Roma drew. Try to come up with interesting proposals for them. For example: milk cow. The cow gives milk. (A fish swims in a pond. A bee sits on a daisy. The samovar is placed on the table)

10. Game "Snowballs". Dysgraphia prevention. — Do you like to play snowballs in winter? - And now we have snowballs. - Take each lump and unfold it (a crumpled piece of paper with unfinished letters). What's there? The letters are correct, but they are not finished. Take your pens and add one element to make a letter.

Well done! You did a good job with such a difficult task. Lesson summary : What sounds did we play with today? [l] and [r] - Let’s remember 2 words each that have the sound [l] and the sound [r]. “You make friends with these sounds and get medals for it.” Well done!

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