Tests for speech therapists in general education (including correctional) schools and centers

Certification of speech therapist teachers - TESTS for speech therapists

Tests, questions for speech therapists and defectologists at certification

Qualification test for suitability for the position held for teachers-speech therapists in educational institutions.

(demo Option 2)

Test for speech therapists and speech pathologists 2

1. Replacing sounds and words with similar ones in sound or meaning is called:

2. What is the name of the course of speech pathology in which there is an increase in symptoms of speech pathology:

3. Social work is:

4. Passive repetitions of individual words or phrases without understanding their meaning are called:

5. Which term characterizes congenital shortening of the frenulum of the tongue:

6. What functions does the family perform?

7. Working on speech with motor alalia involves (exclude unnecessary)

8. Can a teacher be a source of development of student deviance at school?

9. Electronic textbooks and programs are usually distributed to

10. Erroneous reproduction of words, which consists in combining syllables belonging to different words into one word, is called:

11. The meaning of stress in a person’s life is as follows:

12. Infection with computer viruses can occur in the process...

13. Refusal of a planned and highly desirable action requires a person to

14. Preventing the emergence of new speech disorders within an existing syndrome is a task

15. The scanner allows you to:

16. The ability to listen to another when he communicates his problem implicitly is implemented in the following technique:

17. Mental health problems associated with unfavorable upbringing conditions and the child’s being in conditions of mental deprivation are:

18. Psychopathic-like personality changes due to organic brain damage (“organic” psychopathy) include:

19. Which of the answer options fits the definition of the following concept: “insufficiency or failure of mechanisms for restoring functional and structural defects of the body” is ...

20. How to delete a file?

21. The Internet is:

22. The etiological factors causing stuttering include:

23. Stress is characterized by:

24. Which definition most fully expresses the essence of programmed learning?

25. The following characteristics can be attributed to the “mythological” (unreal) image of a teacher:

26. Give one correct answer in a teaching situation. In the school corridor, a student passing by a teacher does not greet him. What should a teacher do?

27. Vitamins

28. Deformed character traits with accentuations imply:

29. Movement coordination disorder observed in various brain diseases is called:

30. Leading activities of a child in preschool age:

31. How many types of special (correctional) institutions currently exist in Russia?

32. If the structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is disturbed, disturbances in sound pronunciation most often manifest themselves in the form of:

33. The use of interactive methods in teaching and education allows students to acquire the most important qualities:

34. In what disorder does increasing sound volume in most cases not improve auditory perception, and sometimes even worsens it (depletion of auditory function occurs)?

35. Eating meat and meat products contributes to:

36. Articulation disorders caused by any pathological changes in the tongue are called:

37. An individual feature of memory is

38. Carrying out work on differentiating sounds in pronunciation is not necessary when:

39. A manifestation of hyperkinesis is:

40. In a 7-year-old child with mental retardation, the leading form of activity is:

Take the TEST for speech therapists and defectologists (option 1)

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Speech therapy.
Test with answers - 2021 Speech therapy. Test with answers - 2021

Bradylalia is: a pathologically slow rate of speech. In which structural and functional block of the brain is the kinesthetic analysis of articulatory movements carried out: Block II Restorative learning is: a process in which the correction and compensation of personal characteristics of persons with speech impairments is carried out. Select the main biological factor in the occurrence of alalia: bilateral organic lesion of the central nervous system Select the correct sequence of tasks for the development of spatial orientation: 1) Orientation in one’s own body 2) Determination of the position of objects in relation to the right-left hand 3) Determination of spatial relationships between 2 objects 4) Determination of spatial relationships between three objects Defect the pronunciation of the sounds [р] and [рь] is called: rhotacism What is the name of the phenomenon when a sound is pronounced as unusual in the phonetic system of the native language in its acoustic effect (unnormalized reproduction of sounds due to incorrectly formed individual articulatory positions)? distortion

What is the outdated name for dyslalia? tongue-tied What sound attack is used when working on voice delivery with people who stutter: aspirated What is the leading form of activity in preschool age? game What form of stuttering is caused by psychogenic causes (psychotrauma): neurosis-like What disorders of sound pronunciation are an indicator of alalia in the differential diagnosis of it with dysarthria: distortions What term refers to persistent, repeated errors associated with difficulties in mastering and applying spelling rules: dysorthographic What is the primary defect in optical dysgraphia , dyslexia: violation of the generalized optical image of a letter Which of the following tasks cannot be used to assess understanding of the meaning of what is read: drawing up a plan for the text read

Which of the following areas is the most important in the initial stages of working with non-speaking children with motor disabilities according to the language approach: enrichment and activation of subject vocabulary Which speech disorder does not belong to disorders of the means of communication identified within the framework of the psychological and pedagogical classification? stuttering Which variant of incorrectly written sentence indicates that the child’s phonemic concepts are not formed: There was a vase of roses on the table. What type of prevention is aimed at preventing the chronicity of stuttering: primary Which voice register should be practiced in stutterers at the initial stages of work on developing rational vocalization skills: chest Which of the following is cranial? -cerebral nerves do not innervate the organs of the peripheral speech apparatus? olfactory What principle of examining children with alalia aims to study all aspects of speech, as well as non-verbal mental functions: an integrated approach

What principle of Russian orthography requires the writing of words in accordance with the rules: morphological What rate of speech is characteristic of stuttering: intermittent Who first formulated the principles of analysis of speech disorders? R.E. Levina Who was one of the first in Europe to introduce the term “dyslalia” into scientific circulation? I. Frank Speech therapy is: the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, identification and elimination by means of special training and education. Speech therapy studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course, structure of speech impairments, the system of correctional influence. Which sounds do stutterers most often experience cramps in the process of speaking: vowels At what stage of development of reading skills, identified by T.G. Egorov, there is a semantic guess at the level of the entire text: the stage of synthetic reading Violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus is: dyslalia

Disruption of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes is: phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech . Disadvantages in the pronunciation of voiced consonants, expressed in the replacement of voiced consonants with paired voiceless sounds, are called: voicing defects . Lack of formation of what structural and functional block You will predict when errors in written work are identified by replacing paired consonants: block of reception of processing and storage of information What is evidenced by the child’s transition from physiological tongue-tiedness to dyslalia based on the type of distortions in the pronunciation of speech sounds: about progress in the formation of phonemic hearing Determine the sequence of types of work on development of phonemic analysis: 1) Determine whether there is a given sound in a word 2) Determine the number of sounds in a word 3) Determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) 4) Come up with a word with 4 sounds Identify specific errors characteristic of phonemic dyslexia : violation of the sound-syllable structure of a word. Check which of the listed symptoms of stuttering does not relate to psychopathological symptoms: asthenic syndrome

The pedagogical process aimed at correcting and compensating speech impairments, at the upbringing and development of a child with a speech impairment is: speech therapy intervention The structure of a speech defect is understood as: the totality (composition) of speech and non-speech symptoms of a given speech disorder and the nature of their connections Correct spelling of which sentence requires the assimilation and implementation of the phonetic principle of Russian orthography: Here is my dog ​​The subject of speech therapy as a science is: speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders In what disorder are there paralysis or paresis of the speech muscles: dysarthria In what speech disorder do fluency and rhythm primarily suffer speech: stuttering . Which speech disorder is caused by organic damage to the peripheral part of the speech motor analyzer? mechanical dyslalia Continue the statement: “FFND is __________________.” speech pronunciation disorder

Continue with the definition of “ONR is __________________.” systemic underdevelopment of all components of the language system R.E. Levina classified substitutions and mixtures of sounds as __________________ defects in which the language system is disrupted. phonemic Speech disorders are not characterized by the following features: They correspond to the age of the speaker. With the help of what control is the feedback mechanism carried out in the speech functional system? kinesthetic How many forms of speech disorders are identified in speech therapy (clinical and pedagogical classification)? 11 Indicate what is an important prerequisite for successful learning to read and write: the idea of ​​the phoneme . A form of dysarthria in which voluntary motor skills of the articulatory apparatus are impaired (in terms of manifestation in the sphere of sound pronunciation it resembles motor alalia): cortical

What may underlie a violation of the organization of the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech: organic damage to the cerebellum ? What is not included in the main tasks of the preparatory stage for the formation of correct sound pronunciation; elimination of incorrect sound pronunciation ; What is not the cause of functional dyslalia? shortened frenulum of the tongue What is meant by exogenous-organic causes of speech disorders? traumatic brain birth injury What is the unit of the lexical code of a language: the word What is the unit of the morphological code of the language: morpheme What is the unit of the syntactic code of the language? sentence What is the unit of the phonological code of a language: phoneme



MATCH TEST IN Speech Therapy

option 2

Recommendations –
when performing the test, you should consider the following features in your answers.
It is possible that 1.
there will be several correct answers
; 2.
all answers will be correct;
There is no correct answer at all.
1. Dyslalia.

Dyslalia is...
a) loss of speech as a result of organic brain damage;
b) Pronunciation disorders with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus; c) Violation of pronunciation and timbre of the voice due to defects in the innervation of the speech apparatus. 2. Dyslalia.

Dyslalia occurs in ...% of preschool children.
a) 5;
b) 10; c) 15; d) 20; e) 25. 3. Dyslalia.

If in an adult, when the jaws involuntarily close, the upper front teeth “stand” on the lower ones, then this is most likely a variant of –
a) progeny;
b) prognathia; c) open bite. 4. Dyslalia.

A change in the place and method of articulation of consonant sounds as a result of an incorrectly chosen articulatory position and its reflexive consolidation.
This mechanism for the occurrence of dyslalia-type pronunciation disorders is possible when: .... a) physical weakness;
b) pedagogical neglect; c) phonemic underdevelopment; 5. Dyslalia.

To what stage of work does the following tongue twister refer: “The jeweler Valery Kaleri in Karelia polished corals and set opals.
a) automation;
b) differentiation; c) preparatory stage; d) stage of sound production; e) there is no correct answer; 6. Dyslalia.

What is the name of the type of articulatory gymnastics, which is based on the ability to hold a pose -
a) static;
b) dynamic. 7. Dyslalia.

What is a pronunciation disorder called if a child’s speech contains a sound that is close to the normative one, but does not correspond to the given language system?
a) absence b) replacement c) confusion d) distortion e) stuttering.
8. Dyslalia.

Which of the following causes of developmental disorders
does not
lead to speech impairment of the dyslalia type?
a) weakening of the body as a result of long-term chronic diseases;
b) congenital anomalies of the structure of the organs of articulation; c) hereditary features of the course of neuropsychic processes; d) birth injuries of a central nature (brain); e) incorrect speech pattern in the child’s environment. 9. Dyslalia.

Which of the proposed games is more difficult for preschool children: No. 1 “Find out where the sound is hidden in the word (at the beginning, middle, end)” or No. 2 “Come up with a word with the sound ...”.
a) game No. 1;
b) game No. 2; 10. Dyslalia.

What form of dyslalia occurs in everyone, including normally developing people -
a) organic;
b) physiological; c) functional. 11. Dyslalia.

Which of the listed articulation exercises can be used when working on the sound “R”.
a) “horse”;
b) “tube”; c) “coil”; d) “put the ball into the goal”; e) there is no correct answer; 12. Dyslalia.

Which of the listed articulation exercises are static?
a) Horse;
b) “Calyx”; c) “Needle”; d) “Snake”; e) there is no correct answer; 13. Dyslalia.

Which of the following factors can lead to the occurrence of rotacism –
a) shortened frenulum;
b) high or low palate; c) weak muscles of the tongue; d) large, long tongue. 14. Dyslalia.

Which method of producing sounds, as a rule, turns out to be the least effective.
a) technical;
b) mechanical; c) mixed; d) by imitation; e) there is no correct answer; 15. Dyslalia.

When a speech therapist shows and explains to a child how to pronounce a sound correctly, this method of production is called:
a) technical;
b) mechanical; c) mixed; d) by imitation; 16. D
When the soft palate is raised, air ...
a) passes through the oral cavity;
b) passes through the nasal cavity; c) is evenly distributed between the oral and nasal cavities. Stop studying, stop working - you’ll dry out! It's time to drink tea, coffee, boiling water and fresh water! Oh, where, where can I find that clean water?! If you live in the Ramensky district, you are lucky, they will help you, they will save you! Water delivery to Ramenskoye is not only the delivery of water of the highest quality, but also the installation and maintenance of coolers + tea, coffee, sugar, disposable tableware with lifting to the floor!

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