Speech therapist is a sought-after profession not only in medical institutions, but also in kindergartens and schools.
To obtain the qualification “Teacher-Speech Therapist” and get a job in this profile in an educational organization or conduct a private practice, you can undergo distance retraining on the basis of your existing secondary vocational or higher education.
We have prepared a selection of 15 online courses for professional retraining to become a speech therapist. A full-fledged training program takes about 6 months, and upon successful completion of final exams or testing, you will receive an official diploma of the established form.
We also took into account the need to regularly improve the level of professional competencies for specialists, so we included online advanced training courses for speech therapists in the list.
National Academy of Further Professional Education
Website: https://nadpo.ru Phone , Cost: course prof. retraining - 15,500 rubles, advanced training courses - 2800-4500 rubles. Enter the code word Howtolearn in the comments when placing your application and receive a 3% discount on the current price of any course.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education in the profile “Speech Therapy” with the qualification “Teacher-Speech Therapist”
Duration of training: 540 hours, 4 months
Program plan:
- Fundamentals of legislation in the field of special (defectological) education
- Fundamentals of neurophysiology and higher nervous activity
- Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology
- Ontogenesis and dysontogenesis of speech development
- Introduction to the profession of “teacher-speech therapist”
- Organization of differential diagnosis in speech therapy
- Disadvantages of sound pronunciation
- Dysarthria
- Rhinolalia
- Alalia
- Aphasia
- ONR and FFNR
- Stuttering
- Reading and writing impairment
- Training and education of children with severe speech impairments in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
- Contents and forms of speech therapy work to eliminate reading and writing disorders
- Methods of speech development for children with severe speech impairments
- Methods for teaching literacy to children with speech impairments
The course is compressed. Teachers selected the most important information for lectures and webinars, based on the requirements of professional standards, Federal State Educational Standards, and personal work experience. You can complete practical assignments, take tests and assessments at a convenient time.
Refresher courses:
- “Specifics of organizing and conducting speech therapy work to overcome aphasia.” 160 hours
- "Neurologopedia". 170 hours
- “Organization of joint work of a speech therapist and a teacher on the development of children with speech disorders in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.” 72 hours
- “Speech therapy massage for various speech disorders.” 160 hours
- “Speech therapy work on correcting sound pronunciation. Sound production technologies." 144 hours
- “Modern pedagogical technologies for correcting speech disorders in children with disabilities.” 200 hours
- “Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of people who stutter.” 144 hours
- “Triggering speech in non-speaking children. Specifics of organizing and conducting speech therapy work.” 144 hours
The purpose of advanced training programs in speech therapy is to provide knowledge on the organizational and legal foundations of activities, methods for identifying and eliminating speech disorders, organizing the work process, and advanced working methods for staging correct speech.
Program of training centers for professional retraining
There are a wide variety of courses on speech therapy topics: lectures, webinars, distance courses, online lessons. In order to become a sought-after specialist in the profession and have a good knowledge base, it is appropriate to choose long-term full-time courses.
The long-term training program contains theoretical knowledge of speech therapy and includes:
- familiarization with the features of inclusive education;
- studying types of speech disorders and their correction;
- teaching children with phonemic and general speech underdevelopment;
- speech therapy assistance, prevention of speech disorders;
- correction of speech defects;
- rules of probe and speech therapy massage;
- studying the basics of neuropsychology;
- ways to organize joint work between a speech therapist and a teacher.
Short-term courses or lectures will be useful to established speech therapy specialists who want to improve their skills and gain additional experience.
Popular topics for additional education in the field of speech correction are logarithmics, starting speech in non-speaking children, correction of sound pronunciation, articulatory gymnastics.
Institute of Modern Psychological Technologies
Address: Belorusskaya metro station, 5th Yamskoye Polya street, 5, building 1 Website: https://paracels.ru/ Phone: , +7 (985) 806-32-26
The Institute has been providing additional education in the field of psychology and speech therapy for more than 20 years and offers a distance retraining program “Speech Therapy and Child Psychology” . The program has 2 options: for students with any higher education (554 academic hours) and for students with a psychological or pedagogical education (452 academic hours).
The purpose of the training is to prepare specialists for practical activities in the framework of speech therapy and psychological counseling of children. Classes are held in the form of “live” webinars; at the end, students take an interdisciplinary exam online.
Upon completion of training you will be issued:
- a diploma of professional retraining of the established form with the qualification “Speech therapist”,
- certificate of advanced training in the program “Integrative fairy tale therapy as a method of work of a practical psychologist” (training includes this author’s course by I. Vachkov).
What documents do students receive?
Upon completion of studies and successful completion of the test, students are issued a document confirming their education, depending on the type of course:
- professional retraining - a diploma of the established form, giving the right to work as a speech therapist without qualifications;
- professional retraining with assignment of qualifications - a diploma of the established form confirming the assignment of qualifications and giving the right to work as a qualified specialist;
- advanced training courses - a standard certificate of advanced training with the right to increase payment rates.
Documents are delivered by mail to all locations in Russia.
International Academy of Expertise and Assessment
Website : https://retraining.maeo.rf Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 13,000 rub.
Prof. course retraining: Organization and content of speech therapy work
Program volume: 700 hours, 5 months The course covers the following topics:
- Pedagogical psychology
- Social pedagogy
- Basics of neuropathology
- Basics of psychophysiology
- Speech therapy technologies and forms of speech therapy work
- Basics of psychosomatics
- Basics of anatomy and kinesiology
- Raising children and adolescents with speech disorders
- Fundamentals of social work in special education
- Family education of children with speech disorders
- Methods of teaching children with speech disorders, etc.
To study and take exams, you only need a computer and the Internet. And for admission you only need a scan of your passport and a scan of your diploma of any higher or secondary specialized education.
As a result of the training, you receive a diploma of professional retraining of the established form, which gives the right to conduct professional activities.
Categories of listeners
Speech therapist advanced courses can be taken by persons who have:
- secondary specialized and higher education;
- complete/incomplete higher and secondary pedagogical education to acquire an additional specialty in the field of speech therapy.
Please note that we have courses where you can obtain the specialty of speech pathologist-speech therapist (relevant for parents of children with disabilities).
Courses in the field of speech therapist-speech pathologist training are intended for:
- speech therapists;
- teachers;
- preschool teachers;
- parents of children with developmental delays.
Modern educational technologies
Website : https://centrobrazovanija.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 6993 rubles, advanced training courses - 1195-2140 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education in the profile “Organization and content of speech therapy work”
Assigned qualification: Teacher-speech therapist. Duration of training: 6 months. (620 academic hours)
The learning process includes several theoretical modules, intermediate and final testing, a final certification paper or a practice report. Educational and methodological materials are provided in electronic form.
Advanced training courses in the field of speech therapy:
- “Speech therapy prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders in children with dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyslexia”
- “Speech therapy work with children with intellectual developmental disabilities taking into account the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Organization and content of speech therapy work with children in preschool educational organizations”
- “Dysorphography, dysgraphia, dyslexia. Modern approaches to the study, correction and prevention of speech disorders in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"
- “The content of correctional and developmental speech therapy work with preschool children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Speech pedagogy. Psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children with speech impairments in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education"
- “Features of the use of modern log-correction technologies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO”
- “Organization of speech therapy work in an educational institution to overcome reading and writing disorders (dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyslexia)”
- “Organization and content of speech therapy work with children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” and other programs
Advanced training lasts from 16 hours and 2-4 days to 144 hours and 11-22 days.
How to sign up for speech therapy courses?
Do you want to become a course participant? Follow a few simple steps. Fill out the application form on the center's website. Our specialist will contact you to request the necessary documents, the list of which includes:
- scanned copies of passport,
- diploma (or academic certificate) of education,
- marriage certificate (if receiving a diploma under a different surname). They are sent by email.
When the documents are received, the applicant will be sent an agreement, application and payment receipt electronically. After payment, training will be immediately available to you.
Institute of Modern Education
Website : https://ped.isoedu.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 10990 rubles, advanced training courses - 690-1980 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Speech therapy. Contents and organizational work to eliminate various speech disorders (with qualification “Speech therapist”)
Duration of training: 1280 ac. hours, 9 months. The professional retraining program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the draft professional standard “Specialty Teacher Teacher” (speech therapist).
Main sections of the program:
General professional disciplines:
- General pedagogy
- Special pedagogy and psychology
- General psychology
- Developmental and age psychology
- Modern pedagogical technologies
- Theory of training and education
- Inclusive and integrated education
- Neuropathology, psychopathology
- Anatomy, physiology and pathology of hearing, speech, vision
- Normal speech development and speech underdevelopment
- Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of speech development
- Regulatory and legal support for speech therapy activities
Special disciplines:
- Introduction to the specialty of speech therapy with the basics of speech therapy
- Logopsychology (psychology of persons with speech disorders)
- Alalia (absence or underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing)
- Dyslalia (correction of various types of sound pronunciation disorders)
- Rhinolalia (content of correctional work to correct the consequences of congenital cleft lip and palate in children and adolescents)
- Dysarthria. Speech therapy work to eliminate disorders of the pronunciation side of speech caused by deficiencies in the innervation of the speech apparatus
- Aphasia. Speech therapy work to restore speech and non-speech functions
- Stuttering. Psychological and pedagogical technologies of correctional work to normalize the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech
- Impaired writing. Contents of speech therapy work on correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia
- Speech therapy technologies for the correction of oral speech disorders
Specialization disciplines:
- Neuropsychology of speech
- Methods of rehabilitation training after organic brain damage
- Technologies of speech therapy massage and speech therapy rhythms in the restoration of speech functions
- Organization of activities of a defectologist (speech therapist) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education: 108 hours
- Features of speech therapy work with children of preschool and primary school age in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard: 108/36 hours
- Corrective and developmental technologies for the formation of the communicative culture of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: 72 hours
- Features of the work of a teacher in a speech therapy group of a preschool educational organization: 72/36 hours
Institute of Teacher Education
Website : https://pedagogspb.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 6700-12800 rub.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education: “Fundamentals of speech therapy work”
Duration of training:
- 2.5 months, 288 ac. hours
- 3 months, 580 ac. hours
- 5 months, 1004 ac. hours
Brief course program:
- Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology
- Fundamentals of developmental psychology and physiology
- Anatomy, physiology and pathology of hearing, speech, vision in children
- Normal speech development and speech underdevelopment
- Basics of defectology
- Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of speech development disorders
- Psychology of persons with speech disorders (logopsychology)
- Psychological and pedagogical technologies for working with children who stutter
- Basics of speech therapy
- Speech therapy technologies
- Speech therapy rhythmics
- Organization of correctional and pedagogical work of a speech therapist with employees of an educational organization for children with speech disorders
Applications are accepted 24 hours a day through the website. Enrollment in a group for training is carried out as soon as the necessary documents are received from you by the admissions committee and payment for training.
National Research Institute of Further Education and Vocational Training
Website : https://niidpo.ru Phone , Cost : course prof. retraining - 17298 rubles, advanced training courses - 1760-4900 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education in the profile “Organization and content of speech therapy work”
Qualification: “Teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist).” Duration of training: 620 hours, 24 weeks.
The program includes the study of the following sections:
- Fundamentals of special psychology and pedagogy
- Anatomy, physiology and pathology of hearing, speech, vision in children
- Normal speech development and speech underdevelopment
- Basics of speech therapy
- Psychology of persons with speech disorders (logopsychology)
- Violations of phonation (external) design of utterances
- Violations of the structural-semantic (internal) design of the statement
- Writing disorders
- Speech therapy technologies for the correction of oral speech disorders
- Forms of speech therapy work with children
- Interaction between a speech therapist and parents in the process of organizing correctional and developmental education for children with speech disorders
Where can you work after receiving additional training? education:
- In educational institutions: speech therapist in kindergarten (speech therapy groups), at a preschool speech center, at a school speech center, in a special correctional school of type 5 (for children with severe speech disorders)
- Private practice
- Healthcare: in a speech therapy room at a clinic, in a rehabilitation center, in a hospital
- Social sphere: speech therapist in a boarding school, psychoneurological sanatorium
What is included in the cost of the program:
- Lectures from teachers (text and video lectures)
- Testing after each discipline
- 30 practical tasks and cases
- Communication with teachers
- More than 15 types of analysis schemes, notes, algorithms for conducting classes
- Diploma of professional retraining after successfully passing the final test
Areas of advanced training for specialists in the field of speech therapy:
- Neuropsychological technologies in the diagnosis and correction of speech disorders in children of preschool and primary school age (144 hours)
- Speech triggering in non-speaking children. Specifics of organizing and conducting speech therapy work (108 hours)
- Logorhythmics: correction of speech disorders in children of preschool and primary school age (108 hours)
- Speech therapy work on sound pronunciation correction. Sound production technologies (144h)
- Organization of the process and technology of teaching reading to children of preschool and primary school age (210 hours)
- General speech underdevelopment in children (GSD). Contents of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- Aphasia. Contents of the work of a speech therapist to restore speech functions (36 hours)
- Stuttering (logoneurosis) in children and adolescents. Contents of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- The use of IT technologies in the speech development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (36 hours)
- Private practice of speech therapist. Organization and content of the speech therapy room (108 hours)
- Dysarthria in children and adolescents. Directions and content of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- Rhinolalia in children and adolescents. Directions and content of work of a speech therapist (36 hours) and other programs
Educational institutions specializing in speech therapy
In order to become a speech therapist, you must graduate from an educational institution. If you have a specialized education, you can take courses. They help you master the basics of your specialty in the shortest possible time. Please note that correctional pedagogy is a field that requires constant training and study. Try not to stop at just one course. There are a large number of them. They differ in topic, focus and number of academic hours.
Training center Speech therapist Master
A specialized educational institution was created to improve the skills of speech therapists and defectologists. The courses are completely proprietary; lectures and practical classes cannot be found at any seminar. In addition to the theoretical part, teachers provide the opportunity to master practical classes. Thus, after conducting the courses, the specialist will have the opportunity to implement new technologies that have been studied.
Interregional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining
Website : https://mipkip.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 3500-7500 rubles, advanced training courses - 750-1700 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education in the profile “Organization and content of speech therapy work”
Qualification: Teacher-speech therapist. Duration of training: for programs of 260 hours - 3 months, 520 hours - 5 months, 630 hours - 6 months, 1100 hours - 9 months.
Start of training at any time. While studying the materials, students take intermediate and final testing, a final thesis/internship report.
The professional retraining diploma is sent by registered mail by Russian Post. The electronic version of the diploma is available for downloading immediately after successfully passing the test.
Advanced training courses (from 16 to 144 hours):
- “Specifics of organizing and conducting speech therapy work with preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”
- “Specifics of the organization and implementation of logo-correction activities of primary school teachers in general education organizations in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO”
- “The content of correctional and developmental speech therapy work with preschool children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
- "Modern technologies for diagnosing and correcting speech development disorders in children with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) taking into account the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard"
- “Modern methods and clinical approach in speech therapy work to correct sound pronunciation in children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Modern speech therapy technologies for the correction of speech disorders in preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Improving work to correct the mental development of preschool children in the context of speech therapy work”
- “Features of the use of modern log-correction technologies in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO”
- “Organization of speech therapy work in an educational institution to overcome reading and writing disorders (dysorthography, dysgraphia,
- “Organization and content of speech therapy work with children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Organization and content of speech therapy work with children in preschool educational organizations”
- “Organization and content of speech correction work in elementary school, taking into account the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard”
- “Speech therapy prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders in children with dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyslexia” and other areas
Advanced training courses for speech therapists in – a profitable investment
Speech impairment in children and people with disabilities is a problem that people turn to speech therapists for.
To obtain results, it is necessary that the specialist possesses modern methods for correcting speech disorders and knows how to work with a contingent of people who have problems with speech development. That is why speech pathologist-defectologist training must be mandatory. Advanced training courses for speech therapists allow you to keep up with the times and replenish your professional knowledge with new knowledge and skills. Mandatory courses are taken every 3 years and are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Complying with the law is not a problem! Apply for training on the website of the licensed Center for Business Education and Corporate Training “ProfRazvitie” and complete the courses remotely! This form allows master speech therapists to take advanced courses without interrupting their work, without the need to go somewhere and spend money on travel.
It doesn’t matter what locality in Russia you live in, we will send you a document confirming the completion of the courses, confirming the qualifications obtained, by mail. When it comes to cost, we can confidently say that we offer prices that are affordable to everyone.
Website : https://pedobuchenie.rf Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 5000-14000 rubles, advanced training courses - 1600-2400 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Speech therapy and pedagogy in general education and preschool organizations
Assigned qualification: Teacher-speech therapist.
Duration of training (enrollment every day):
- 1504 hours, 151 days
- 1008 hours, 126 days
- 600 hours, 75 days
- 288 hours, 36 days
Program curriculum:
- Regulatory and legal foundations of speech therapy activities
- Basics of speech therapy. Etiology of speech disorders
- Psychology in speech therapy
- Psychodiagnostic techniques used in speech therapy
- Written language disorders in children
- Specifics of speech therapy work at school
- Speech therapy rhythm technique
- Basics of speech therapy massage
Enrollment, training and final certification are carried out remotely. You can take courses and take tests in your specialty at any time.
Minimum requirements for enrollment: higher or secondary vocational education. The profile doesn't matter.
Advanced training course : Organization and content of speech therapy work of a speech therapist in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
Duration of training:
- 144 hours, 24 days
- 108 hours, 18 days
- 72 hours, 12 days
- 36 hours, 6 days
The following sections are studied in the advanced training course program:
- Regulatory and legal foundations of speech therapy activities
- Basics of speech therapy. Etiology of speech disorders
- Specifics of speech therapy work at school
Distance learning is the best solution
Thanks to advanced training courses for speech therapists at ProfRazvitie, you will gain deep and relevant knowledge. The quality of distance learning is not inferior to the full-time form of acquiring knowledge and has a number of advantages:
- You can study remotely no matter what city or town in the country you live in;
- you don’t have to spend money on travel and interrupt your work process;
- you can choose your own time for studying;
- the material base for training does not require costs;
- the opportunity to study at a convenient time, regulate daily stress;
- Minimum requirements for material resources for training: availability of a computer with Internet access.
Moscow Institute of Professional Retraining and Advanced Training for Teachers
Website : https://institut.moscow Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 2900-3900 rub.
Prof. course retraining: Professional activity of a speech therapist in an educational organization
Duration of training: 270 or 540 hours. Qualification: “Teacher-speech therapist”
The program includes:
- Module 1. Regulatory
- Module 2. Psychological and pedagogical
Module 3. Professional:
- Differential diagnosis of speech disorders
- Organization and maintenance of psychological and pedagogical commissions in modern conditions
- Violations during phonation registration
- Violations in structural and semantic design
- Writing disorders
- Specifics of speech therapy work in secondary schools
- Speech therapy rhythms for children with speech disorders
- Basics of speech therapy massage
- Family technologies in speech therapy work with adolescent children
- Basics of speech therapy massage
All training is conducted through your personal account on the website. The course consists of modules where, in order to move on to the next module, you need to complete all the tasks of the current one. Access to materials is open around the clock.
Intermediate certification takes place in the form of tests and practical work. Final certification: final exam on the theoretical part and provision of materials on the practical part - remotely.
Info lesson
Website : https://infourok.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - from 1700 rubles, advanced training courses - from 800 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Organization of speech therapist activities in an educational organization
Assigned qualification: “Teacher-speech therapist.”
Requirements for the minimum level of training of students:
- Higher professional education in speech therapy: 300 (from 2 to 6 months) or 600 hours (from 3 to 12 months) to choose from
- Higher professional education in the field of defectology: 600 hours
There is the possibility of accelerated training according to an individual schedule.
In the case of completing a course without an internship, the diploma supplement will indicate a smaller volume of the program in the curriculum 270/540, in the internship column it will be indicated.
Upon completion of this course:
- You will receive a professional diploma. retraining and electronic certificate of conformity
- You will be included in the official Register of competent specialists who have successfully passed the Infourok certification
Refresher courses:
- Speech therapy: Organization of training, education, correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of students with severe speech disorders in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 144 hours
- Modern methods of speech therapy rhythms with children with speech disorders. 108 hours
Upon completion of training, students are issued a certificate of advanced training, which is sent by Russian Post (delivery is free).
How to choose quality education
Advanced training courses for professional speech therapists in Moscow introduce only special disciplines and provide a sufficient amount of practice.
The advantages of speech therapy courses are:
- Long training period. Advanced training courses should be no shorter than 1 year, because a speech therapist is a profession that requires careful preparation and in-depth study of biology, psychology and pedagogical methods.
- Availability of positive reviews about the training center.
- Opportunity to learn from teachers with experience as a practicing speech therapist.
- Development of a course program at a pedagogical university.
- Possibility to choose a direction in speech therapy - deaf pedagogy, work with children with mental retardation.
- Availability of interesting seminars and master classes.
- Enough practice.
- Conducting final certification - exam or testing.
Upon completion of training, the school must issue a diploma conferring the qualification “Teacher-Speech Therapist”.
Website : https://uchitel-pedagog.ru Phone Cost : on request
Prof. course retraining: “Speech therapy”
The program is compiled in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standards. It consists of several sections:
- Anatomy and physiology of the articulatory apparatus
- Causes of speech impairment
- Main types of speech pathologies
- Methods for diagnosing speech development disorders
- Development of correction programs
- Basics of logopsychology
- Speech therapy rhythmics
- Organization of work with educators, teachers, parents
- Prevention of speech deviations
- Professional standards
- Occupational safety for specialists
Each student receives access to a closed electronic library, which contains teaching materials and manuals on the topic being studied. You can master them at a convenient time.
When all the questions have been sorted out, you need to complete the online test. Positive test results are the basis for issuing a diploma confirming receipt of additional education.
A refresher course is also conducted .
The program provides students with an introduction to general and specific topics:
- Types and specifics of major speech disorders in children
- Diagnostic methods in speech therapy
- Systematic approaches used in corrections of varying complexity
- Anatomical and physiological features of speech development pathologies
- Mental organization of children with speech disorders and ways of communicating with them
- Ethical issues in speech therapy and defectology
- Professional standards and methods of their application
- Principles of labor protection for specialists
Where can a speech therapist work?
The main task of a speech therapist is to help people correct diction deficiencies. The specialist corrects speech using exercises, massage and techniques that improve articulation. Speech therapists can successfully realize themselves in schools, kindergartens, and speech therapy centers. Speech pathologists and speech pathologists are in demand in rehabilitation and correction centers, hospitals and clinics. Here they work with people with hearing and speech impairments, those with cerebral palsy or those who have suffered a stroke. Speech therapists also earn privately, having a constant income with a free schedule.
National University of Modern Technologies
Website : https://nust.rf Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 10,000-15,000 rub.
Prof. course retraining: Teacher-speech therapist in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Duration of training:
- 520 hours/3 months
- 1100 hours/6 months
Accelerated training is possible. Assigned qualification: Teacher-speech therapist.
Enrollment on the basis of any higher or secondary vocational education.
How the training works:
- You are given access to the distance learning system, where you study educational material according to the curriculum
- If necessary, ask questions to teachers through your personal account, by phone or email. mail
- Choose one topic from the proposed list and complete the final work with the support of teachers
- Defend your work via email, Skype or in person at the university
- You receive your diploma with all documents by mail
You will be able to take a refresher course in the First Aid program for free.
Online training
Distance courses offer viewing of recordings of seminars, training videos, and online lessons. Communication with teachers takes place via Skype or by mail. This form of training will be convenient for practicing teachers and speech therapists for combining work with study, honing skills and increasing the level of literacy when carrying out correctional work.
Training centers offer Web courses designed for a short period of training, which lasts from 72 hours to several months.
Online learning introduces common speech problems: stuttering, dysarthria, aphasia, dyslalia - and methods for correcting them. Each completed lesson is reinforced by testing, which assesses the degree of mastery of the material.
The profession of a speech therapist requires a filigree mastery of correctional methods, so beginning speech therapists should prefer full-time courses to acquire professional skills in practical classes.
Moscow Academy of Professional Competencies
Website : https://pedcampus.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 4900-7985 rubles, advanced training courses - 1495-2385 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education: Speech therapy
Qualification: teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist).
Duration of retraining (standard/intensive):
- 324 academic hours 3/2 months
- 620 ac.h. 6/4 months
- 910 ac.ch. 8/6 months
- 1320 academic hours 10/8 months
Disciplines studied:
- Fundamentals of neurophysiology and higher nervous activity
- Neuropathology
- Psychopathology
- Anatomy, physiology, pathology of hearing, speech and vision
- Basics of neuropsychology
- Theory and practice of special pedagogy and inclusive education
- Pedagogical systems of training and education of children with developmental disabilities
- Psycholinguistics
- Basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle
- Psychology of speech
- Tutor support technologies
- Developmental and age psychology
- Speech therapy. Dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia
- Speech therapy. Phonetic-phonemic and general speech underdevelopment
- Special methodology for speech development and teaching the Russian language in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
- Speech therapy. Alalia. Aphasia
- Logopsychology
- Speech therapy. Disturbances in the tempo and rhythm of speech: Stuttering. Bradylalia. Tahilalia
- Speech therapy technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
- Speech therapy rhythmics
- Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with speech disorders
Advanced training remotely for speech therapist (72 academic hours, 108 academic hours, 144 academic hours):
- Speech therapy: Speech therapy technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
- Speech therapy: Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with speech disorders
- Speech therapy: Phonetic-phonemic and general speech underdevelopment
You can also take training in regular or intensive mode.
After submitting an application for training, a personal account will be created for you on the Pedagogical Campus website. Tutorials, lectures, methodological recommendations, additional content and tests will be posted there.
According to the program of Prof. retraining, knowledge control is carried out in the form of tests in disciplines, a final test and a final written work. In advanced training programs, only the final written work is submitted. To pass the tests, you are given several attempts (minimum three).
Volgograd Humanitarian Academy for Professional Training of Social Sector Specialists
Website : https://vgaps.ru Phone Cost : course prof. retraining - 15045 rubles, advanced training courses - 1120-4900 rubles.
Prof. course retraining: Special (defectological) education in the profile “Organization and content of speech therapy work”
Qualification: “Teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist).” Duration of training: 620 hours, 24 weeks (5.5 months)
The course trains qualified specialists in the field of defectology education who are able to work on the correction of oral and written speech.
The program begins with studying the basics of special psychology and pedagogy. Next, you will study the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the sensory organs. You will learn to distinguish normal speech development from underdevelopment.
The section on special disciplines covers the basics of speech therapy, speech psychology, correction of various speech disorders, forms of speech therapy work with children and interaction with their parents.
You will have access to an archive of more than 4,000 webinars, including more than 150 webinars in program disciplines for three months after graduation.
Refresher courses:
- Logomassage: method and technology of correctional and pedagogical influence on the muscles of the face and articulatory apparatus (108 hours)
- Rhinolalia in children and adolescents. Directions and content of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- Articulatory gymnastics in the formation of correct sound pronunciation and clear diction in children and adults (36 hours)
- Dysphagia. Speech therapy work for swallowing disorders after stroke (36 hours)
- Organization and content of speech therapy work with children with mental retardation (intellectual impairment) in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (144 hours)
- Organization and content of speech therapy work with children of preschool and primary school age in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (144 hours)
- Aphasia. Contents of the work of a speech therapist to restore speech functions (36 hours)
- Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD). Contents of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- Stuttering (logoneurosis) in children and adolescents. Contents of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- General speech underdevelopment in children (GSD). Contents of the work of a speech therapist (36 hours)
- Alalia in children. Contents of a speech therapist’s work (36 hours) and other areas
Upon completion of the courses, a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training is issued. You can also receive a certificate of competence indicating job functions (for those who have scored a certain number of points in each discipline of the program).