A journey through fairy tales. Learning the sound (Y) and the letter Y

Acquaintance with the sound Y begins in the first year of life. First, the baby expresses emotions: ay, yay, and then a request: give. However, not all children manage to master this short sound the first time. Using the letter Y in tasks for preschoolers in the form of a game will help speed up the child’s learning process.

There are many tasks for preschoolers starting with the letter y.

Introducing the letter Y

It is easiest to explain to a child what this letter looks like using pictures . A visual sequence is created from the words: tea, iodine, parrot, yogurt, yogi. All words are spoken loudly with the children. You need to pay attention to the overall sound through intonation. The guys must guess whether Y is located at the beginning or at the end of the word.

The next stage is a separate pronunciation of Y. At the same time, the teacher explains how the speech apparatus should work: the tip of the tongue is hidden behind the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue rises up and does not allow air to escape from the mouth.

What children should know about the sound Y:

  • is it vowel or consonant;
  • voiced or voiceless;
  • long or short.

Looking at the image of Y, the children guess what other letter it is similar to and find out how they differ:

- Look, I and Y are almost the same, but the sounds are different: I is a vowel, and Y is a consonant.

The material is reinforced with new examples: seagull, Aibolit, tram, beautiful, bunny, kind, hero, red. Words are sorted by syllables.

Poems about the letter J for children

Masha loves yoghurt very much, yoghurt is not porridge.

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I. Ditkovskaya


The letter Y cries so bitterly: - Oh, what a biting iodine!

I. Krasnikova


And not in a cap, and not in a hat. The letter Y is walking around in a hat! Why is she wearing a hat? Because it’s more fashionable this way!

N. Manzhos


Yoga is exercise, We need iodine for treatment, Children love yogurt, Yemen is Asia, it’s hot.

A. Beshentsev


Yogurt is delicious with blackberries, cherries, melon and strawberries. Only my most favorite pink yogurt with raspberries.

D. Smiles

Do you like poems about the letter Y?

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So that you can reinforce the material with your child?

Check out our Mini-Book “Poems about the Alphabet”

It is made in .pdf format, it contains bright pictures from articles on our site in good quality.

Setting the sound Y

Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to correctly establish articulation: arch the tongue so that its tip rests with tension on the lower teeth. The upper part, in contact with the sky, should also be hard. The child will feel a compressed stream of air when pronouncing the sound Y. Then you need to ease the tension of the tongue and remove the arch.

To make the activity fun, ask the children to show how the cat gets angry and arches its back using its tongue.

Several more articulation training sessions contribute to correct speech production.

  1. Tasks starting with the letter y.
    Spatula. Open your mouth, exposing your teeth, place a tense tongue in the form of a spatula on the lower row of teeth so that the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

  2. Smile. Smile several times with your lips closed and open.
  3. Let's punish the naughty tongue. Place your tongue on your lower lip and lightly bite it with your upper teeth with the sound “ta-ta-ta,” then slap your lips with the sound “five-five-five.”

Basic methods

In addition to directly pronouncing the sound Y, there are two auxiliary methods:

  1. Imitation:
      rapid pronunciation of the sound I with A, O, U followed by yotation (ia-ya, io-yo, iu-yu);
  2. transition from soft unvoiced to voiced.
  3. Mechanical impact. Apply with a spatula in difficult cases. When pronouncing the sound “zya,” the speech therapist presses on the tip of the tongue and moves it slightly deeper until the sound “ya” is produced.

A journey through fairy tales. Learning the sound (Y) and the letter Y


“A journey through fairy tales. We study the sound (Y) and the letter Y"

Authors of the project:

Vorobyova Lyubov Vladimirovna , teacher-speech therapist, kindergarten No. 78, Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg “PEARL”,

Lobashova Natalya Yuryevna , teacher-speech therapist, GBDOU kindergarten No. 78, Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg “PEARL”.

Shestakova Marina Aleksandrovna , teacher-speech therapist, GBDOU kindergarten No. 92, Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Age group : senior preschool age (5-7 years).

Goal of the project: Acquaintance with the sound [Y] and the letter J.



  1. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [Y].
  2. Strengthen the skill of simple sound-letter analysis.
  3. Develop complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  4. Practice syllable analysis, train the skill of identifying stressed vowel sounds in a word.
  5. Improve coherent speech skills; activate passive vocabulary, develop grammatical structure of speech.


  1. Develop children's speech activity.
  2. Develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking, observation.
  3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


  1. Develop the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.
  2. To develop the skill of cooperation, to encourage interest in joint gaming activities, to cultivate mutual respect and understanding.

Implemented educational areas:

  • Speech development.
  • Social and communicative development.
  • Cognitive development.

The project was created using MimioStudio software and is educational and reinforcing in nature. The project can be used in subgroup classes on literacy, speech development, and as game material in individual work with a child.

Project content:

PAGE #1. Title page.

By clicking on the text in the lower right part of the page, the website of the center for advanced training “Educational Technologies” (www.edu.obrtech.ru) opens.

PAGE #2. Content.

Each content item is a hyperlink to the corresponding project page.

PAGE #3. Game “Dog York and the sound [Y].

Goal: familiarization with the sound [Y]. Sound characteristics: articulation diagram and sound passport.

Game actions:

Meet the Yorkie dog. She is very small and when she barks, all she can say is “Y-y-y.”

  1. Say it like Yorkie barks.
  2. Using the diagram, tell how the sound [Y] is formed.
  3. Give a description of the sound [Y].

PAGE #4. Game "Collect books"

Goal: development of qualities of auditory attention. Determining the presence or absence of the sound [Y] in a word.

Game actions:

York tore the books. Get organized:

  1. In the green book, put pages with images of heroes in whose names you hear the sound [Y].
  2. The remaining pages are 0 in the blue book.
  3. Grateful books offer a journey through fairy tales in which the sound [Y] lives.

PAGE #5. Game "Koshchei's Treasure"

Goal: developing the ability to correlate sounds with their symbols. Formation of the skill of syllabic synthesis.

Game actions:

Koshchei's treasure is hidden in one of the chests. Find him.

  1. Read the sound diagram on the chest and click on it.

PAGE No. 6. Game “Shopping for Kesha the parrot”

Goal: developing the skill of positional analysis: determining the position of the sound [Y] in a word.

Game actions:

Kesha the parrot went to the store. Take your purchases out of the bag.

  1. Place inedible items in the closet.
  2. In the names of edible purchases, determine the place of the sound [Y] and place it on the table in accordance with the diagram.

PAGE No. 7. Game “Nightingale the Robber”

Goal: development of the skill of auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [Y]-[L].

Game actions:

The Nightingale the Robber whistled so loudly that the leaves flew off the trees and blocked the road. Help the Bogatyr clear the way.

  1. Clearly name the pictures depicted on the leaves.
  2. If you hear the sound [Y] in the word-name of the picture, move the leaf to the tree with the symbol of this sound.
  3. Place the remaining leaves on the second tree.

PAGE #8 . Game "Maya the Bee's Honey"

Goal: development of the skill of auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [І]-[Рь].

Game actions:

Maya the bee collects nectar. The sweetest nectar is found in flowers with pictures whose names contain the sound [Y].

  1. Name the pictures on the flowers.
  2. Place in a bucket those flowers that show pictures with the sound [Y] in their names.

PAGE No. 9. Game “Gifts for a squirrel”

Goal: training the skill of dividing words into syllables, identifying a stressed syllable, correlating the syllable pattern with a word.

Game actions:

The goblin brought cones in a bag for the squirrels. Each cone has a sticker with a picture.

  1. Give the cones to the squirrels according to the number of syllables in the word names of the pictures.

PAGE #10. Game "Big Wash"

Goal: development of positional analysis skills.

Help Moidodyr hang up his clothes.

  1. Say the name of the picture on the clothing.
  2. Determine the ordinal place of the sound [Y] in the word-name of the picture.
  3. Hang things according to the position of the sound [Y] in the word-title of the picture.

PAGE #11. Game "Letter Y"

Goal: familiarization with the visual image of the letter Y: the algorithm for printing a letter, what the letter looks like.

Game actions:

Znayka introduces Dunno to the letter Y. Let’s get acquainted too.

  1. What does the letter Y look like? Click on the pictures with the image of the letter Y.
  2. Remember how to type the letter Y correctly.
  3. Click on the maple leaf on the easel.
  4. Select the pencil tool and try to type the letter Y.

PAGE #12. Game "Dunno at the Blackboard"

Goal: remembering the correct visual image of the letter Y.

Game actions:

Dunno slept through the lesson and did not have time to complete the letters Y. Help Dunno complete the task.

  1. Select the marker tool and fill in the missing elements of the letters.
  2. If you hear a hard sound in the word-name of the picture, press the stone and it will turn into a crystal (using the smooth fading technique).

PAGE #13. Game "Brownie Goes Home"

Goal: development of the qualities of visual perception, memorizing the visual image of the letter Y.

Game actions:

The brownie goes home and sees 13 letters Y.

  1. Look carefully at the picture.
  2. Find the correctly written letters and click on them.
  3. Count it.

PAGE #14. Game "Fold the letter"

Goal: development of the qualities of visual perception, memorization of the visual image of the letter Y. Development of the ability to compose a whole from parts.

Game actions:

The merman wants to make the letter Y out of algae. Help him.

  1. Take the seaweed from his hands and form the letter.
  2. Test yourself, click on the hermit crab.

PAGE #15. Game “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall”

Goal: training the skill of hand-eye coordination, consolidating the visual image of the letter Y. Prevention of optical dysgraphia.

Game actions:

Humpty Dumpty fell down. There's a hole in the wall. Repair the wall.

  1. Take bricks with the letters Y written correctly.
  2. Place the remaining bricks in a wheelbarrow.

PAGE #16. Game “Hungry Snake Gorynych”

Goal: development of the qualities of auditory perception and attention. Determining the position of the letter Y in a word.

Game actions:

Zmey Gorynych loves apples.

  1. Distribute the apples to the heads according to the diagrams on the aprons.

PAGE #17. Game "Play with Alice and the cat"

Goal: training of hand-eye coordination skills. Consolidating the visual image of the letter Y.

Game actions:

The Cheshire cat laid out encrypted cards. Help Alice.

  1. Lay out the letter cards according to the diagrams.
  2. Name the letters.

PAGE #17. Game "Save Thumbelina"

Goal: developing the skill of syllabic merging.

Game actions:

Toad's son wants to marry Thumbelina. A kite will help you escape from toads. But the letters do not allow him to rise. Remove the letters from the Serpent.

  1. Connect the vowels with the letter Y one by one. Click on the venerable vowel letter.
  2. When you read all the syllables, click on Thumbelina, and the Serpent will take her to a beautiful country.

PAGE #18. Game "Free the Birds"

Goal: training the skill of hand-eye coordination, developing the skill of syllabic merging of sounds.

Game actions:

The evil Barmaley put the birds in cages. Release the birds to freedom. Find your key for each lock.

  1. Read the syllables on the keys and look for the corresponding pattern on the lock.
  2. Click on the cell.
  3. Name the birds. Which bird is the odd one out? Why?
  4. Determine the place of the sound [Y] in the names of birds.
  5. Drive Barmaley away, press on him.

PAGE #19. Game "Echo"

Goal: development of complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Game actions:

Uncle Echo loves to play. Read the syllables on the keys and look for the corresponding pattern on the lock.

  1. Click on the clouds, listen to Uncle Echo and write out from the letters what he said.

Determine the place of the sound [Y] in the names.

Task for preschoolers: printed letter Y

After a visual demonstration, you can begin to study the letter on paper . Before this, children will happily repeat after an adult how to write Y in the air, and then try to perform the action with a simple pencil or pen.

Copying the printed letter y.

For convenience, it is better to use a checkered notebook sheet. You need to start with the elements: first show how to draw two vertical lines, then a diagonal line and an upper bow. When the child completes these tasks, he will easily cope with the entire letter. If difficulties arise, ask him to draw lines along the reference points or dotted lines.

Children are just beginning to learn the alphabet, so don't insist on spelling.

Sound I, letter I. Tasks for first graders

Great tasks that include the development of graphomotor skills, sound-letter analysis, enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Mushrooms”, work with graphic images of words, sentences, memory development (memorizing a poem using a mnemonic table), development of attention (traversing a maze, searching for identical letters).

Compiled by: Koptik S.A. “Workbook of speech therapy classes for 1st grade students”

Labyrinth in the form of the letter And see here

Coloring book and first copybook with block letters I, Y

Coloring page with letter I

The child colors the letters I and the objects that are depicted on the sheet. If children are familiar with the concepts of “vowel - consonant sound,” then it is advisable to color the letter in red. Then we color the squares with a red pencil, determining the position of the sound I in the words.

Coloring page with letter Y

Tasks with the letter ATasks with the letter YTasks with the letter M
Learning the letter "B"Learning the letter "B"Learning the letter b, b
Tasks with the letter OTasks with the letter ULearning the letter P

Tales about the letter

Preschool children perceive many concepts and phenomena through fairy tales. Letters and sounds are no exception; they play different fairy-tale roles and themselves become bright and memorable characters.

A fairy tale about a mouse - yoga.

One day a mouse was walking in the garden and found a book there. “Who are yogis,” he read, and then looked at his uncle on the cover. He sat down with his eyes closed on a board covered with sharp nails. The mouse opened the book and saw the same guy standing on hot coals and sitting in a block of ice.

“Oh yes yogi!” - exclaimed the mouse. - “I want to try this too. I can imagine how surprised my mother will be when she sees me in the refrigerator!”

The animal decided to start with nails, but as soon as it tried to lie down on a prickly board, it shouted to the whole garden: “Oh, Oeeeeee!”

The mouse ran home, found iodine and began to smear it on his scratches. And iodine burns. The mouse oohed and oohed, and then thought: “I’ll throw this book to the cat, let him be a yogi now!”

A fairy tale about sisters I and J.

One day I and J went to a cafe after a walk. The waiter approached them and asked:

— What will you order?

The letter Y answered clearly and quickly:

- Please, seaweed salad - there is a lot of iodine, tea and puff pastry with cherries. All.

I started ordering here:

- And I want carrot salad with raisins and cabbage salad, and Olivier salad, and... and...

Poor And could not stop and kept talking and saying:

- And ice cream sundae, and with jam, and with condensed milk, and with strawberries...

The waiter stopped writing down and looked at I in surprise. Then sister Y guessed, took off her hat and put it on I, she became short and was able to stop.

For a long time they ate everything that was brought to them. Since then, Yi has not gone to a cafe alone, because only her sister Y can separate everything (may-ka, layer-ka) and complete it, so she can more often be found at the end of a word - give, bark, than at the beginning - iodine, yogurt .

Sound and letter And the first acquaintance for preschoolers.

First, children look at the pictures, then identify the first sound in the words: Indian, needle, turkey, willow, hut. In the center of the sheet is a graphic representation of the sound - letter I.

Source: Natalya Tkachenko “We learn to read from the age of 2. ABC, primer, copybook"

Introducing the letter I, J in pictures - toys, yogurt, watering can, peach, raisin, teapot, parrot, caviar, kiwi, T-shirt.

Y. Fisher “Workbook No. 5 for children 4-5 years old “Letters”

Suitable games for children


  1. We learn letters and clap our hands: clap once when the sound Y appears: fox, name, husky, toffee, car, wash, strength, parrot, crocodile, husky.
  2. My, my, mine: my sparrow - my sparrows, my tram - my trams, my nightingale - my nightingales, my T-shirt - my T-shirts.
  3. Ask to do something depending on the verb: sing - sing, play - play, dance - dance, etc.

In a playful way, it is easier for children to master the pronunciation of complex sounds and remember the rules for their use.

Poems about the letter Y for 1st grade

Iodine is good, iodine is not evil. In vain you shout: “Oh-oh-oh!” — I just saw a bottle of iodine. Iodine sometimes burns, of course, but a wound smeared with iodine will heal faster.

V. Lunin


A yogi will never say: “Oh!” "Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout. Young man, control yourself! Old, be like young!

V. Berestov


We smear iodine on our knees, different bobs,

Mashkin's and Lenkin's noses and legs.

I. Goryunova

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