Approximate regulation “On the speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution”
Anna Manina
Approximate regulation “On the speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution”
Approximate position
“About the speech therapy center at preschool
educational institution (DOU)
Developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” , “Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions” , “Model Regulations on Preschool Institutions and Groups of Children with Speech Impairments”.
The main directions regulating the legal, educational and correctional activities of the speech center at preschool educational institutions , opportunities are guaranteed for children with speech pathology to receive speech therapy assistance, and conditions are provided for their personal development and pedagogical rehabilitation.
Literature used:
1. Efimenkova L. N., Misarenko G. G. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center . M.: Education, 1991.
2. Kashe G. A., Filicheva T. B. Training program for children with underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech. M.: Education, 1978.
3. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. Instructional and methodological letter about the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school . M.: KOGITO-Center, 1996.
4. Model regulations on a preschool educational institution . M., 1995.
5. Model regulations on preschool institutions and groups for children with speech impairments. M., 1970.
6. Speech therapy . Textbook for students of defectology faculties. \ Ed. Volkova L. S., Shakhovskoy S. N. \ - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 1998.
Approximate position
“About the speech therapy center at preschool
Educational institution (DOU)
I. General position .
This regulation regulates the work of preschool speech therapy centers at preschool educational institutions .
1. A speech center at a preschool educational institution is organized to provide practical assistance to preschool (3 – 7 years old)
with phonetic, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech.
2. The main tasks of the logopunkt are :
— implementation of the necessary correction of speech disorders in preschool ;
— prevention of violations of oral and written speech;
- development in children of voluntary attention to the sound side of speech;
— promotion of speech therapy classes among teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents of pupils (their substitutes)
— nurturing children’s desire to overcome speech deficiencies and maintain emotional well-being in their adaptive environment;
— improving the methods of speech therapy work in accordance with the capabilities, needs and interests of the preschooler ;
— the opportunity to integrate education and training in a regular group with receiving specialized assistance in speech development.
3. A speech center at a preschool educational institution is opened by the educational or preschool educational institution, depending on the number of children aged 3–7 years with speech pathology.
If there are a sufficient number of children with the necessary speech defects in one preschool educational institution, based on the decision of the collective council, a speech therapy center , recorded in the charter and assigned “ . ”
4. The educational management body assigns a certain number of groups to the logo center (the opening of a logo center at an urban preschool educational institution is carried out when 8-10 groups are examined; at a rural preschool educational institution, 6-8 groups should be examined). In order to provide effective speech therapy assistance to pupils of rural preschool educational institutions, speech centers are opened :
— at one of the preschool educational institutions of the district center;
-at one of the preschool educational institutions of the district center with mandatory servicing of one or more rural preschool educational institutions located at a distance of 3-5 km.
5. Identification of pupils for enrollment in the speech center is carried out from 1 – 15.09 and from 15 – 30.05. Enrollment and graduation of students at the speech center is carried out on the basis of the decision of a permanent medical and pedagogical commission, which includes: a specialist from the educational institution, the head of the preschool educational institution, speech therapists of the preschool educational institution , and a psychologist. At the MPC, the same documents are required to enroll a child as for enrollment in a speech therapy group . Children with speech pathology are registered in the movement and attendance register (Appendix No. 1)
6. For each student enrolled in a speech center , the speech therapist fills out a speech card.
II. Organization of activities of a logo center at a preschool educational institution .
7. At the speech center at the preschool educational institution, a clear organization of the entire correctional process is provided. It is ensured by:
— timely examination of children;
— rational scheduling (“grid”)
— planning subgroup and individual work;
- equipping the logo station with the necessary equipment and visual aids (Appendix No. 2)
- joint work of the speech therapist with teachers and parents.
Pupils of preschool educational institutions with phonetic, phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment are enrolled in the center (no more than 12 - 15 people study at the same time)
In areas where there are no preschool educational institutions with speech therapy groups , as an exception, speech centers are also equipped with children with severe speech impairments (no more than 8-10 people are enrolled at the same time, for a period of up to 2 years, depending on the diagnosis).
Children are admitted throughout the academic year as places become available. The formation of groups and graduation of children is carried out by a medical-pedagogical commission created under the management of education or preschool educational institution .
In preschool educational institutions, where education and training are conducted in their native language, pupils who have speech development disorders in their native language are enrolled speech center
The period of correctional work at a speech center at a preschool educational institution is from 3 months to 1 year for FNR and FFNR.
8. The main form of organizing educational and correctional work is classes that are conducted according to general developmental and correctional programs of preschool educational institutions.
Classes with children at the speech center are held daily, both during hours free from classes during the day, and during them, but in agreement with the administration of the preschool educational institution (with the exception of classes on speech development and FEMP)
A lesson at a speech center in a rural preschool educational institution, depending on local conditions, can be included in the “grid” of classes of this institution .
9. Topics of group and individual lessons, as well as children’s attendance, are recorded in the journal (Appendix No. 1)
The duration of speech therapy classes in each age group is determined by the program being implemented. Responsibility for compulsory attendance at classes lies with the speech therapist , educator, and preschool administration.
10. The beginning and duration of the school year at the logo center corresponds to the work of the preschool educational institution.
11. Along with classes at the speech center speech hour in the evening for the teacher to work with children on speech correction on the instructions of the speech therapist . The teacher plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech capabilities of the children. The teacher is obliged to know the individual deviations in the formation of the child’s speech, hear its defects, and pay attention to the purity of pronunciation. Continuity in the work of the speech therapist and teacher is recorded in a special notebook.
III. Participants in the educational process :
- Child;
— Educator;
— Parent;
— Teacher speech therapist.
12. with defectology or higher pedagogical education (philological faculty, pedagogical faculty) are appointed as speech therapist teachers.
with mandatory completion of retraining courses in the specialty “
Speech Therapy” or internship . A speech therapist teacher is appointed and dismissed in the manner established for teachers of educational institutions , provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
13. Speech therapist teacher :
a) bears responsibility for the organization and timely identification of children with primary speech pathology, optimal grouping, and the quality of remedial education for children with speech disorders;
b) provides advisory assistance to teachers and parents of children;
c) works closely with a preschool educational institution psychologist , speech therapist , medical specialists at the clinic and members of the medical-pedagogical commission;
d) informs the pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions about the tasks, content and results of work at the speech center ;
e) participates in the work of methodological associations of speech therapists of preschool educational institutions ;
f) improves his professional qualifications and is certified in accordance with current regulatory documents;
g) draws up an annual report according to the following scheme:
1. Full name
2. Logo center at preschool educational institution No. ___
3.Number of children: examined ___, of them with FND ___, with FFND ___, enrolled in a speech center ___ .
4. Number of children brought into mass groups (to school)
with clear speech ___.
5. Number of children left to continue classes (reason)
___ .
6. Didactic and visual material produced in the current academic year.
7. Promotion of speech therapy classes ( speech therapist’s work with parents and educators)
8. Advanced training of a speech therapist (attending courses, preparing questions for the teachers’ council, MO, etc.)
14. To record the correction process, therapist teacher maintains the following documentation at the speech center:
— speech card for each child;
— a log of children’s movements, attendance at classes at the logo station ;
— a long-term work plan for each child for the period of classes with tracking of the results of correctional work;
— general plan of methodological work for the year;
— daily work plans for each student;
— notebooks-diaries for individual lessons on sound pronunciation correction (located in the group)
— schedule of group classes, individual classes, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution;
— logo station or card file with a list of equipment and benefits;
— a copy of the report on the work done for the year.
15. A speech therapist at a speech center is entitled to all benefits and advantages (the duration of the next vacation, the procedure for pensions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for teachers in urban and rural educational institutions . Payment for a speech therapist working at a speech center at a preschool educational institution is made at the rate of 20 hours per a week, of which 2 hours are for organizational and methodological work.
IV. Management of the work of the logo center at the preschool educational institution .
16. Direct supervision of the work of a speech therapist teacher education management body , which is in charge of the speech therapy center , as well as by the administration of the preschool educational institution, which has a speech therapist teacher .
V. Material and technical base and financial support for the operation of the logistics center .
17. An office with an area of at least 20 square meters is allocated the logo center m, meeting sanitary and hygienic requirements.
The administration of the preschool educational institution is responsible for the equipment of the log center , its sanitary condition and repairs. The logo station is provided with equipment in accordance with Appendix No. 3.
18. The logo center is financed by the educational authority or preschool educational under whose jurisdiction it is located.
19. A speech therapist teacher serving rural preschool educational institutions located at a distance is paid money to pay travel expenses.
movement and attendance
preschool children with speech impairments
at the logo center at preschool educational institution No. ___ district.
1. In the “Movement of Children” section, the speech therapist records the number of children examined in the form:
No. F.I.
child Preschool educational institution No. Group Age Date obsl Logop . conclusion Recommendations
- enrolled in Logop . group;
— enrolled in a logotherapy center ;
— put on queue (specify deadline)
— work with the teacher (specific recommendations on RCD with tracking of results)
II. In the section of the journal “Information about parents,” the speech therapist places a list of children enrolled in the speech center in the current school year in the form:
— a list of children indicating the preschool educational institution, group;
- Full name of mother (father, home address, phone number.
III. List of children enrolled in the logo center :
No. Child's full name Preschool educational institution No. Group Age Logop .
diagnosis Results of correctional work
— released;
— left to continue correction. work;
- left for preschool educational institution No., school...
IV. For individual and subgroup lessons, 3–4 pages of the magazine are allocated.
On the left half of the page at the top, the group number and speech therapy conclusion , for example, “group No. 2 with FFND .
On the right half of the page at the top the days and hours of work with this group are indicated, for example : Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 16.00 - 16.30.
Otherwise, the pages are filled out similarly to the class journal, i.e. on the left half there is a list of children of a given subgroup or the names and surnames of children studying individually, dates of classes and notes on the presence or absence of children in class, and on the right - the topics of classes ( topics are indicated in accordance with the work plan)
On the pages reserved for individual lessons, on the left half at the top, instead of the group number, the disrupted groups of sounds that are being worked on are indicated; otherwise, they are filled out in the same way.
the speech therapist’s working time during the examination of children’s speech and during the holidays, for example :
Date time Work done
2 weeks of September
2 weeks of May 9 – 10
Work in the office (selection of material for examining children’s speech)
Examination of the speech of children of the middle group of preschool educational institution No.
Speech therapy center equipment
The speech therapist’s work schedule should be posted on the doors of the speech center , for example :
Speech therapy room
Working hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri. – 8 – 12
Tue., Thu. – 15 – 19
Full name of speech therapist
in the log center :
1. Desks - tables according to the number of children. Stands for pencils and pens. Pencil cases with handouts.
2. A chalkboard located at the children’s height level.
3. Sufficient cabinets or shelves for visual aids, educational games and teaching literature.
4. Wall mirror 50x100 cm for individual work on sound pronunciation, it should hang near the window (or with additional lighting)
5. Mirror 9x12 cm according to the number of children involved in sound pronunciation correction.
6. A table near the wall mirror for individual work with the child and several chairs.
7. A set of speech therapy probes , ethyl alcohol for processing the probes .
8. Flannelgraph or typesetting cloth
9. Technical means (tape recorder, filmoscope, player, etc.)
10. Screen for demonstrating filmstrips and transparencies.
11. Wall-mounted cash register letters.
12. Wall syllabic table .
13. Individual registers of letters and syllables for each child .
14. Standard table of letters.
15. Visual material used when examining children.
16. Visual material on speech development, systematized in envelopes or folders.
17. Teaching aids in the form of symbol cards (graphic images of sounds , words, sentences, etc., cards with individual tasks, albums for working on sound pronunciation).
18. Various speech games.
19. Sets of colored pencils and markers for each child.
20. Methodological literature.
21. Wall clock.
22. Towel , soap and paper napkins.
log center office should be aesthetically designed. It is not recommended to hang prints, paintings, drawings and tables on the walls that are not related to the correction process.
A speech therapy center (abbreviated as “logopunkt”) is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to another (specialized) group.
The main task of preschool educational institutions of a general developmental type (that is, ordinary kindergartens) is the implementation of a general education program.
And, as you know, such a program does not specifically provide time for classes with a speech therapist teacher.
In other words, speech therapy classes are an additional service.
Therefore, the schedule of classes in preschool educational institutions is drawn up in such a way that the speech therapist teacher can work with children only during their free activity, without compromising general education classes.