Literacy games for children 5–6 years old in kindergarten
Writing lessons, learning the alphabet, assignments. Lessons for future first-graders. Benefits for parents and
Homemade didactic game on sound automation
material on speech therapy card file on speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic
Methodological materials for speech therapist teachers Contained in sections: Methodological materials for teachers and educators 27649
Old talkative women live at the edge of the forest. Tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh
Let's finish the noodles, hurry up and make everyone laugh again. Tongue twisters with the letter Sh for 1st grade
Girl watching cartoon on TV
Just something complicated. Programs. Iron. Internet. Windows
Cartoons for children from 2 years old - a number of educational cartoons and animated series, the main
Letter learning game
18 GAMES FOR STUDYING LETTERS WITH CHILDREN card index (senior group) on the topic
Today it has become the norm that a child entering school requires much more knowledge and
Methodological development: Express diagnostics of children 4 - 5 years of age with speech development problems
I. Inspection of the articulatory apparatus. A speech therapy examination for rhinolalia begins with an examination of the articulatory apparatus. From
The use of anticipation in teaching literacy in speech therapy classes
Syllable structure of the word Note 1 Violations in the syllabic structure of the word are caused by the presence of kinetic apraxia,
Child development
Ready-made pedagogical characteristics for a preschooler - requirements for compilation and examples of completion
Characteristics for a child in a preschool educational institution from the teacher Any characteristic consists of several points that
Homemade didactic game on sound automation
Didactic aids for individual speech therapy sessions
So that the child attends speech therapy classes with pleasure and completes the tasks offered to him with interest,
What to do if your child has echolalia? Treatment of echolalia in Saratov, Russia
Echolalia is the automatic repetition of other people's words, phrases, sentences and even large parts of texts
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