Methodological materials for speech therapist teachers
Contained in sections:
- Methodological materials for teachers and educators 27649
- Speech development. Speech development of children 15267
Includes sections:
- Articulation. Articulatory gymnastics 1539
- Bilingualism, bilingualism 209
- Bioenergoplastics in working with children 118
- Dysarthria 238
- Dysgraphia and dyslexia. Prevention and correction 263
- Kinesiology. Kinesiological exercises and games for children 438
- Speech therapist consultations for parents 1557
- Corrective work. For teachers of correctional groups 305
- Corrective classes. Notes for correctional groups 4027
- Speech therapy classes 9320
- Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scripts 1905
- Speech therapy games 1397
- Speech therapy rooms. Educational Environment 201
- Logorhythmics. Logorhythmic exercises 1437
- Fine motor skills 11446
By groups:
- Senior group
- Preparatory group
- Middle group
- Junior group
Showing publications 1-10 of 8173. All sections | The work of a speech therapist. Speech therapy
The best
Modern speech therapy technologies in the work of a speech pathologist and teacher-speech therapist Articulation gymnastics. The articulatory apparatus does not develop in a child immediately, but gradually over the course of the baby’s life and his speech practice. Articulation exercises are useful for all preschool children, which contribute to the formation of accurate, clear,…
Vocabulary work in the preparatory speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution “VOCABULARY WORK IN THE PREPARATORY Speech Therapy Group of a PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION” A word is the main lexical unit that expresses a concept. In each word, you can highlight its meaning or the meaning contained in it, its sound composition (sound design,...
A set of didactic materials for speech therapists. equipping a speech therapist's office in a kindergarten
Equipping a speech therapist’s office in a kindergarten together with the “Kindergarten” store.
We have created a list of necessary equipment for a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution using the recommendations of specialists and working teachers in preschool institutions. This listing is not final and each teacher or speech therapist himself finalizes, changes and adjusts it taking into account existing equipment, as well as according to the program he works with. Here are general recommendations and perhaps the most necessary. Large equipment: dry pool, chalk and marker board, as well as a table for sand therapy. Everything else is tabletop games and toys. This is not all the equipment for a speech therapist that can be purchased in our store; our assortment is much larger, in total more than 8,000 items of various products.
Speech therapist's office equipment:
- Development of speech breathing: butterflies, pinwheels, pipes, magic mill, “score a goal” game, “get into the basket” game, harmonica, piper, soap bubbles, balloons, whistle, whistle.
- Games for developing connected speech: tell us about your city, the world around us, my favorite fairy tales, the trees of our forests, developing speech, Didactic materials in plot pictures, part and whole, colors, contours, my house, gifts of nature, seasons, what’s where growing, playing in the profession.
- A guide for distinguishing non-speech sounds: pipe-flute, pipe, bell, bells, tambourine, rattle, maracas, rattle.
- The relaxation center is a dry pool.
Development of memory, attention, verbal-logical thinking:
- Board games: the fourth odd one, what is missing, who lives where?, who eats what?, put together a pattern, find a pair, colors, shapes, figures, matryoshka.
- Fine motor skills: massage balls of different sizes and textures, mosaics, lacing, small toys (animal figures), finger theater, counting sticks.
- Toys: pyramids of different sizes, dolls of different sizes, cars of different sizes (one truck), fruits and vegetables (dummy).
Magnetic whiteboard.
Sand therapy table with stand.
Look at other sets for kindergartens according to the Federal State Educational Standard here >>>
If you have any questions about this kit, please write to our department for working with preschool educational institutions.
The contents of the kit can be changed according to your requests and requirements.
Speech therapist's didactic materials set
Listed here are non-bulky items for equipping a speech therapist's office. All games and teaching materials can be purchased in our store at a discount - they are included in the Set of speech therapist teaching materials in the Federal State Educational Standards Sets section. It presents speech therapy games and toys, finger theaters and puppets, games for the development of speech breathing, breathing simulators, an hourglass for control, cards, demonstration materials, games developing attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, intelligence, comparison and more. The set also includes massage equipment for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: balls with spikes, palms, a roller, there are also lacing and sets of small figures with animals for organizing a plot-based educational game. The kit includes information screens for parents dedicated to speech development.
№ | Name of product | ||||
1 | Speech therapy simulator | ||||
2 | Speech therapy cubes | ||||
3 | Life-size puppet Goose speech therapy | ||||
4 | Finger Theater Kolobok (Naive World) | ||||
5 | Finger Gnomes, 6 pcs (beech) | ||||
6 | Educational game “Blow on the ball” | ||||
7 | Aeroball wooden | ||||
8 | Small lines for big victories | ||||
9 | Small hourglass - 1 minute | ||||
10 | Small hourglass - 5 minutes | ||||
11 | Whistle BIRD | ||||
12 | Dem. pictures SUPER Feelings and emotions. 16 demos pictures with text (173x220mm) | ||||
13 | Set of cards Smart kid - Who does what? | ||||
14 | Set of cards Smart baby - One - many | ||||
15 | Set of cards Smart baby - He, she, they, it | ||||
16 | Set of cards Smart baby. What from what? | ||||
17 | Large harmonica | ||||
18 | Demonstration material TELL US ABOUT KINDERGARTEN | ||||
19 | Game THE WORLD AROUND US | ||||
20 | Game (lotto) GUESS THE FAIRY TALE | ||||
21 | Visual and didactic aid TREES AND LEAVES | ||||
22 | Game STORIES IN PICTURES - 1 | ||||
23 | Lotto “Part-whole” | ||||
24 | Educational game "Colors" | ||||
25 | Educational game “My Home” | ||||
26 | Game "Gifts of Nature" | ||||
27 | Game SEASONS | ||||
28 | Game WHO LIVES WHERE | ||||
30 | JV School of the Seven Dwarfs. GAME LIBRARY: pick a pair | ||||
32 | Cubes COMPLETE THE PATTERN (Corvette) | ||||
33 | Miracle cubes FOLD A PATTERN (album-game for cubes) | ||||
34 | Game SAY IT IN ONE WORD | ||||
36 | Game SUITABLE - NOT SUITABLE | ||||
37 | Game COLOR, SHAPE, SIZE | ||||
38 | NEEDLE balls | ||||
39 | Palms with spikes | ||||
40 | Ball with SPIKES, 75 mm. | ||||
41 | Hedgehog-ball (massage) | ||||
42 | Large spiked roller 260x60mm | ||||
43 | Lacing "Owl" | ||||
44 | Lacing game with Velcro “In nature” | ||||
45 | HEDGEHOG lacing (di) | ||||
46 | PET BIRDS set with accessories | ||||
47 | Set of “Wild Animals” in a tube | ||||
48 | Set “Pets”, 12 pcs. | ||||
49 | Toys and speech development. Screens with information (6 sections) | ||||
50 | Speech development of a preschooler in the family. Screens with information (6 sections) | ||||
51 | Speech activity of children 5-7 years old “Our body”. Screens with information for (6 sections) | ||||
52 | Speech development of a child (educational and methodological manual for organizing a thematic corner in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) |
The work of a speech therapist. Speech therapy – Consultation for parents “Logorhythmics, its role in the life of a child”
Publication “Consultation for parents “Logoritmics, its role in life...” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Raduga” p. Mamontovo Consultation for parents “Logorhythmics, its role in the life of a child” Prepared by teacher: Veligurova O.V. Logorhythmics is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination...
Image library "MAAM-pictures"
Consultation for parents of children attending a preparatory speech therapy group Consultation for parents “Preventing dysgraphia in preschool age” Most children entering first grade are functionally ready to fulfill school requirements and can easily cope with a new type of activity. However, among first-graders there are also such children...
Consultation for parents “Main areas of activity of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool educational institution” Speech therapist teacher: Nekipelova E.A. “Clarity is the main advantage of speech” Aristotle The main areas of activity of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions) include: Diagnostic activities Corrective and developmental activities...
Speech therapy tales Speech therapy tale (Fairy tale for sound automation [R]) Once upon a time there was a Fox, she went out into the garden in the morning, and it was all overgrown with nettles. It was then that the Fox remembered that the Wolf was walking past her garden, and came up with an idea! Let the Fox think, when the Wolf passes by, I’ll invite him to visit! Came out...
Homemade didactic game for automating sounds “Adventure Road”
Goal: consolidation and refinement of the skill of correct pronunciation of previously learned sounds.
Objectives: development of auditory and visual attention, perception; development of visual-motor coordination, orientation in space; vocabulary expansion
Materials: a large empty candy box, cut out pictures from old postcards and magazines, pictures with attached sound.
Homemade didactic game for automating sounds
Description of work with the manual:
The child is invited to go on a trip. Along the way, he will open magic doors and complete tasks. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of the journey he will receive a small surprise.
At the end of the trip the child receives a small prize
For example, to automate the sound “r” you can take a small machine. Drive along the road, imitating the sound of a rrrrrrrrrr engine, drive up to the door, open it and say the names of the pictures. Behind the last door the child finds a surprise - it could be candy, a picture, etc.
Characteristics of the child
Valeria B., born 23.09.07, living at the address: Krasnodar, attending a special group for children with SUD at the preschool educational institution, based on an extract from the protocol of the State Medical Inspectorate.
The girl was born from the third pregnancy, which occurred against the background of weight deficiency, was born premature (38 weeks) with a body weight of 2100 g. body length - 48 cm, she screamed immediately. On artificial feeding from the first day of birth. After birth, nursing procedures were carried out for a month. The child's early development was delayed:
Motor formula (3 m - 6 m - 14 m)
Teeth – by 4, 5 months 4 teeth appeared. At the age of 1 year all teeth were present.
The first babbling words appeared by the age of 1.5 years. After 1.5 years, speech stopped as a result of stress (in a dream I was scared by the sharp sound of a drill).
I attended mass kindergarten from the age of 2, at this age 3 words appeared (mom, dad, uncle).
The family is complete, the living and upbringing conditions are satisfactory.
She entered MDOU No. from the mass group of MDOU No. in September 2011.
The adaptation period proceeded without any special features. The girl is sociable, comes into contact with adults, the prevailing mood is positive. Communicates mainly through gestures and facial expressions. He understands spoken speech at an everyday level, and his reaction to speech is adequate. Can follow simple one-step instructions for everyday use. Independent speech is represented by a limited number of words: (mom, dad, uncle, yes, na), sound complexes and onomatopoeia.
Follows the rules of behavior in the team. Possesses basic cultural, hygienic and self-service skills. Uses the toilet with minimal assistance and uses cutlery to eat. Dresses and undresses with the help of an adult.
Rarely participates in activities with children. Classes with specialists are individual. She is emotional in class and works willingly. But he doesn’t always cope with the task and quickly becomes exhausted.
Cognitive processes are disrupted: attention is unstable, there is a feeling of getting stuck on certain monotonous actions (clapping your hands, tapping your palm on the table).
Attention span is sharply reduced. Memory is low. Mechanical, motor, and emotional memory predominates.
In music and physical education classes she is lively, emotional, but acts spontaneously.
Play activity is not formed and cannot occupy itself independently. Doesn't show much interest in toys. Playing with toys is manipulative, plotless, or imitative.
The stock of general knowledge and ideas is reduced by age and is formed with difficulty: Lera can correlate red and yellow colors with a pattern, can perform basic actions with objects (within the limits of the material studied), and distinguishes objects by size.
Skills in visual arts have not been developed, and interest in this activity is insufficient. Completing tasks using the “Hand in Hand” method causes protest.
The parents consulted a pediatric psychoneurologist. Diagnosis: “Consequences of perinatal brain damage in the form of right-sided pyramidal insufficiency, expressive speech disorder with motor alalia syndrome, cognitive impairment.” (receives treatment).
Currently undergoing examination at a genetic consultation.
The specification is issued at the place of request.
Head of MDOU No.:
Chairman of the PMPC:
Members of the council:
- senior educator: - speech therapist teacher: - teacher - psychologist: - educator: - educator:
Date of:
Causes of delayed psycho-speech development
Based on the analysis of anamnestic data, conclusions of a neuropsychiatrist and geneticist, the results of a diagnostic examination and the presented characteristics, we can draw conclusions about some of the reasons for the delay in the psycho-speech development of this child :
a/ The child was born prematurely, the brain structures responsible for the development of speech and intelligence as a whole have not yet been fully formed;
b/ Low body weight also indicates insufficient physical readiness of the fetus for birth:
— both gross and fine motor skills are impaired: a girl of asthenic build with poor posture (mild stoop), basic movements are not clear and coordinated enough;
The face is slightly asymmetrical, inexpressive, the nasolabial folds are smoothed, the muscles are weak - insufficient closure of the lips, there is no salivation.
Articulatory motor skills are impaired, the movements of the articulatory apparatus are blurred, unclear, and there is a slight tremor of the tongue.
Fine motor skills are low, movements are awkward, it is difficult to grasp and hold objects, especially small parts of a mosaic or construction set; holds the pencil incorrectly, grips it with the whole palm, cannot open the clothespin, fasten and unfasten clothes.
c/ There is a general immaturity of the psyche: the processes of formation of perception, attention, memory, and thinking are disrupted.