Work program for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia during primary school education


The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech (dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children is currently one of the most pressing tasks of speech therapy.
Every year, the number of children with various types of dysgraphia in primary schools increases. The main task of a speech therapist at school is to promptly identify and prevent violations of writing and reading, and if propaedeutic work is impossible, promptly eliminate specific errors in order to prevent their transition to further education.

Based on the mechanisms of each type of dysgraphia, the authors who devoted their research to this area of ​​speech therapy (R.I. Lalaeva, V.A. Kovshikov, I.N. Sadovnikova, I.N. Efi-menkova, G.G. Misarenko, A.N. Kornev, etc.), offer various methods of correctional work.

This program is intended for the correction of acoustic dysgraphia, in which auditory differentiation is impaired. The pronunciation of sounds in children is usually normal. This is due to the fact that to isolate phonemes and correct writing, more subtle auditory differentiation is required than for oral speech. In oral speech, a slight lack of auditory differentiation of sounds can be compensated by semantic redundancy, as well as due to motor stereotypes and kinesthetic images of words automated in speech experience. In the process of writing, in order to correctly distinguish and select a phoneme, a subtle analysis of all acoustic features of sound is necessary, and this analysis is carried out internally, on the basis of trace activity, according to representation. Sometimes children with this form of dysgraphia have inaccurate kinesthetic images of sounds, which prevents the correct choice of phoneme and its correlation with the letter.

Analyzing the work of children with this form of dysgraphia, we can conclude that the following substitutions or mixtures of letters in writing are found in children of this group:

- voiced - voiceless consonants (B - P, V - F, G - K, D - T, 3 - S, Zh-Sh);

- labialized vowels (O - U, Yo - Yu);

— sonors (L, M, N, R, I);

- whistling and hissing (S - Ш, 3 - Ж, Сь - Ш);

- affricates, which in turn are mixed with each other and their constituent components (Ch - Shch, Ch - C, Ch - Th, C - T, S - C, Ch - Sh, C - TS).

The main objectives of remedial education for children with acoustic dysgraphia are the following.

1. Development of phonemic awareness.

2. Teaching simple and complex forms of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis.

3. Clarification and comparison of sounds in pronunciation terms, relying on auditory and visual perception, as well as tactile and kinesthetic sensations.

4. Isolation of certain sounds at the level of syllable, word, phrase, sentence and text.

5. Determining the position of a sound in relation to others.

Correctional speech therapy work is traditionally carried out in three stages.

I. Preparatory. (4 hours)

II. Basic (50 hours)

III. Final (6 hours)

A full course of correctional and developmental education involves 60 lessons (hours) (30 weeks).

Main tasks and directions of work of the preparatory stage.

1. Development of auditory and visual attention.

2. Development of auditory differentiation.

3. Development of phonemic awareness.

4. Clarification of the articulation of sounds in auditory and pronunciation terms. If necessary, sound pronunciation is corrected.

Main tasks and directions of work of the main stage.

1. Development of auditory and visual attention.

2. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

3. Development of auditory differentiation (differentiation of oppositional sounds is carried out at the level of syllable, word, phrase, sentence and text).

Main tasks and directions of work of the final stage.

1. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

2. Transfer of acquired skills and knowledge to other types of activities.

By the end of correctional education, children should know:

- terms used to denote basic concepts - speech, sound, letter, articulation, etc.;

- all the letters and sounds of the native language;

- distinctive features of vowels and consonants;

- vowels and consonants;

- hard and soft consonants, as well as letters to indicate the softness of consonants in writing;

- pairs of vowel sounds; pairs of consonant sounds by hardness - softness, by sonority - deafness;

By the end of training, children should be able to:

- recognize and distinguish between vowels and consonants;

- indicate vowels; hard, soft, voiceless and voiced consonants in writing;

- use the vowels I, Ya, Yo, Yu, E or b to indicate the softness of consonants in writing;

- distinguish mixed sounds by ear and pronunciation;

- perform phonetic analysis of the word;

- perform sound-letter analysis of syllables and words;

- write down words with the vowels I, I, E, Yu, E, as well as the letters b and b;

- select words for a given sound;

- compare words with similar sounds;

- build sound patterns of syllables and words;

- create phrases and sentences with mixed sounds;

— restore sentences and text with specified sounds;

- independently write auditory and visual dictations, presentations and essays using oppositional sounds.

The proposed sequence of familiarization with sounds and letters differs from the traditional school curriculum and is based on the order of appearance and formation of sounds in ontogenesis: first, vowel sounds are studied and differentiated, then consonants (first whistling, and then hissing, affricates and sonorants).

Work on soft and hard consonants is associated with the differentiation of vowels A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, E - E. It is advisable to begin work on differentiating voiced and voiceless consonants with sounds, when pronouncing which the work of the vocal cords is easily felt. It must be built in the following sequence: 3 - N, F - W, V - F, B-P, D-T, G-K.

The form of classes can be frontal or subgroup.

This program not only helps to overcome acoustic dysgraphia, but also the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), enrichment of the vocabulary and development of the grammatical structure of speech; development of coherent speech; strengthening reading and writing skills.

Calendar and thematic plan for the implementation of the program to overcome acoustic dysgraphia

No. Topic of classes Number of hours Deadlines
I. _ Preparatory stage (4 hours)
1 Development of auditory and visual attention and perception. 1
2 Differentiation of the concepts “sound - letter”. 1
3 Differentiation of vowels and consonants. 1
4 Differentiation of hard and soft consonants. 1
II . Main stage (50 hours)
5 Differentiation of vowel sounds and letters. Differentiation of vowels of the I-II series. 1
6 Differentiation of letters A - Z in syllables and words. 1
7 Hard and soft consonants before vowels A – Z in phrases, sentences and texts. 1
8 Differentiation of vowels U - Yu in syllables and words. 1
9 Hard and soft consonants before the vowels U - Yu in phrases, sentences and texts. 1
10 Differentiation of vowels O - E in syllables and words. 1
11 Hard and soft consonants before the vowels O - E in phrases, sentences and texts. 1
12 Differentiation of sounds and letters O - U in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
13 Differentiation of letters E - Yu in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
14 Differentiation of vowels I - Y in syllables and words. 1
15 Hard and soft consonants before vowels I - Y in phrases, sentences and text. 1
16 Differentiation of vowels E - E in syllables and words. 1
17 Hard and soft consonants before vowels E - E in phrases, sentences and text. 1
18 Indicating the softness of consonants using a soft sign in the middle of words. 1
19 Separating soft sign. Sound analysis of words. 1
20 Soft sign differentiation in softening and separation functions. 1
21 Control over knowledge acquisition. Error analysis. 1
22 Voiced and voiceless consonants. Paired and unpaired consonants. 1
23 Differentiation of sounds B - B' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
24 Differentiation of sounds P - P' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
25 Differentiation of sounds B - B', P - P' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
26 Working with paronymous words. Spelling of consonants B - B', P - P' in the root of the word. 1
27 Differentiation of sounds B - B' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
28 Differentiation of sounds F - F' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
29 Differentiation of sounds V - V', F - F' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
30 Working with paronymous words. Spelling of consonants B - V', F - F' at the root of the word. 1
31 Differentiation of sounds G - G' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
32 Differentiation of sounds K - K' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
33 Differentiation of sounds G - G', K - K', X - X' in isolation, in syllables, words. 1
34 Differentiation of sounds G - G', K - K', X - X' in phrases, sentences and text. Working with paronymous words. 1
35 Differentiation of sounds K - K', X - X' in phrases, sentences and text. 1
36 Differentiation of sounds D - D' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
37 Differentiation of sounds T - T' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
38 Differentiation of sounds D - D', T - T' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
39 Working with paronymous words. Spelling of consonants D - D', T - T' in the root of the word. 1
40 Differentiation of sounds Z - Z' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
41 Differentiation of sounds C - C' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
42 Differentiation of sounds 3 - 3′, C - C' in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Differentiation of prepositions SO – S, ZA – AZ-ZA 1
43 Working with paronymous words. The spelling of consonants is 3 - 3′, C - C' in the root of the word. 1
44 Sound and letter Z. Sound analysis at the level of words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
45 Sound and letter Sh. Sound analysis at the level of words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
46 Differentiation of sounds and letters Ж - Ш in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. Working with paronymous words. 1
47 Differentiation of sounds R - R', L - L' in isolation, in syllables, words. 1
48 Differentiation of sounds R - R', L - L' in phrases, sentences and text. 1
49 Differentiation of sounds S - S' - Ш in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
50 Differentiation of sounds Z - Z' - Zh in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
51 Differentiation of sounds S - S', C in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
52 Differentiation of sounds Ts - TS in syllables, words, phrases and text. 1
53 Differentiation of sounds Ch - Ш in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
54 Differentiation of sounds H - TH in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and text. 1
III . Final stage (6 hours)
55 Written retelling of the text. 1
56 Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings. 1
57 Compiling a story based on a plot picture. 1
58 Compiling a descriptive story based on a diagram. 1
59 Compiling a descriptive story without relying on a diagram. 1
60 Writing a story on a specific topic. 1

List of recommended literature:

  1. Agranovich Z.E. A collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents to overcome lexical and grammatical speech underdevelopment in preschoolers with OPD / Z.E. Agranovich. - St. Petersburg. : “CHILDHOOD - PRESS”, 2001.
  2. Altukhova N.G. Learn to listen to sounds. How to effectively prepare a child for school: the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers / N.G. Altukhova. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 1999.
  3. Volina V.V. Entertaining alphabet learning / V.V. Volina. - M.: Education, 1991.
  4. Volina V.V. Primer holiday / V.V. Volina. - M.: Education, 1991.
  5. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: a book for speech therapists / L.N. Efimenkova. - M.: Education, 1991.
  6. Kazak O.N. Riddles and crosswords / O.N. Kozak. - St. Petersburg. : Union, 1997.
  7. Speech therapy / ed. Volkova L.S. - M., 1995.
  8. Lalaeva R.I. Elimination of reading and writing disorders in auxiliary school students / R.I. Lalaeva. - M., 1978.
  9. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. 550 entertaining exercises for speech development: a manual for speech therapists and parents / I.S. Lopukhina. - M.: Aquarium, 1995.
  10. Mazanova E.V. Forms and methods of speech therapy work for the correction of dysgraphia // Development and correction. Vol. 10. - M.: ANMC "Development and Correction" VOY, 2001.
  11. Mazanova E.V. Speech therapy. Dysgraphia caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis. A set of notebooks on corrective speech therapy work with children with speech development disorders. Notebook No. 1 / E.V. Mazanova. — M.: AQUARIUM BUK; Kyiv: FGUIPPV, 2004.
  12. Mazanova E.V. Speech therapy. Overcoming writing impairment: A set of notebooks on corrective speech therapy work with children with speech development disorders. Notebook No. 2/ E.V. Mazanova. - M.: AQUARIUM BUK Kyiv: FGUIPPV, 2004.
  13. Nechaeva N.V. How to teach literacy to reading and non-reading children / N.V. Nechaeva. - St. Petersburg, 1993.
  14. Uspensky L.P., Uspenskaya M.B. Learn to speak correctly: a book for students: In 2 hours / L.P. Uspensky, M.B. Uspenskaya. — 2nd ed. — M.: Enlightenment; Educational literature, 1995.
  15. Udzenkova A.V., Sagirova O.V. Russian - with passion: a collection of entertaining exercises and games in the Russian language for classes with primary schoolchildren / A.V. Uzdenkova, O.V. Sagirova. - Ekaterinburg: ARD - LTD, 1997.
  16. Filicheva T.E., Kashe G.A. Didactic material for correcting pronunciation deficiencies in preschool children / T.B. Filicheva, G.A. Porridge. - M.: Education, 1996.
  17. Tsvintarny V.V. Playing with fingers and developing speech / V.V. Tsvyntarny. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 1997.

Speech therapy program for children in grades 1-4 to prevent dysgraphia

Speech therapy program for children in grades 1-4 to prevent dysgraphia


teacher speech therapist:

Ignatkova Oksana Vladimirovna

Explanatory note

In the elementary grades, some children may experience difficulties in mastering written language, such as missing letters, replacing them, or distorting the spelling of words. This usually occurs with organic speech disorders. If these violations are identified in a timely manner and corrective training is carried out, it is possible to prevent their transition, which complicates the educational and cognitive activity of students at subsequent stages.

This program is designed to work with students in grades 1-4 to prevent dysgraphia.

Scientific validity

When compiling this program, I relied on the methodological developments and scientific research of V. A. Kovshikov, R. I. Lalaev, L. N. Misarenko, G. M. Sumchenko, Yu. G. Demyanova, V. V. Konovalenko, I. I. Sadovnikova, I. E. Tokar. The work program was developed on the basis of O. V. Chistyakova’s manual on the prevention of dysgraphia in grades 1-4. The following methodological developments were also used to compile the program

1. Eletsky O.V., Gorbachevskaya N.Yu., Organization of speech therapy work at school: M.: 2001.

2. Efimenkova L.N., Misarenko G.G., Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center: A manual for speech therapists. – M.: 1991.

3. Gaidina L.N., Obukhova L.A., Speech therapy exercises, correction of written speech disorders. – M.: 2008.

4. Tokar I. E. Collection of exercises for the prevention and elimination of written speech disorders among students in grades 2-4 of secondary schools. – M.: 2005.

5. Mazanova E. V. Method of recommendation by a speech therapist teacher of school speech centers for the organization of correctional work. – M.: 2005.

Purpose of the program:

correction of written speech disorders in students in grades 1-4


— development of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

- formation and development of grammatically correct speech;

— development of memory, attention, spatial perception, observation;

— expansion of vocabulary;

- development of coherent speech.


This program is intended for speech therapy work with students from grades 1 to 4 who have difficulties in developing written speech. All material presented in the program is designed for 4 years of study and is compiled taking into account the age characteristics of students.

In 1st grade

20 hours are provided.
All correctional work in 1st grade can be divided into 3 sections

— Section 1 includes tasks aimed at developing memory, attention, spatial perception, and observation skills;

— section 2 includes theoretical information on the Russian language, tasks for the development of sound perception, distinguishing sounds and letters, work on words and sentences;

— section 3 includes tasks and games aimed at expanding the vocabulary, developing the child’s coherent speech, as well as exercises designed to solve the problem of missing letters.

Duration of classes is 20-25 minutes.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills by the end of 1st grade:

Students should know:

sentence construction; the main difference between a sound and a letter; sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words, syllabic analysis of words.

Students should be able to:

- isolate sounds from words and pronounce them correctly;

- distinguish vowel sounds and letters from consonants;

- recognize and differentiate paired, sonorant, whistling and hissing consonant sounds and letters;

- indicate in writing the softness of consonant sounds with the vowels e, e, i, yu, i;

- divide words into syllables;

- highlight the stressed syllable in a word;

- write sentences correctly - use a capital letter at the beginning, a period at the end of the sentence;

- retell simple sentences.

In 2nd grade

Corrective work is designed for 30 hours. The work is carried out to consolidate topics related to the study of parts of speech and the composition of words, some of the classes are aimed at expanding vocabulary and the formation of coherent speech. Duration of classes is 25-35 minutes.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills by the end of 2nd grade:

Students should know:

Studied parts of speech and their characteristics; morphological composition of the word.

Students should be able to:

- actively use various methods of word formation;

- have the skills to master the morphological composition of a word;

- master phrases, connections between words in a sentence;

- write prepositions and words separately;

- write sentences correctly: use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, put a period, an exclamation point and a question mark at the end of a sentence.

In 3-4 grade

Corrective work is designed for 30 hours. Correctional work is devoted to consolidating the topics: “Related words”, “Formation of words”, “Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, stress checked”, as well as exercises for distinguishing vowels and consonants sounds (letters), which can be mixed in the child’s oral and written speech. Lesson duration is 25-35 minutes.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills by the end of grades 3-4:

Students should know:

Syllable analysis of a word; softness of consonants; morphological composition of the word: root, ending, prefix, suffix; sentences: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory.

Students should be able to:

- perform sound-letter analysis of words;

- establish relationships between letters and sounds in a word;

- use different methods of word formation;

- possess the primary skills of mastering the morphological composition of a word;

- use various sentence structures in speech;

— build a coherent statement, establish logic (coherence, consistency);

— accurately and clearly formulate thoughts in the process of preparing a coherent statement;

- draw up a text plan.

Recommendations for conducting classes

1. The child needs a manual from O. V. Chistyakova, a simple pencil, a pen, colored pencils, a notebook.

2. During classes, try to avoid negative assessments when your child fails. On the contrary, once again praise him for what he does.

3. If the task turns out to be too difficult, you can put it off for a while and then return to it.

4. You can return to the same task several times, changing the material for work (other sounds, words, pictures, sentences).

5. At the end of each lesson, the child is asked to evaluate his work. If he thinks that he has worked hard and completed all the tasks, then he paints over the green circle of the traffic light; if there were difficulties - a yellow circle, if most of the tasks were completed poorly - a red circle. An adult can also evaluate the child’s work by coloring the corresponding circle of the second traffic light.

7. Remember that you need to study constantly until errors of this kind disappear in your child’s written work.

The program can be supplemented and changed as you work with it.

Calendar-thematic plan of work to prevent dysgraphia

1 class

No. Lesson topic Number of hours date
According to plan actually
1. Sounds and letters. 1
2. Sounds and letters. 1
3. Sounds and letters. 1
4. Consonant sounds and letters. 1
5. Consonant sounds and letters. 1
6. Indication of softness and hardness of consonants using vowels. 1
7. Distinguishing letters a-z. 1
8. Distinguishing letters o-e. 1
9. Distinguishing letters u-yu. 1
10. Letters e, e, yu, i. 1
11. Letters e, e, yu, i. 1
12. Letters e, e, yu, i 1
13. Dividing words into syllables. 1
14. Dividing words into syllables. 1
15. Dividing words into syllables. Emphasis. 1
16. Emphasis. Hyphenation. 1
17. Words-objects, words-signs, words-actions. 1
18. Words-objects, words-signs, words-actions. 1
19. Offer. 1
20. Offer. 1

Calendar-thematic plan of work to prevent dysgraphia

2nd grade

No. Lesson topic Number of hours date
According to plan Actually
1. Noun. General meaning. 1
2. Noun. Gender and number. 1
3. Verb. General meaning. 1
4. Verb. Date and time. 1
5. Distinguishing between a noun and a verb. 1
6. Adjective name. General meaning. 1
7. Adjective. Number and gender. 1
8. Distinguish between nouns, adjectives and verbs. 1
9. Pretext. 1
10. Pretext. 1
11. Words that are close in meaning (synonyms). 1
12. Words with opposite meanings (antonyms). 1
13. Words that have the same spelling and pronunciation (homonyms). 1
14. Single and polysemous words. 1
15. Phraseologisms. 1
16. Composition of the word. Root. Related words and word forms. 1
17. Composition of the word. Root. Related words and word forms. 1
18. Composition of the word. Root. Related words and word forms. 1
19. Composition of the word. Console. 1
20. Prefix and preposition. 1
21. Composition of the word. Suffix. 1
22. Composition of the word. Morphemic analysis. 1
23. Offer. 1
24. Offer. The grammatical basis of the sentence. 1
25. Offer. Agreement of the verb with the noun in number and gender. 1
26. Offer. Agreement of the verb with the noun in number and gender. 1
27. Offer. Control. 1
28. Proposal distribution. 1
29. Boundaries of the proposal. 1
30. Connection of words in a sentence. 1

Calendar-thematic plan of work to prevent dysgraphia

3-4 grade

No. Lesson topic Number of hours date
According to plan Actually
1. Related words. 1
2. Composition of the word. Forming words using prefixes. 1
3. Composition of the word. Forming words using suffixes. 1
4. Emphasis. 1
5. Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress. 1
6. Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress. 1
7. Distinguishing letters o-a. 1
8. Distinguishing letters i-u. 1
9. Distinguishing letters i-s. 1
10. Distinguishing letters ё-yu. 1
11. Distinguishing letters b-p. 1
12. Distinguishing letters v-f. 1
13. Distinguishing letters g-k. 1
14. Distinguishing letters d-t. 1
15. Distinguishing letters zh-sh. 1
16. Distinguishing letters z-s. 1
17. Distinguishing letters l-m. 1
18. Distinguishing letters k-n. 1
19. Distinguishing letters p-t. 1
20. Distinguishing letters b-d. 1
21. Distinguishing letters x-zh. 1
22. Distinguishing letters sh-sch. 1
23. Distinguishing letters n-p. 1
24. Distinguishing the letters f-x. 1
25. Distinguishing letters s-sh. 1
26. Distinguishing letters z-zh. 1
27. Distinguishing letters h-sch. 1
28. Distinguishing the letters ch-sh. 1
29. Distinguishing letters h-ts. 1
30. Distinguishing letters s-ts. 1
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