Individual work program for correcting sound pronunciation “Speaking Correctly”

Didactic games to work on sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic hearing

Irina Vit

Didactic games to work on sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic hearing

Name and guess

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [З] in words , to determine its presence in a word

Material: pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [Z] , paired pictures without sound

Procedure: the teacher displays paired pictures and asks the children to name them. Then he offers to name only those whose names have the sound [З] .

For example: lock - key, goat - cow.

The teacher corrects errors in the children's speech, emphasizing the sound with his voice .

Help the artist

Purpose: to exercise the ability to select similar sounding words

Material: pictures of objects

Progress of the game : V – l shows a picture and asks to name it. Then he shows a blank piece of paper and asks the children to name what an artist could draw that sounds similar. words are pronounced in chorus, individually, paying attention to the similarities and differences of words.

For example: whale - cat, crayfish - poppy, bear - donut, beetle - onion.

Continue the word

Goal: to reinforce the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words .

Progress of the game : The teacher pronounces a phrase, but without finishing it, the children must finish it

For example: Ra-ra-ra begins.

The boy has ry-ry-ry...

Ro-ro-ro we have a new...

Ru-ru-ru we continue to play...

Then he invites the children to come up with a phrase themselves.


Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the presence of a certain sound in words

Material: train with 3 carriages, 9 subject pictures for sounds .

Progress of the game : V. shows a train and pictures of animals and says that each animal can only ride in its own carriage. Animals whose names contain a certain sound , for example: “m”

, in the 2nd carriage with
the sound “l”
, in the 3rd carriage
. In order to seat the animals, three handlers and a controller are selected. Then the children and pictures change.

Who is bigger

Goal: to train children in selecting words with a certain sound .

Material: subject picture, for example “street”


Progress of the game : the teacher suggests looking at the picture and naming objects whose names have a certain sound . For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins

Highlight the word.

Goal: To learn to isolate words with a certain sound .

Progress of the game : he slowly pronounces the words, emphasizing the sound in his voice and invites the children to clap their hands if they hear the sound in the word .

What's in the bag

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [ts] , to identify words with the sound from a group of other words.

Material: a bag with toys whose names contain the sound [ts] , for example: chicken, button, scissors, as well as other toys: ball, cube

Progress of the game : The teacher shows a bag of toys and offers to take out the toys one by one and name them. When all the toys are on the table, the teacher suggests choosing those toys whose names contain the sound [ts] and calling them .


Purpose: to practice the correct pronunciation of words with a given sound

Material: toys with a given sound

Progress of the game : Toys are placed on the table, children sit on chairs. The teacher invites the children to come to the store and buy only those toys whose names contain a given sound . The name of the toy is pronounced loudly, emphasizing the sound with your voice

Guess who's screaming.

Goal: development of auditory attention , achieving clear pronunciation of sounds in words .

Material: toys - animals.

Progress of the game : The teacher shows the toys, naming them and imitating their cry, then puts them behind the screen. The leader - the child stands behind the screen and, having chosen a toy, imitates the cry of an animal, the guessed toy is placed on the table.

The first one to guess is the leader.


Goal: to consolidate the correct recognition of the sound [w] in words .

Material: doll - boy and doll - girl, toys: car, bear, mouse, and other toys whose names contain the sound [w] .

Progress of the game : The teacher shows the dolls (Misha and Masha)

and invites them to choose gifts for their birthday.
The teacher pays attention to the presence of sound in words and monitors the clear pronunciation of words.
Let's pick up a toy

Goal: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound “zh”

in words.
Find objects that have a sound .
Material: doll, toys: beetle, giraffe, hedgehog, flag, etc.

Progress of the game : The teacher arranges the toys in the group, then shows the doll and offers to come up with a name for the doll with the sound “zh”

, and give the doll toys, but only those whose names contain
the sound “zh”
. Children and the teacher walk through the group looking for toys for the doll, calling them out loud.

Similar words

Goal: learn to find words that sound similar.

Material: toys whose names sound similar.

Progress of the game : the teacher shows and names the toy: “miishshkaa”

. Children repeat the word. The teacher suggests choosing a similar word, for example: bear, mouse, cone, donut... Well done, they came up with a lot of words. with other toys according to analogy.


Goal: determining the first and last sound in a word

Progress of the game : the teacher makes a riddle, when the children guess it, he offers to determine the first (last)
sound in the word
Guess - ka

Goal: highlighting the first sound in a word .

Progress of the game : the teacher offers the children a number of tasks:

1 Name the first sound in children's names

2 Name the first (last)
sound in the words named by the teacher
3 Select words starting with the given sound .

Program for correcting sound pronunciation in primary schoolchildren

Explanatory note

The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairment), the adapted basic educational program of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of a boarding school, the program of special correctional educational institutions of the IIIV type, edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova, programs L.E. Shevchenko “Planning the work of a speech therapist in a special (correctional) school. -Armavir: AFGOU KKIDPO, 2011.

The Federal State Education Standard defines target guidelines, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function. When developing the work program, the following systems of correctional work with children with impaired sound pronunciation were used:

  1. T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina. Speech therapy program to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children.
  2. G.A. Porridge. Correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children.
  3. M.F. Fomicheva.

The relevance of this course is due to the need to prevent academic failure of younger schoolchildren with various oral speech and written language impairments. This stage of correctional work is the longest in time and includes speech therapy classes throughout the school year.

Research by correctional teachers and many years of experience of practicing speech therapists shows that the number of children with speech development disorders is steadily growing. These children constitute the main risk group for academic failure, especially when mastering writing and reading. They are not ready for the new social role of a student with a certain set of qualities such as the ability to listen and hear, work in a team and think independently, and strive to learn new things.

Most often, speech defects are observed in pronunciation, which is quite difficult to form correctly, since the child needs to learn to control his speech organs, to exercise control over his own speech and the speech of others.

The essence of speech therapy is to develop correct skills and inhibit incorrect ones with the help of a special system of pedagogical influence. The formation of correct pronunciation skills is carried out by a speech therapist in specially organized individual and subgroup classes.

Goals and objectives of the implementation of the work program

The purpose of the program : to provide a system of means and conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children of primary school age, ensuring full speech and mental development.


  • Development and refinement of the basic movements of the speech organs in children through articulatory gymnastics.
  • Development of speech breathing.
  • Production of defectively pronounced sounds.
  • Automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, tongue twisters, connected speech.
  • Development of phonemic (sound) hearing and prosodic components of speech.
  • Differentiation of sounds.
  • Introduction of assigned sounds into speech.
  • Development of oral coherent speech. Formation of a full-fledged phrase of a child.
  • Stage-by-stage compilation of a story.

Principles for forming a work program

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the work program is based on the following principles:

correctional and pedagogical:

  • principle of a systems approach;
  • ontogenetic principle;
  • the principle of relying on intact analyzers;
  • the principle of considering speech disorders in connection with other aspects of the child’s mental development;
  • the principle of taking into account the structure of a speech defect;
  • the principle of taking into account the zone of proximal and actual development;

general didactic:

  • the principle of visibility regulates the selection of visual material;
  • the principle of accessibility involves selecting material from simple to complex, depending on the age and individual needs of the child;
  • the principle of an individual and differentiated approach is reflected in the composition of subgroups depending on the results of examination of children with speech disorders.

Addressee of the program : students in grades 1-3

Training technology: in the learning process it is expected to use

  • various active learning methods;
  • analysis of specific concepts and situations;
  • training and other types of tasks;
  • creative work of children.

Conditions: classes are held in a specially equipped room.

Volume of educational load

The implementation period for the work program is 1 year.

The program is implemented in stages in accordance with the goals and objectives of speech therapy.

Each stage is divided into months, the number of classes required for this stage of work is determined.

Classes are held outside of the main educational activity.

The number of classes per week is 2, the number of children in the subgroup is 2-4.

The duration of 1 lesson is 40 minutes.

Program content (grade 1):

The program assumes the following content of correctional and educational work:

  1. Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:
  • stability of attention;
  • observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);
  • ability to remember;
  • switching ability;
  • self-control skills and techniques;
  • cognitive activity.
  1. Formation of full-fledged educational skills:
  • planning upcoming activities;
  • acceptance of the learning task;
  • active comprehension of the material;
  • highlighting the main, essential things in the educational material, determining the ways and means of achieving the goal;
  • control over the progress of its activities;
  • work at a certain pace;
  • application of knowledge in new situations;
  • analysis, assessment of the productivity of one’s own activities.

The program includes work on developing communication skills:

  1. Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning:
  • the ability to listen carefully and hear the speech therapist teacher without switching to extraneous influences; subordinate your actions to his instructions and comments;
  • the ability to understand and accept a learning task posed in verbal form;
  • the ability to master verbal means of communication for the purpose of clear perception, retention and concentrated execution of a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;
  • the ability to purposefully and consistently carry out educational activities and adequately respond to control and assessments from a speech therapist teacher.
  1. Formation of communication skills that are adequate to the situation of educational activities:
  • answering questions in strict accordance with instructions and assignments;
  • answering questions during the course of study using learned terminology;
  • answers in 2-3 phrases according to the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement);
  • application of instructions (scheme) in preparing a coherent statement on the course and results of educational work;
  • turning to a speech therapist or friend for clarification;
  • explanation of instructions, learning tasks using the necessary terminology;
  • formulating tasks when performing collective types of educational work;
  • compliance with speech etiquette;
  • composing oral coherent statements with elements of creativity.

Objectives of individual activities:

  • development of articulatory praxis;
  • conducting phonation exercises;
  • clarification of the articulation of correctly pronounced sounds in various sound-syllable combinations;
  • calling and staging missing sounds or correcting distorted sounds;
  • the initial stage of their automation in facilitated phonetic conditions.

Contents of individual lessons:

  • normalization of muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles (for dysarthria, for example, learning to self-massage the face);
  • normalization of articulatory motor skills;
  • normalization of voice (for dysarthria);
  • normalization of speech breathing;
  • normalization of prosody;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • clarification of pronunciation and production of sounds;
  • automation of refined or delivered sounds.

Objectives and content of subgroup classes:

  • consolidation of pronunciation skills of learned sounds;
  • developing skills in perceiving and reproducing complex syllable structures consisting of correctly pronounced sounds;
  • differentiation of delivered sounds in pronunciation with oppositional phonemes

For speech therapy work during subgroup classes, 2-4 children are united based on the same type of sound pronunciation disorder. The composition of children in subgroups changes periodically throughout the year. This is due to dynamic changes in the speech correction of each child. The composition of the subgroups is an open system and changes at the discretion of the speech therapist depending on the dynamics of achievements in pronunciation correction.

First stage: examination - 4 hours.

Study of medical records, information about the child’s family, data on early speech development. Examination of impressive speech. Expressive language assessment. Examination of coherent speech. Vocabulary survey.

Second stage: preparatory - 6 hours.

Formation of the articulatory base, development and improvement of sensorimotor functions, psychological prerequisites and communication skills, readiness to learn.

  • development of organs of articulation;
  • development of auditory attention and auditory control;
  • development of sound perception

Third stage: vowels, consonants (m, p, v, k, n, f, t, x, s, b, d, ) - 16 hours.

  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • the formation of full-fledged phonetic representations (based on the development of phonemic perception) and the improvement of sound generalizations in the process of exercises in sound analysis and synthesis;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Fourth stage: consonant sounds (r, l, zh, s, sh, r, l) -14h.

fixation of sound in speech.

  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Fifth stage: sound Y - 8 hours.

  • pronunciation of sound in syllables, words of speech.
  • correct pronunciation of the sound at the beginning of a word.
  • correct pronunciation of the sound after the vowel.
  • correct pronunciation of the sound after the separating soft sign.
  • correct pronunciation of the sound after the separating hard sign.

Sixth stage: consonant sounds (ch, sch, ts) differentiation of consonant sounds - 18 hours.

  • highlighting a sound against the background of a syllable or word
  • determining the place of a sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
  • highlighting a word with a given sound
  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • activation and expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Frontal examination - 2 hours.

Assessing the effectiveness of correctional work. Shear inspection work. Assessing the dynamics of working with students. Quantitative and qualitative error analysis.

Educational and thematic planning

No.Program sectionsNumber of hours
Examination of impressive speech. Expressive language assessment. Examination of coherent speech. Vocabulary survey.
2Stage 2: preparatory: development of articulation organs; development of auditory attention and auditory control; development of sound perception. 6 hours
3Stage 3: study of vowels, consonants (m, p, v, k, n, f, t, x, s, b, d, z)16 h
4Stage 4: learning sounds and letters (g, l, zh, s, w, r, l)2 p.m.
5Stage 5: sound Y8h.
6Stage 6: study of sounds and letters (ch, shch, ts, th) differentiation of consonant sounds18 h
7Frontal examination2 hours
Total68 h

Planned results:

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

  • understand spoken speech in accordance with the parameters of the age group;
  • formulate the sound side of speech phonetically correctly;
  • hear the expressiveness of others' speech;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds;
  • distinguish articulatory-similar, whistling and hissing sounds;
  • distinguish objects by questions;
  • differentiate prepositions in speech;
  • explain the meaning of words;
  • answer the question posed in a complete sentence;
  • have basic graphic skills;
  • be able to navigate well in space, on a sheet of paper.

Program content (grade 2):

Examination - 4 hours.

Study of medical records, information about the child’s family, data on early speech development. Examination of impressive speech. Expressive language assessment. Examination of coherent speech. Vocabulary survey.

Preparatory stage - 6 hours.

Development and improvement of sensorimotor functions, psychological prerequisites and communication skills, readiness to learn.

  • development of organs of articulation;
  • development of auditory attention and auditory control;
  • development of sound perception

Vowel sounds, hard and soft consonants (p, b, t, d, k, g, v, f, n, m, z, s) - 16 hours.

  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • the formation of full-fledged phonetic representations (based on the development of phonemic perception) and the improvement of sound generalizations in the process of exercises in sound analysis and synthesis;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Sound Y 4h.

  • Correct pronunciation of the sound.
  • Correct, clear pronunciation of the sound th after the separating b and b
  • Correct, clear pronunciation of the sound th in the position after the vowel.

Whistling and hissing consonants - 14 hours.

fixation of sound in speech.

  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Differentiation of consonant sounds - 22 hours.

  • Isolation of sound against the background of a syllable or word
  • determining the place of a sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
  • highlighting a word with a given sound
  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • activation and expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Frontal examination - 2 hours.

Assessing the effectiveness of correctional work. Shear inspection work. Assessing the dynamics of working with students. Quantitative and qualitative error analysis.

Educational and thematic planning

No.Program sectionsNumber of hours
2Preparatory stage
Speech. What do we know about speech? Entertaining speech therapy.
6 hours
3Vowel sounds, hard and soft consonants (p, b, t, d, k, g, v, f, n, m, z, s)16 h
5Sound Y
Correct, clear pronunciation of the sound th after the separating b and b

Correct, clear pronunciation of the sound th in the position after the vowel

6Whistling and hissing consonants (z, zh, sh, s, ts, shch,)2 p.m.
7Differentiation of consonant sounds (r-l, b-p, d-t, v-f, g-k, z-s, zh-sh)22 h
8Frontal examination2 hours
Total68 h

Planned results:

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

  • formulate the sound side of speech phonetically correctly;
  • hear the expressiveness of others' speech;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds;
  • distinguish articulatory-similar, whistling and hissing sounds;
  • distinguish objects by questions;
  • differentiate prepositions in speech;
  • explain the meaning of words;
  • answer the question posed in a complete sentence;
  • have basic graphic skills;
  • be able to navigate well in space, on a sheet of paper.
  • arrange sentences in the correct sequence;
  • correctly use personal pronouns instead of nouns;
  • make sentences from words given in the required form separately.
  • highlight sentences from the text.

Program content (grade 3):

Examination - 6 hours.

Study of medical records, information about the child’s family, data on speech development. Examination of impressive speech. Examination of coherent speech (expressive). Vocabulary survey. Sound pronunciation examination. Reading survey. Examination of the letter.

Speech sounds – 10 hours.

Sounds and letters. Alphabet. Vowels and consonants sounds and letters. Vowel sounds Stressed and unstressed vowels. Analysis of monosyllabic words. Analysis of two-syllable words. The syllabic role of vowels. A combination of vowels with hissing consonants.

Hard and soft consonants -10h.

  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • the formation of full-fledged phonetic representations (based on the development of phonemic perception) and the improvement of sound generalizations in the process of exercises in sound analysis and synthesis;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before vowels I - Y in syllables, words, sentences. Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before vowels A – Z in syllables. Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before the vowels U - Yu in syllables. Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before vowels O - E in syllables. Indicating the softness of consonants using the letter “E” in syllables. Indicating the softness of consonants using “b” in words.

Whistling and hissing consonants 14 hours.

  • fixation of sound in speech
  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Differentiation of consonant sounds -22 hours.

Isolation of sound against the background of a syllable or word

  • determining the place of a sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
  • highlighting a word with a given sound
  • correction of pronunciation defects;
  • development of mental functions;
  • activation and expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of fine motor skills and articulation organs.

Syllable structure of a word – 4 hours

Analysis of one-syllable words Analysis of two-syllable words Analysis of three-syllable words. Emphasis on a word.

Frontal examination - 2 hours.

Assessing the effectiveness of correctional work. Shear inspection work. Assessing the dynamics of working with students. Quantitative and qualitative error analysis.

Educational and thematic planning

No.Program sectionsNumber of hours
Testing of children, introduction to a speech therapist and a speech therapy room.
6 hours
2Speech sounds.
Sounds and letters. Alphabet. Vowels and consonants sounds and letters.
10 o'clock
3Hard and soft consonants.
Differentiation of hard and soft consonants before vowels in syllables, words, sentences.
10 o'clock
4Whistling and hissing consonants (z, zh, sh, s, ts, shch,)2 p.m.
5Differentiation of consonant sounds (r-l, b-p, d-t, v-f, g-k, z-s, zh-sh)22 h
6The syllabic structure of the word.
Analysis of one-syllable words Analysis of two-syllable words Analysis of three-syllable words. Stress in the word.
7Frontal examination2 hours
Total68 h

Planned results:

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:

  • formulate the sound side of speech phonetically correctly;
  • hear the expressiveness of others' speech;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds;
  • distinguish acoustically close sounds;
  • differentiate prepositions in speech;
  • perform sound-letter analysis of words;
  • explain the meaning of words;
  • define words denoting objects, actions, signs;
  • distinguish between proper and common nouns;
  • write auditory and visual dictations;

Logistics support for the program.

Dummy articulatory apparatus.

Animation games “Sound Kaleidoscope” LLC “Mersibo” 2015

Animated games “Sounds OK” LLC “Mersibo” 2021

Educational and game set “Hard consonant sounds” part 1 Publishing house “TC Sfera”

Educational and game set “Hard consonant sounds” part 2 Publishing house “TC Sfera”

Educational and game set “Vowel Sounds” Publishing House “TC Sfera”

Z.T. Bobylev "Games with paired cards sounds S, Z, C." M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.

Z.T. Bobyleva “Games with paired cards sounds Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш,” M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.

Z.T. Bobylev "Games with paired cards sounds R, L." M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.

U.N. Yuryev “Chains of words for whistling sounds” M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.

U.N. Yuryev “Chains of words for hissing sounds” M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.

U.N. Yuryev “Chains of words for sonorous sounds” M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2021.


  1. Shevchenko L.E. Planning the work of a speech therapist in a special (correctional) school, - Armavir: AFGOU KKIDPPO, 2011.
  2. Illustrated methodology for speech therapy examination M: “Correctional pedagogy”, 2004.
  3. Lalaeva R.I. “Speech therapy work in correctional classes.” M:, “Vlados”, 1999.
  4. G.V. Babina, N. Yu. Sharipova Syllable structure of the word: examination and formation in children with speech underdevelopment. Speech therapy technologies. Picture material. Publishing house "PARADIGMA" LLC "Ukod". 115598, Moscow 2013
  5. S.E. Bolshakova “Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words in children” Publishing house “TC Sfera”, 2021.8. E. Kosinova “Lessons of a speech therapist” M: “Eksmo”, 2011
  6. L.P. Voronin "Card indexes of articulation and breathing exercises, massage and self-massage." "Publishing house "CHILDREN'S PRESS", 2018.10. V.E.
  7. Temnikov “Speech therapy games with pure tongues.” M: "Gnome and D", 2008.
  8. N.N. Krivonosova, V.V. Malkovskaya “Lessons and classes on pronunciation in 1st grade” educational manual. — Krasnodar. Kuban textbook, 2001.
  9. O.I. Galanina “Lessons and classes on pronunciation in 2nd grade” teaching aid. — Krasnodar. Kuban textbook, 2001.

Technical training aids

  1. Laptop
  2. MFP

Nakhasheva Lyudmila Viktorovna teacher-speech therapist Stanitsa Poltavskaya

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