The concept of phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN)

With FFF, children have a disorder in the pronunciation aspect of speech and special phonemic hearing, which contributes to the discrimination and recognition of phonemes of their native language. Physiological hearing and intelligence are preserved in children with FFN. The structure of the defect in FFN is characterized by the immaturity of the sound side of speech, a violation of the differentiation of sounds similar in articulatory and acoustic characteristics, a violation of the syllabic structure of the word, and mildly expressed lexical and grammatical violations.

Disturbances in the sound aspect of speech in children with FFN are represented by phonemic (mixing and substitution of sounds) and phonetic defects (distortion of sounds). The most frequently noted replacements of articulatory complex sounds with simpler ones ([r] to [l], [sh] to [f], [ s] to [t], etc.). Another variant of the manifestation of FFN may be the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds, when one sound can serve as a substitute for a number of other sounds (for example, [t´] instead of [s´], [h], [w]). Another defect in FFN may be the mixing of sounds, their unstable use in speech: in some cases the desired sound is pronounced correctly, in others it is replaced by articulatory or acoustically similar sounds. In the future, such violations will be accompanied by similar substitutions of letters in writing (articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia).

Phonemic disorders are often combined with phonetic deficiencies - distortion of the pronunciation of one or more sounds (rhotacism, sigmatism, lambdacism, etc.). The total number of defectively pronounced sounds in FFN can reach 16-20.

A direct consequence of impaired sound pronunciation in a child with FFN is the inability to master phonemic analysis: to identify sounds against the background of a word, to determine their number and sequence. Children with FFN have difficulty pronouncing words with a combination of consonants and polysyllabic words. When pronouncing such words, omissions of syllables, their rearrangements and replacements, addition of an extra sound within a syllable, etc. are noted. In addition to the listed difficulties, with FFN, blurred articulation may be noted.

The lexical reserve and grammatical structure of speech in FFN are usually within normal limits, but a special examination may reveal errors in inflection, coordination of parts of speech, and use of prepositions.

Along with verbal impairments, children with FFN are characterized by certain features of the course of HMF: instability of voluntary attention, difficulties in switching, narrowing of memory capacity (especially for speech material), difficulties in understanding abstract concepts, slow flow of thought processes, etc. All this hinders successful educational activities and causes unstable academic performance.

Why you need to see a specialist

This problem may seem insignificant to parents. After all, even in classic children's stories, we read how cute children lisp or grumble, while possessing excellent intellectual abilities.

However, experts warn that such a violation can turn into a problem when studying at school. FFNR means, first of all, the fact that the child is not able to analyze and determine the desired sound. This entails problems with spelling, as well as dyslexia and dysgraphia. In addition, incorrect pronunciation can last a lifetime, because the child “does not see or hear” his mistake.

Articulation exercises

It is not obvious to an adult how much effort a child needs to put in to pronounce words correctly. This is done not by the power of thought, but with the help of the articulatory apparatus, which in turn consists of several important organs. The concept of correcting phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment would not exist without a general set of exercises that can improve the reproducibility of sounds in most young patients.

For active lip work

Our lips literally shape the sounds we make. The typical and familiar facial movements for us have not yet been imprinted in the child’s memory. He, trying to pronounce sounds, fails precisely because of incorrect positioning of his lips

Effective exercises:

  1. “Kiss” - the child is taught to stretch out his lips with a tube as if for a kiss. Actually helps with the pronunciation of vowels and sibilants.
  2. “Smile” - the teeth are closed, and the lips spread into the widest possible smile. Trains facial muscles of the lips. You can alternate with the previous exercise.
  3. “Piglet” - from the “kissing” position, the child is asked to move his closed lips in a circle, changing the direction of rotation.

For tongue training

The tongue is mostly controlled unconsciously - it rises to the palate in a calm state, and its movements during speech are difficult to distinguish for the average person. It is obvious to a specialist that the tongue is the most important part of the articulatory apparatus and it needs to be trained first.

Useful exercises:

  1. “Needle” - you need to stick your tongue out as far as possible, but at the same time keep it tense so that there is a sharp tip. It is advisable to hold for up to 10 seconds.
  2. “Scapula” - the task is also to stick your tongue out as far as possible, but in a relaxed state.
  3. “Medoc” causes a little difficulty for children, but is very effective. It is necessary to lick the upper lip, but not from bottom to top, but from top to bottom.
  4. “Tube” - roll your tongue into a tube, straining it. The rounder it is, the better.

Clicking and clicking your tongue also helps - it’s not difficult and children are happy to repeat this exercise at home.

What is FFNR?

Speech is not only the direct reproduction of sound, but also its perception. Hearing and speech apparatus are inextricably linked and one part will not work without the other. Exceptions are possible in adulthood, but a child who has encountered phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment in childhood will experience severe difficulties in perceiving phonemes, that is, the primary structures of language.

The longer the FNF is not adjusted, the more severe the consequences may be. Against the backdrop of incorrect perception of information, the child’s socialization is threatened, as is his acquisition of more complex skills such as writing and reading. This is also the first step towards dysgraphia and dyslexia - children who are unable to perceive information by ear begin to transfer their experience to other methods of communication and cognition.

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Speech therapy examination for FFN

A speech therapist is the main specialist that such a child will need, but a pediatrician can also diagnose the disorder in consultation with an otolaryngologist. If it is not possible to visit a speech therapist right away, you can safely contact these doctors.

Only a speech therapist can determine the severity of the disease. Upon examination, he will reveal the functionality of the articulatory apparatus and rule out problems with speech for other, more physiological reasons (injuries to the larynx and problems with the respiratory system, for example). The examination consists of a thorough examination of the larynx, studying extracts from other specialists, as well as conducting special tests, based on the results of which it will be possible to accurately judge the FFF.


There are three degrees of severity of symptoms. These are light, medium, heavy.

  • Mild degree of FFNR

Characterized by minor defects. Difficulties with analysis and pronunciation of individual phonemes. For other indicators, speech is normal.

  • Average degree

He can pronounce all sounds, but confuses them when repeating words from the addresses of others to him, or when composing his own phrases and sentences. The perception of not just one or two phonemes, but an entire group is impaired.

  • Severe degree

There is difficulty in isolating phonemes and the order of their pronunciation in words; analysis and synthesis of sounds are difficult to the extreme.

How quickly can you fix the FFNR problem?

You should not expect instant results from classes. After all, the child, together with a speech therapist, will have to go a long way from preparing the speech apparatus to establish correct sound pronunciation to automating sounds in speech, developing stable phonetic hearing and the ability to conduct phonemic analysis. This is why it is important to start work as early as possible. As a rule, this problem can be identified at 4-5 years of age. This means that before entering school, the child will cope with all difficulties and will be able to become a successful student.

Date of publication: 06/27/2016. Last modified: 05/09/2018.

Characteristics of the violation

The diagnosis of FFND is made when the following abnormalities are detected:

  • Replacement of complex articulatory phonemes with simpler ones. For example, the sound p is replaced by l.
  • Replacement of a group of articulatory elements is unstable, but sporadic. That is, he pronounces the word to the left, but in other phrases the phoneme R may be present.
  • Inability to pronounce individual microphonemes.
  • Merging of phonemes.
  • Inexpressiveness, unclear pronunciation.
  • Violations of synthesis and analysis of phonemes. Confuses sounds in someone else's or his own speech. Pronounces soft ones instead of hard ones, replaces hissing ones with whistling ones.
  • Difficulty communicating with peers due to distortion of the meaning of what was said.
  • Difficulties with reading, writing.

At the same time, the baby understands words well, uses simple and complex sentences, and the vocabulary corresponds to the age norm. Disorders in the syllable structure of such children are rare.

How does a speech therapist work with FFND?

Corrective action tactics are based on an examination of the child. The work can be carried out both in group classes and individually. In the latter case, the lessons will be more effective, since they allow you to give maximum attention to the child and take into account his difficulties and problems in the plans. Speech therapy classes include:

  • Exercises aimed at correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • Game speech therapy gymnastics.
  • Auditory attention training.
  • Work to improve sound perception, teaching the basics of phonetic analysis and the correct identification of phonemes in a word.
  • Exercises to conduct sound and syllabic analysis, which ensures the successful development of literate written speech.

All classes are conducted in a playful way. The child should feel comfortable during lessons, getting ready for work. Corrective measures must be comprehensive. In addition to the speech therapist, parents should also take a significant part in the work. A unified approach to carrying out correctional work, completing the speech therapist’s “homework”, supporting the child and maximum assistance provided during the period of correction of violations will help him cope with the problem in a short time.

Possible reasons

  • Intrauterine pathology

Toxicosis and viral infections lead to disturbances in the physiological development of the fetus and delayed maturation of brain cells in the last stages of pregnancy.

  • Birth injuries

Oxygen starvation and hemorrhages lead to injury to the cerebral cortex. One aspect of speech may be impaired.

  • Infectious diseases in young children.

They provoke a weakening of the activity of brain processes.

  • Heredity
  • Unfavorable influence of environment and upbringing.

Deaf and mute parents, lack of verbal and emotional communication.

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