Automation of sound [P] in pure tongues. Speech therapy card file (senior group)

Automation of the sound R in tongue twisters:

  • Egor, Egor! Show off your yard
  • Here is my yard, green fence.

Grandfather Egor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains.

Automation of the sound P in reverse syllables using clarity is presented in a set of lessons.

Pure sayings starting with the letter R

Ryu-ryu-ryu, ryu-ryu-ryu - how much do I talk?
Ri-ri-ri, ri-ri-ri - from dawn to dawn. Re-re-re, re-re-re - about the mountain and the hole. Rya-rya-rya, rya-rya-rya - about lakes and seas. Ryu-ryu-ryu, ryu-ryu-ryu - I talk and talk. Rya-rya-rya, rya-rya-rya - about everything, but apparently in vain! Rya-rya-rya: scarlet dawn. Ryu-ryu-ryu: I draw the dawn. Ri-ri-ri: speak clearly. Ra-ra-ra: it’s time for me to go to school. Re-re-re: games in the yard. Ro-ro-ro: light feather. Ry-ry-ry: poems for children. Ru-ru-ru: let's entertain the kids. Ar-ar-ar: steam is pouring out of the pan. Or-or-or: an argument broke out between us. Ir-ir-ir: the company is built by the commander.

Varya’s mittens disappeared on the boulevard. Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening, and found Varvara’s mittens in her pocket.

The magpie said to the magpie: “I’m like a fish, silent in class.”

There is a mink under a walnut bush. A mink lives in a hole.

Bunches of rowan berries burn in the sun. The boys' eyes are burning with rowan.

I have poppies and daisies in my pocket.

Khariton has four crayfish and two newts in his aquarium.

Three priests walked, three Prokopy priests, three Prokopyevichs. They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopyevich.

Kar! - the crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing! The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket! Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful box! - Stop, crow, don’t scream! Don't shout, be quiet. You can't live without deception! You don't have a pocket. - How? ! — The crow jumped up and blinked in surprise. - Why didn’t you say it before? ! Car-r-raul! Car-r-rman stole!

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: One firewood, two firewood, three firewood; Firewood along the yard, Firewood across the width of the yard - The yard will not accommodate firewood; Get the firewood out of the yard! Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

Forty forty for their own forty Forty shirts, without quarreling, they scribble. Forty shirts were stitched on time - They quarreled right away, They quarreled right away, Forty forty quarreled right away.

Healthy Radik got into a fight with a cow!

Automation of sound R

Exercises for automating the sound R: isolated, in syllables, words and sentences.

Automation of the sound R begins with the easiest tasks for the baby.

Sing the “motor song.”

Pronounce the sound R for a long time with one exhalation: r-r-r...

Repeat straight syllables with the sound R.


Repeat the reverse syllables with the R sound.

Ar - or - ur - yr - ir - er - er - yur - yar

Repeat the syllables where the R sound is between the vowels.

Ara - aro - aru ​​- ary ora - oro - oru - ory ura - uro - uru - ura yra - yro - yru - yry

5. Repeat straight syllables with consonant clusters.

Tra - tro - tru - try dra - dro - dro - dy kra - cro - cru - kry gra - gro - gru - gree pra - about - pr - pra - zdra - dhro - dhru - zadry

6. Repeat the reverse syllables with a consonant cluster.

Atr - otr - utr - ytr art - ort - urt - yrt adr - odr - udr - ydr arg - org - urg - yrg akr - okr - ukr - ykr arp - orp - urp - yrp agr - ogre - ugr - igr ark - ork - urk - yrk arg - org - urg - yrg abr - arr - ubr - ybr apr - opr - upr - ypr arf - orf - urf - yrf

7. Repeat words where the sound R is at the beginning of the word.

Ra: radio, rocket, shell, frame, rainbow, cancer, Raya, wound, work; racket, backpack, time, joy, story, comb, chamomile, horn, rosette.

Ro: Roma, robot, mouth, Motherland; smooth, rose, grove, horns, pink.

Ru: hand, sleeve, chop, plane; mitten, shirt, Rus', pen, light brown, Russian, stream, manual, blush.

Ry: fish, fisherman, market, dig, 'fishy, ​​lynx, saffron milk cap.

Repeat the words where the R sound is in the middle of the word.

Ra: hurray, hole, mountain, bark, snowstorm, parade, Vera, Yura, Ira, pair, headlight, drum, ram, kennel, guitar, pyramid, Pinocchio; game, ant, bagel, kids, play, buckets, powder, dragon, otter, square, edge, crane, nettle, hail, gram, diploma, photograph, pomegranate, brother, take, bravo, cobra, right, to the right, ladder, grass, notebook, tram, heat, garage, giraffe, pencil, sundress, squadron, paint, red, rook, zebra, mop, holiday, aster, track, mattress, ostrich, countries, guards, breakfast, page, fast; boletus, steamer, sparrow, aroma, firewood, bed, passage, mileage, blackbirds, wisdom, cheerfulness, prankster, sheet.

Ar: park, carp, brand, desk, velvet, Arbat, arba, pocket, cardboard, accordion, picture, apron, map, picture, dune, arch, March, park, barge, artist, watermelon, potato, start, tea leaves.

Ro: lesson, crown, pasta, feather, pie, gate, peas, road, crow, cow, vegetable garden, people, ferry; box, bucket, funnel, cottage cheese, hero, bucket, troika, trail, metro, three, touch, mole, thunder, loud, roar, eyebrows, ford, wanders, wire, traffic jam, Frosya, magpie, frost, ice cream, yeast, grown up, cable, sailor, crumbs, thunderstorms, formidable, throw, brooch, bronze, millet, pass, urgent.

Or: slide, shape, crust, board, court, port, cake, feed, order, mink, sport, storm, walrus, shorts, curtain.

Ru: kangaroo, I’ll take it; twig, pond, pipe, labor, difficult, difficult, tube, friend, girlfriend, circle, large, cereal, around, steep, around, fruit, corn, sail, Marusya, sailboat, spring, coward, parsley, cheesecake, trumpeter, shavings, strings, jets, friendship, be friends, mug, truck, pear, cargo, sad, beams, lingonberries, whetstone, beam, spring, cut down.

Ur: Murka, jacket, blizzard, skin.

Fishes: headlights, mosquitoes, holes, chickens, couples; actors, winds, theaters, leggings, tear off, cedars, frames, cheerful, kind, Crimea, open, jump, fences, fires, boxers, miners, samovars, drivers, balls, sturgeon, rat, roof, close, splashes, cheese, jump, gnaw, rodent.

Yr: hole, snort.

IR: peaceful, screen, washing, brick.

Er: top, willow, coat of arms, true, farm, first, faithful, return, endure, twirl, sickle, wool, thermos, peach, worm, gloves, attic, serpentine, heart.

Ruff: grater, five, pull, ruff, black.

Yurta: yurt, nimble.

Yar: bright, milkmaid.

Repeat the words where the R sound is at the end of the word.

Ar: mosquito, goods, steam, blow, var, gift, steam, cook; sugar, tan, orderly, samovar, bazaar, fire, heat. Or: axe, tomato, fly agaric, choir, boron, motor, yard, Egor; fence, traffic light, dispute, litter. Ur: drill, tour; cord, lampshade Yr: cheese. Ir: feast, world, shooting range, kefir; uniform, commander, passenger, marshmallow. Er: boat, wind, fan; officer, evening. Yor: carpet; actor, theater, pediatrician, examination, beaver, tiger, cedar, fire, boxer, miner, driver, minister, center, sturgeon, bison.

Repeat words with two R sounds.

Parting, ice hole, marble, porcelain, airfield, check, thermometer, tractor, megaphone, agile, fair, bloomers, route, size, solution, outlook, orchestra, reveal, space, conversation, orchestra, transport, designer.

Repeat the phrases.

Velvet jacket fish pie cunning crow, flat path steep mountain wet grass, large carrots difficult lesson mountain path, cardboard box indoor market large hail, multi-colored paints, pink pencil, brick veranda, transparent scarf, large peas, black currants, huge watermelon, toy drum, ruddy pie, woolen mittens, true story, canned fish.

Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Raya feeds the fish. Roma passes to the right. Ira works as a salesman.

Four words. The ram has steep horns. Egor goes to the yard. Roma paints the frame with paint. Zhora chops wood with an axe. There is a multi-colored rainbow in the sky. Yura sells huge watermelons. Drum and guitar are instruments. Vera has a velvet sundress. Rosette the cow eats grass. Yegor has a high temperature. Ira has a beautiful brooch. The trumpeter blows the trumpet. Tram, metro, steamboat - transport. Ants live in an anthill.

Five words. Yura drums loudly on the drum. A crow and a raven have crows. The crayfish has a hole in the water. Roses, daisies and asters are flowers. Sturgeon, carp and ruff are fish. Egor tears large red tomatoes. Raya has roses and daisies. Yura has notebooks in his backpack. Sparrow, crow and magpie are birds. Milkmaid Irochka milks the cow Rosochka. The cat Matroskin has a cow called Murka. Sister Irochka plays with a pyramid. Dad's truck is in the garage. Our Murka has a velvet skin. Marusya washes her shirt and apron. Tall (slender) cedars grow near the pond. A worker loads fruit into a truck.

Repeat the sentences.

Six words. Roma, Yura and Egor are my friends. Raya, Vera and Ira are my friends. Carps live in a pond behind the garden.

Saffron milk caps and boletus mushrooms grow in the forest. The fisherman Yegorushka has ruffs in his bucket. Ira distributes notebooks, pens and pencils. Marusya has pencils: red and pink. There is a good harvest of millet this year. Raya eats marshmallows and drinks kefir. Carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and peas are vegetables.

Seven words. Roma has a truck with pears and corn. Lynx, tiger, bison and otter are wild animals. Vera and Roma are collecting saffron milk caps in the forest. In the photo are my friends: Vera and Roma. Peach is a fruit, and lingonberry is a berry.

Eight words. Red roses and pink poppies grow in the garden.

Nine words. Zhora and Roma are friends, and Vera and Raya are girlfriends. Roma is wearing a shirt and shorts, and Raya is wearing a sundress. Ira plays the harp well, and Roma plays the trumpet.

Ten words. Rai has carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, parsley and peas growing in her garden.

Repeat proverbs and sayings.

It’s good to teach someone who wants to know everything. Literacy is a second language. You can't even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Good is good everywhere. The fisherman is fed by the net. Health is more valuable than wealth. Make new friends, but don’t forget the old ones. The sooner you start, the sooner you will be in time. If you don’t see, go to the mountain; if you don’t understand, ask the elder. It is not the ax that feeds, but the work. Don't be afraid of work, let it be afraid of you. Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul. As is the master, so is the work. With patience you will not be wasted in your work. You get up early, you finish work earlier. They go to the pies, but run away from work. You won't get enough of talking.

Repeat and guess the riddles.

He has no hands, but he knows how to build. (Bird) Five brothers have one job. (Fingers) The entire path is strewn with peas. (Stars in the sky) Run up the mountain, and somersault down the mountain. (Hare) Sits on the roof, higher than everyone else. (Antenna) There are many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

(based on the book by E. N. Spivak, Automation of sound R)

Automation of sound P in combinations TP

Automation P in pictures

Exercise “Remember - repeat”:

Bark-mountain-nora Hurray-it's time-game Headlight-para-guitarYura-Ira-Vera Game-kennel-kids Plywood-panther-office

Automation of the sound R in phrases:

Thin bark. There is a hole near the fence. Short pencil. Fragrant pie. Wide threshold. The kids are coming. Smooth road. Hometown. Pink Panther. Old trough. Old barn. Sharp axes. Expensive gift. Hoodie. Ruddy loaf.
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