Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds S-S, letter S”

Funny poems about the letter C for children

They gave me a dog No, they didn’t just give me a gift, They gave me a very nice puppy on my birthday! He's still tiny... He walks funny and funny, gets tangled up in his paws. My puppy will grow up - He is real, alive. (I. Tokmakova)

Sable climbed onto the rock. Sable is looking for the letter S. On page C he found, “There are footprints in the snow,” he read. (G. Satir)

Sun, since dawn you have been sucking this icicle. Eat your lollipop quickly so that winter ends! (G. Vieru)

We bought a sled for Sonya. How fast they are. They got into the sled and drove off. Come on, wind, catch up! (F. Bobylev)

The first snow is sleeping. The winter primer is open. We haven't read it yet. But now, onto a blank page, a tit fluttered like a motley little letter. It rings like a little bell. As if the first lesson had begun... (A. Gorbunova)

Hundred-meter dash What is a hundred-meter dash for a hare? Like an arrow flies with a scythe! This is what training means with a fox trainer! (V. Levanovsky)

Ostrich Poor ostrich! There is no more unhappy father: He sat on the nest and sat endlessly. Patiently, persistently, stubbornly... A chick finally emerged from the egg - And whined: - Where is my mother? (B. Zakhoder)

The little elephant surprised the guys; the little elephant got on a scooter. I rode a little - and the scooter broke. (G. Satir)

The elephant laughs in the heat of the day: “A glorious shower is always with me!” (B. Timofeev)

The elephant is a Muscovite, he was brought to the capital as a baby elephant from a neighboring country, the one where elephants are found. (V. Berestov)

More than anyone else on land, he is a very, very kind elephant. Apparently, even among animals, the one who is kindest is greater. (B. Zakhoder)

On our Christmas tree there are Funny toys: Funny hedgehogs And funny frogs, Funny bears, Funny deer. Funny walruses and funny seals! We are also a little funny in masks. Santa Claus needs us to be funny, so that he can be happy. So that laughter can be heard, - After all, today is a happy holiday for everyone. (Yu. Kapotov)

Advice for naughty children If an adult aunt comes to dad or mom and is having some important and serious conversation, you need to sneak up behind her unnoticed, and then shout loudly right in her ear: “Stop, give up, hands up!” And when Auntie falls from her chair in fright and spills tea, compote or jelly on her dress. Then, probably, Mom will laugh very loudly And, proud of her child, Dad will shake your hand! (G. Oster)

Tale about the letter C

Pig visiting

One day a dog invited his pig neighbor to dinner. She set the table in the garden, laid out a beautiful tablecloth, laid out napkins, salt in a salt shaker, lilacs in a glass and even candles in candlesticks.

I prepared all kinds of food: cheese, beets in sugar, currants in sour cream, plum juice, and fried sausages with lard for myself.

The pig came, didn’t even say “hello”, climbed onto the table in her boots, ate everything, left nothing for the dog, even salted the candle and ate it along with the lilacs.

Then she lay down on the tablecloth and said:

- You're boring, dog! You should read some poetry or some fairy tale... “You have no conscience,” the dog got angry. - You are a pig! Get out of here now!

And since then the dog has been angry with the pig.

(G. Yudin)

Riddles for children starting with the letter C

And suddenly, out of the black darkness, bushes grew in the sky, and in them, blue, crimson, and golden flowers bloomed of unprecedented beauty. And all the streets below them also became blue, crimson, gold, multi-colored. (Firework)

What kind of bird: does not sing songs, does not build nests. Are you carrying people and cargo? (Airplane)

Balls hang on the branches, Turned blue from the heat. (Plums)

He touches the cloud with his wing in the boundless ocean. It turns around - under the rays it casts silver. (Airplane)

We stood all summer, we waited for winter. They waited for the time - They rushed down the mountain. (Sled)

The white stone melts in your mouth. (Sugar)

In front there is a snout, in the back there is a hook. There is a back in the middle, and there is a bristle on it. (Pig)

Well, which of you will answer: It’s not a fire, but it burns painfully, It’s not a lantern, but it shines brightly, And it’s not a baker, but it bakes? (Sun)

It shines, sparkles, warms everyone. (Sun)

Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

A blue airplane sat on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)

Two sisters run lap after lap one after another. Shorty - just once. The one above is every hour. (Clock hands)

Two sisters are green in summer, by autumn one turns red, the other turns black. (Red and black currants)

White, but not sugar, No legs, but it goes. (Snow)

The white blanket was not made by hand. It was not woven or cut, it fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow)

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent. When he dies, then he will roar. (Snow)

A duvet fell to the ground. Summer has come - the blanket has all come off. (Snow)

A white star fell from the sky. It fell on my palm - and disappeared. (Snowflake)

I don’t let a stranger into a stranger’s house, I’m sad without the owner. (Dog)

The living castle grumbled. He lay down across the door. Two medals on the chest, It’s better not to go into the house. (Dog)

You stroke it and it caresses you. You tease and it bites. (Dog)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (Som)

It spins and chirps. He's busy all day. (Magpie)

It grows upside down. It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)

There are four legs under the roof, and on the roof there is soup and spoons. (Table)

At least we have four legs. We are neither mice nor cats. Although we all have backs, We are not sheep or pigs. We are not horses, even though you have sat on us many times. (Chair)

Lesson notes “Sound C”


Sound S.


teaching pronunciation and sound selection S.


  1. Teaching the correct pronunciation of the sound S.
  2. Learning to divide words into syllables.
  3. Learning to write sentences using reference words.
  4. Teaching the formation of new words by compounding.
  5. Correction and development of phonemic hearing.
  6. Cultivating interest in classes.


chips for drawing up diagrams; a set of pictures for dividing words into syllables; offer table.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational stage.

- Good afternoon guys. The one with the sound S in his name will sit.

- Well done, let's all sit down together.

2. Updating knowledge and skills.

– Look at the picture, name words with the sound O and determine the position of this sound in the word (moose, owl, dream).

3. Explanation of new material.

– Today in class we are going on a journey through a fairyland, where interesting meetings await us, but for the trip to be successful, we need to know everything about the sound S.

– What do we need to remember? (articulation and characteristics of sound C).

a) – The Snow Queen meets us at the gates of the fairyland. She invites us to remember and name only the “snowy” words out of all the ones she said. So, listen carefully: snow, sun, snowfall, sugar, snowflake, salt, cheese, pine, snowman, snowball.

Children select the corresponding pictures.

b) from the proposed words, select pictures for certain diagrams:

snow, snowball, snowfall;

c) - And then Cipollino meets us. Help him build a bridge across the river. And build a bridge from sentences that need to be made up of words: Sonya, buy, juice. Sonya, ride, stroller;

d) Having crossed the river on a bridge, the children meet Samodelkin. He built a cozy three-story house for birds and animals. Animals and birds with one syllable in their names will live on the first floor. On the second floor - the name of which has two syllables. On the third floor there are animals and birds, the names of which have three syllables.

– Help Samodelkin settle the birds and animals in the house (a set of pictures depicting birds and animals whose names contain the sound C).

4. Physical exercise.

- And today is winter’s housewarming party. She invited us to have fun. The house is built from a snowdrift. And what height? That's how tall it is. White rug at the threshold. What width? This is the width.

5. Formation of new words by compounding.

Meeting with Petrushka.

- Petrushka is upset, he received an assignment from Znayka: to make one word out of two.

For example: leaves fall - (leaf fall) the forest is cut - (lumberjack) snow falls - (snowfall) hay is cut - (haymaking) dust is sucked - (vacuum cleaner) flies by itself - (plane) rolls by itself - (scooter)

Make up sentences with these words.

6. Summary of the lesson.

-What sound did you repeat?

– What words were made from two words?

– Find three toys named with these words.

Continue the sentence

It will go out, then it will light up at night in the grove. Guess what it's called? Golden... (firefly).

Even though I’m called sugar, I didn’t get wet from the rains. Large, round, sweet in taste. Did you recognize it? I... (beets).

And they don’t swim in the sea, And they don’t have bristles, And yet they are called They are sea... (pigs).

There is a palace on a pole, In the palace there is a singer, And his name is... (starling).

He walks long, his mouth is full of fangs, his legs seem like pillars, he is huge like a mountain. Did you find out who it is? … (Elephant.)

Apples on the branches in winter! Collect it quickly! And suddenly the apples flew up. After all, this is... (bullfinches).

And in the forest, mind you, children, there are night watchmen. These Mice are afraid of the watchmen: they hide, trembling. Eagle owls and... (owls) are very severe.

I took two oak bars and two iron runners. I filled the bars with slats. Give me snow! Ready... (sleigh).

They turned off the lights in the house - There is still no peace. Ru-chu-choo and ru-chu-chok. Who is this? ... (Cricket.)

He doesn't mind sleeping all day. But as soon as night comes, his bow will sing. The musician's name is... (cricket).

The sound got lost. They say that a fisherman caught a shoe in the river. But then he got hooked on the house! (catfish!)

Guess what kind of bird it is: Afraid of bright light, Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout, Eared head. This is... (owl).

Thunder struck, cheerful thunder, everything around sparkled! Multi-colored fountains are constantly rushing into the sky, Splashes of light are pouring everywhere! This is a festive... (fireworks).

Floats boldly in the sky. Overtaking the flight of birds, Man controls it. What is it?... (Airplane.)

Among the blue field is the bright shine of a large fire. The fire walks slowly here, goes around Mother Earth, and shines merrily in the window. Well, of course, it’s... (the sun).

Whoever, without notes and without a flute, trills best of all. More vocal, more tender? Who is this? ... (Nightingale.)

He sang solo among the branches. They called him... (nightingale).

Heather, white-sided, And her name is... (magpie).

Crackled from the very morning: Por-r-ra! Poor-ra! Is it time? She's such a hassle. When it cracks... (magpie).

A helicopter landed on a daisy at the gate - Golden eyes. Who is this? ... (Dragonfly.)

To rest your legs, sit on... (chair).

Along the forest paths there are many white legs in multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance. This is... (russula).

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