How many weeks does a baby start to move: timing and sensations

All parents are concerned about when the child begins to walk, and what needs to be done to speed up the process. Every baby grows and develops very rapidly in the first year of life. Every day he masters more and more skills that absolutely any person will need in the future.

For example, by the age of one month, the baby can briefly hold his head, grasp a toy placed in his palm, and try to follow objects. And by the age of three months he is already holding his head steady, shaking his rattle and humming aha, agi, gu, ha with all his might. Six months after birth, the baby begins to show his character, be capricious, try to sit down on his own, and crawl. After this new movement, parents begin to expect the first steps that come with time.

Young parents are especially concerned about the situation when everyone they know says that their baby started walking much earlier than their little child. And only then, for a long time before the first steps, do parents worry about the health and level of development of their son or daughter.

When the fetus begins to move

The embryo begins to move at 8 weeks. No matter how active he is, the expectant mother will not feel it. After all, its weight is about 3.5 grams. The baby's first movements are weak and convulsive.

By 12 weeks the fetus increases in size. He may clench his fists or put his finger in his mouth. His motor activity increases. But the woman still cannot feel it. Some pregnant women at this stage confuse problems with peristalsis and the baby’s first movements.

By the 16th week, the fetus’s facial features are formed, and motor activity increases significantly. But its size does not yet allow a woman to feel the tremors inside her.

Is there a difference for boys and girls

A child tries to sit up at 4 months - is it possible?

You can often hear from grandmothers and mothers that girls develop faster than boys. Is it so? Pediatricians say that this is true, not in all cases, of course. Girls begin to walk earlier, potty train more easily, and begin to speak earlier. The difference in terms is usually small. If a girl starts at 11 months, a boy will start at 12.

This picture is often observed by mothers of opposite-sex twins. A girl usually copes with new skills better than her brother. The boys are watching their sister and trying to catch up. Therefore, their development is almost at the same level.

Child on the beach

When can you feel the first movements?

You can feel the baby's kicks at 5 months of pregnancy. Deadlines are vague and individual. Some women feel the first movements during their first pregnancy at 20 weeks, some a little earlier or a little later.

If you have increased sensitivity of subcutaneous fat, then you will feel the baby’s movements at 16-17 weeks. Obese women with a large amount of fatty tissue in the abdominal area will feel the baby's kicks a little later than the indicated dates.

Expectant mothers are interested in when the baby begins to move during the second pregnancy.

The development of the fetus does not depend on the type of pregnancy a woman has. When carrying a second and subsequent child, the expectant mother can feel its kicks even at 18 weeks. This is due to the fact that she already has ideas about these sensations.

Tips for active parents

The development of a baby’s speech directly depends on whether it develops spontaneously, or whether parents take direct part in its development. This determines at what age children begin to speak sounds/words/sentences. Positive conditions for the formation of children's speech:

  • There is no need to force speech development with frequent exercises that are not appropriate for the baby’s age - there is a high risk of speech negativism, stuttering and nervous tics, since the capabilities of the child’s brain are not limitless.
  • There is no need to lisp, faking your speech as a child’s speech, and often use diminutive suffixes - the only thing worse than this can be a complete disregard for communication.
  • Delicately correct speech mistakes made by your child, never make him laugh, but show him an example of the correct pronunciation of a given speech utterance. For example, I see houses, yes, you see houses.
  • Protect your baby from communicating with people with speech defects (burr, stutter), and especially with illiterate speaking adults (put down - lies, mouths - mouths, beautiful cat - beautiful cat), this “infects” and “invades” children’s speech so much that Such imitations are eradicated with great difficulty.
  • When reading children's works, watching cartoons with your child, always explain unfamiliar words, the actions of the characters, and pay attention to vivid turns of speech.

It is very useful to record and listen to the baby’s speech every month - humming, babbling, first phrases, reading poetry. Such an archive will one day become an excellent gift for an older child and your grandchildren.

Today we answered the question of when should a child start speaking and at what months do the first sounds appear. If you suspect a delay in speech development in your baby, consult us. We will dispel anxiety, and if it is objective, we will tell you how to talk or simply teach your child to speak. We know more than a dozen examples of how parents sit and wait for their child to speak at 3, 4 and even 5 years old, although the development of big problems is already clearly visible. Ask us, we've been doing this all our lives!

What do baby kicks feel like?

The sensation of a baby's first touch inside the belly is described by pregnant women in different ways. They are subjective and partly depend on the woman's body type.

Thin women will describe the first movement as a slight push. Ladies in the body talk about a light touch, as if someone tickled them from the inside with a feather.

If we summarize all the stories of women about the first tangible activity of the baby, we get the following comparisons:

  • butterflies fluttering;
  • careful but persistent stroking from the inside;
  • It's like there's a fish swimming in your stomach.

If the first tremors can still be missed or confused with intestinal activity, then as the duration of pregnancy increases, the tremors become more pronounced.

Closer to 6 months, the future father can also feel the child’s activity. If first he needs to put his ear to his stomach for this, then it will be enough to put his hand on his wife’s stomach.

How to help your child stand up

The best help for a child is not to interfere and give more freedom of action, allow him to make mistakes, learn about the world around him and his body, and with the help of constant repetitions, bring new skills to automatism. Despite WHO standards and the opinions of doctors, your baby may need a little more time to go through one or another stage of development than other children. Delaying the start of a new milestone is better than trying to master a skill prematurely. Thus, early raising of the head may be a consequence of hypertonicity.

For successful development you also need:

• Organizing a safe space for the child to move independently.

• The presence of auxiliary support for standing (a wooden crossbar, a pillow removed from the sofa, etc.).

• Additional strengthening of the body: massage of the legs and back according to age, joint and breathing exercises, swimming, hardening.

• Development of gross and fine motor skills, hand sensitivity, concentration.

• Repetition of completed steps (stimulation in a playful way of turning, raising the head from a position lying on the stomach, crawling).

• Building competent communication with your child: clearly show him what you want from him, because... The baby does not yet understand words that are still abstract for him.

• Expanding sensory experience through exposure to sounds, aromas, visuals, and tactile games.

Baby's activity during pregnancy

After the baby’s first kicks, expectant mothers change their attitude towards their situation. A woman feels more fully how the child grows. And the movements themselves become a kind of way of communication.

The baby in the mother’s belly is actively turning over, as if swimming in amniotic fluid. He can turn his head, move his arms or legs. Often the baby plays with the umbilical cord or sucks his finger. And not only on the handle, but also on the leg.

Sometimes, instead of single tremors, a pregnant woman feels a rhythmic movement of the abdomen. This may be alarming for first-time women. But gynecologists are in a hurry to reassure expectant mothers - at this moment the child is swallowing amniotic fluid. There is nothing dangerous about this.

The baby's peak activity occurs at 25-26 weeks. The fetus actively moves, changing its position. He reacts to loud or unpleasant sounds with sharp jolts and recognizes not only his mother’s voice, but also other loved ones.

This is why doctors recommend:

  • talk more with the baby;
  • play classical music for him;
  • try to avoid stress and conflicts.

A calm microclimate in the family and at work is important.

By 32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases. As a rule, by this time the fetus takes the position in which it will remain until birth.

What are the dangers of starting walking early?

When a child just begins to walk, a new world opens before his eyes, many places become accessible. However, it is not always possible to walk smoothly, without tripping or falling, or breaking your knee or forehead.

The sooner the baby gets on his feet, the more often he falls. This happens because his spine is not fully strengthened. Pediatricians note that such children are more likely to have back problems in the future.

Baby in a walker

Why is it important to track your baby's movement frequency?

Gynecologists recommend monitoring the baby’s movements after 27 weeks. To do this, a woman needs to make notes on a special page in the exchange card.

The dynamics of activity allows the doctor to assess the condition of the fetus. At the slightest suspicion of pathology, the woman is prescribed additional examinations.

CTG is performed routinely at 32 weeks, but if fetal activity decreases, it is prescribed again. The study records the baby's movements in the abdomen, as well as the condition of the muscles of the uterus. In some cases, a woman is sent for an ultrasound to find out what is causing the baby’s decreased motor activity.

The doctor will also tell you how often the baby should move so that it does not cause concern to the mother. According to the average norm, it is believed that in 10-15 minutes the baby will make 2-3 movements. Within half an hour you should count 5-6 shocks. And for a full 60 minutes - about 15.

This is generalized data, and much depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and mother. For up to 32 weeks, the position in which the baby is located is also important. If it is turned towards the posterior wall of the peritoneum, the woman may not feel its thrusts for a long time.

The baby may be sleeping so you don't feel him move. Usually the absence of pushes and kicks for 3 hours in a row indicates this.

But if the child is inactive for 12 hours or more, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Safety regulations

Baby Istra mixture - nutrition for children up to one year old

There are early children who begin to walk at 9 months, but their steps are not very stable. Toddlers often trip and fall. Due to their age, children do not notice dangerous objects near them. Their attention is focused on one toy. You should take care of the safety of the baby. Rules for what parents do at this time:

  1. Purchase silicone pads for sharp corners and attach them to tables and chairs.
  2. They hide higher up all dangerous objects that could harm the baby’s health.
  3. The bathroom and toilet are always closed - they store products and powders that children can taste.
  4. They try not to leave the child alone in the room.
  5. They remove the tablecloths from the tables - the baby will definitely try to pull them down.
  6. It is advisable to mount the TV on the wall. The child is interested in bright pictures from the screen and will try to move it.
  7. Cereals and other small items in the kitchen are moved upstairs.
  8. Make sure that medications, pills and chemicals do not fall into the hands of a child.

All babies are individual in their development. There will definitely be first steps. If the baby crawls well, tries to get to his feet on his own, and takes steps with the support of adults, then he will definitely walk and even run.

The baby is trying to walk on her own

Emergency cases

By the way the fetus moves, you can understand how comfortable it is in the mother's belly. Often women noted increased activity of the baby when they lay on their backs or took a not very comfortable position. At such moments, the child begins to experience discomfort due to lack of oxygen or nutrients.

Often early in the morning, the expectant mother wakes up from the increased activity of the child. And as soon as she has a little snack, he immediately calms down.

But doctors associate frequent movements in the evening or at night with the mother’s increased activity during the day. The child likes rocking in the stomach and demands its repetition.

We have dealt with the norms of fetal movement during pregnancy and minor deviations from them. Let's look at when to sound the alarm.

  • As already mentioned, a child’s inactivity for 12 hours or more requires urgent attention to a specialist. This may indicate hypoxia or fetal death.
  • Urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary if the baby’s activity is significantly reduced during the day.

You can determine the second state by the marks on the special page of the exchange card. You contribute every tenth push of the baby into it. It is important to start doing this every morning at the same time.

If there are less than ten of them within 10 or 12 hours, there is a risk of developing chronic hypoxia.

Lack of oxygen is dangerous for the baby. It can lead to either fetal death or developmental defects. The nervous system and brain suffer the most from it.

Increased physical activity is important, sharp kicks and pushes are a symptom of hypoxia. They should not be ignored; you should consult a doctor.

Educational games

Children learn information more easily through games. You can come up with the following games:

  • where is mom?
  • repeating syllables after the child;
  • exploring new objects with your fingers;
  • singing songs to the baby.

Game “Where is Mom?” teaches the child to consciously pronounce the word “mother”. Ask the baby: “Where is mommy?” and cover your face with your palms. The baby will try to separate his palms to see his mother. Remove your palms from your face and say joyfully: “Here’s mom!” This game is liked by babies in infancy. They begin to associate the word “mom” with her image, and soon they will consciously begin to say it.

Repeating his babbling after the baby is also educational. The baby moves around the playpen and babbles with ecstasy: yes-yes-yes-yes-yes or hm-hm-hm. Repeat the same syllables after him, and then change the vowel sounds: di-di-di, gam-gam-gam. You can also change the consonants. Don’t be lazy about teaching your little one, considering it a waste of time.

Scientists have proven the interdependence between motor skills and speech. Children already from the age of three months begin to be interested in the toys in the crib or stroller and touch them. Especially curious children try to grab any objects that come to hand: no matter how many or what. Let the little one touch and look at different objects:

  • round;
  • square;
  • smooth;
  • from fabric;
  • rustling.

Developing finger motor skills will accelerate the development of speech skills.

Legislative limits on the age at which a child can attend school

According to Russian laws, a child has the right to start attending school from the age of 6 and a half, but no later than 8 years. In some cases, earlier admission to an educational institution is allowed: for this, parents must obtain permission from the director of a particular school.

Receiving preschool education in educational organizations can begin when children reach the age of two months. Receiving primary general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but not later than they reach the age of eight years. At the request of the parents (legal representatives) of the children, the founder of the educational organization has the right to allow the admission of children to the educational organization for training in educational programs of primary general education at an earlier or later age

Part 1 Art. 67 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Perhaps someone will have a question: is it possible not to send the child to school at all? There are also clarifications on this matter in the legislation. The child must receive basic general education (that is, complete 9 grades). And if an eight-year-old child has not yet entered first grade, the guardianship authorities will immediately become interested in the family: it can even go as far as deprivation of parental rights.

According to Russian legislation, children have the right to enter first grade from 6.5 to 8 years old

In some cases, home education is allowed (mainly for medical reasons). In addition, today there are private schools, which must have the appropriate license.

Video: can a 6-year-old 4-month child go to school (a lawyer explains)

What does "sleeping through the night" mean for your baby?

In reality, neither adults nor children sleep all night long—both wake up periodically. Typically, when parents say their baby sleeps through the night, it means the baby sleeps for a long time at night. And even when they wake up, some babies can fall back to sleep on their own without crying. Be prepared for your baby's sleep patterns to change regularly during the first year of life. And adjusting your sleep routine to ensure your new family member gets a good night's sleep isn't a linear process. For example, your baby may sleep well for long periods of time at night for several weeks or even months, and then begin to wake up and cry for your attention.

Choosing a teaching method

Today there are many methods for teaching a child to read; it is important to choose the one that is right for your child.

Perhaps the most popular method is classes in the classical alphabet (the alphabet itself can be developed by any author). The baby quickly remembers the letter, since he will now associate it with a certain picture. Later, you can move on to another well-known book - the primer and study reading syllables from it.

Many techniques are based on the use of cubes or tablets. They are convenient and interesting, but are often criticized by school teachers. It is believed that such training misses a very important component - basic familiarity with the alphabet.

The most famous of these techniques:

  • Zaitsev's cubes - the emphasis is on composing syllables from individual letters and words from syllables, understanding vowels, voiceless and voiced, hard and soft consonants.
  • Chaplygin cubes - learning not only allows you to compose syllables and words, but also develops fine motor skills, and this will have a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child;
  • Glen Doman cards - learning is based on the use of visual memory: syllables and words are printed on cards, and the child remembers their spelling;
  • “Folding houses” by Voskobovich - 21 cards with syllables from which you can build houses with whole words.
  • The Montessori method is another well-known educational option. Kids first master writing, then move on to familiarizing themselves with letters, and then learn to read syllables.

    Precautionary measures

    Before your child takes his first steps, take care of his safety.

    1. Dangerous territory. Talk to your baby about what is hot, spicy or hard. It is best to limit the area in which the child will walk.
    2. Cover tiled floors with carpeting. Make sure that sharp corners are covered and put protection on the doors.
    3. Store household chemicals and medications as high as possible.
    4. Keep your baby away from the stove.
    5. If there is a pet in the house, remove their bowls away.
    6. Block the entrance to the kitchen with a partition of at least 70 cm, and do the same with the stairs.
    7. Sockets that are not in use must be covered with plugs.
    8. Store bulk foods in tightly closed, unbreakable containers.
    9. Make sure that indoor flowers are out of reach of the baby.
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