Lesson summary in the senior group on the topic: “Types of transport” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Types of transport is a fascinating and interesting topic for almost any little person. By introducing children to this topic, you can classify all vehicles and talk about the purpose of each of them. The task of parents and teaching staff is not only to familiarize themselves with various types of vehicles, but also to consolidate the acquired information through games.

Why do preschoolers need information about transport?

The full development of children can be achieved only by introducing them to the world around them. A child will always be interested in the question of what types of vehicles are there and why do people need them? It is not by chance that preschoolers are introduced to the classification of vehicles. This helps to enrich the vocabulary and consolidate the generic concept of “transport”. At the same time, they achieve the presence of other points:

  • The preschooler will learn to compare different types of transport and find some common or distinctive features in them.
  • If there is reason, he can unite individual representatives into a single group and somehow classify them.
  • You can teach a preschooler the rules of behavior that involve being in one or another type of vehicle.

All this will contribute to the development of personal qualities in the preschooler. This will contribute to the development of thinking, responsibility, and criticality.

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech on the topic “Transport” in the senior group.

The teacher asks 2 children to describe transport

, and say on what
Dunno will deliver his cargo.

Educator: Now children, try to name the object affectionately:

-Airplane (airplane)

; car, ship...

Great, you made me happy again. And now, we will have a little rest and new, interesting games await us.

Finger gymnastics “Chauffeur”

Have your hands ready, look carefully and repeat the movements and words after me.

The driver worked all day (rib-palm)

He is tired and dusty (imitation of shaking off dust)

He carried bricks and clay (bend fingers one at a time)

Rocks, logs and sand.

He transported everything to the construction site (circular movement with fingertips)

And went to the wash (movement of “washing palms”


Educator: Listen to the next task. "How does transport "

. I'll start a sentence, you have to finish it:

-The steamer is sailing, and the car... is driving, The tram is moving, and the plane... is flying,

The plane flies, and the bus... travels, the ship sails, and the train... travels.

Well done, you also coped with this task.

The next task is for attentiveness. Game “Flies or doesn’t fly”

Guys, I will show pictures if air transport

- you must show your wings (arms to the sides, and if not, then stomp your feet.

Helicopter - children put their arms out to the sides.

Tram - stomping feet.

Plane, bus.

Educator: Well done!

Children, what we studied today. What types of transport

, You know.
What type of transport
can Dunno use to deliver goods to the post office?

You worked well in class

so I will give you these pictures of
transport for coloring
. Teacher handing out car coloring pages

Developmental task:

Teach children to generalize and classify vehicles: cargo, passenger, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, visual attention and perception.

Educational speech tasks:

write a descriptive story about this toy vehicle using questions:

- practice the practical use of words with affectionate and magnifying connotations;

- practical use of prefixed verbs;

- agree nouns with adjectives in number, gender, case;

- learn to compose a whole from parts (cut pictures).

Corrective task:

train children in the use of feminine and masculine nouns; expand your vocabulary on the topic “transport”.

Educational task:

teach children the rules of behavior in public transport through playful images.


toys transport, pictures of transport, cut-out pictures of transport, audio recording “Bus”, panorama of the city with images of transport.

Vehicle classification

The division is based on different principles. This could be a method of transportation or a destination. Depending on the method of transportation, vehicles are divided as follows:

  1. Ground type, in which the vehicle moves only on the ground or rails. An example would be a locomotive or an entire passenger (freight) train or bus.
  2. Water transport In this case, movement is carried out by water.
  3. Aviation mode of transport. Representatives of this category travel by air.

By purpose, transport is divided as follows:

  • Passenger view. As the name suggests, it is designed to carry passengers.
  • Horse-drawn look. Its main purpose is to transport goods. An example is a barge or an ordinary cart.
  • Special transport. It is intended to perform any specific tasks. A striking example of this type is a fire truck.
  • Agricultural type of vehicle. These are various tractors and combines designed to cultivate land for agricultural purposes.

Ground transportation, tasks for preschoolers

For movement, representatives of this species have wheels and tracks. They can also move on rails. Various types of vehicles are described to children.


Designed to transport passengers from one place to any point. The bus follows a specific route and makes stops along the way. Passengers get in and out of them. The same function is observed in the tram, but unlike the bus, it travels on rails. A trolleybus can also carry passengers. But the last two types differ from the bus in that they run on electricity, while the bus runs on gasoline.

Task “Who is the driver”


It can carry passengers as well as cargo. It moves on rails and carries out transportation between cities and villages, sometimes countries.

Fire engine

It is designed to extinguish fires. Such machines are equipped with light and sound signals. They are turned on when the car is going to put out a fire.

Task “Find the odd one out”


It transports sick people. Such machines are equipped with all the necessary equipment and also have signals.

Police car

It is designed to patrol roads and catch criminals. Such cars are equipped with a powerful engine so that they can reach high speed.

“Solve the crossword” task


It is used to transport goods.

There is also underground transport, for example, the metro. In order to use it, you need to go down underground on a special escalator.

Task "Count"

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Speech development. Topic: “Special purpose transport”. Making up riddles. Older age.


  • Systematize and deepen children’s knowledge about special-purpose transport
  • develop the ability to write riddles using a description of transport, taking into account the structural features and purpose; teach consistently, express your thoughts.
  • form the grammatical structure of speech, activate the vocabulary on this topic.
  • develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking.

Vocabulary: Parts: engine, van, tank, chassis, ladder, trawl, blades, cabin, interior, boom, ladder, “sleeves”

, anchor.

Actions: waters, cleans, transports, lifts, conducts, breaks ice, extinguishes, fishes, saves.

Preliminary work: Reading N. Nosov “The Adventure of Dunno in the Flower City”

Classes on the topic: educational, writing a descriptive story, comparatively descriptive story, game “journey to the North Pole”
, board games.

Material: Pictures depicting special-purpose vehicles, subject pictures. Dunno toy.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Guys, a guest has come to us. Have you guessed who it is? What fairy tale is he from? Dunno: Hello, guys! What will you be doing today? Educator: Today we will talk about special-purpose transport, we will learn to write riddles.

Dunno: What is special purpose transport? Why is it needed? Educator: Guys, can we help Dunno?

Children: These are helper machines. They help people do labor-intensive work

Educator: Transport has different purposes. There is transport that operates at sea. What is it called? Name it.

-Icebreaker, rescuer, fishing boat, passenger liner...

There is transport that helps a person at a construction site. Name it.

— Panel truck, excavator, bulldozer, crane...

Educator: If I say the word - railway, what kind of transport are we talking about? Train, electric train. Why?

If I say the word chassis - What vehicle am I talking about? Why? Why is the car called a milk tanker or a fuel tanker?

What kind of transport has wings? Airplane.

Dunno, do you like to play?

2. Game: “What, for what?”


Educator: Each transport has its own purpose.

Tell Dunno why you need a watering machine? A sprinkler is needed to water roads, trees, lawns... A fire truck - a fire truck puts out a fire.

Fishing Boat - A fishing boat is fishing.

Crane - A crane is needed to lift loads.

Fuel truck - A fuel truck is needed to transport gasoline.

Dunno: I also know a special machine, it also helps people. A washing machine is needed to wash clothes.

Educator: Guys, Dunno is right? What do you disagree with? Children's reasoning.

- This is a car? Yes.

- Does it have a motor? Yes.

— Does it help a person do labor-intensive work? Yes.

- Is this transport? No. Why? Children's reasoning.

3. Physical education break. Transport image. Dump truck, helicopter, roller, crane...

4. Today we will learn how to write riddles about special-purpose transport and teach Dunno. Listen to Dunno carefully. The teacher puts a picture on the board (upside down)

. What is this? What kind of transport do I have in the picture? Children's reasoning.

I asked you a riddle, can you guess it? Why? Children put forward their versions.

We have helper cards (symbols)

. Modeling.

Rule: When composing a riddle, you need to describe it without naming the vehicle: Talk about the method of transportation, name the structural features (name a detail that other vehicles do not have)

which is unique to him, talk about the purpose of transport.
Do we ask a question at the end? It can take place in the form of a game: “Yes - no
. Is it land transport, water transport, air transport? This car has a body, a steering wheel, a water tank... It waters, saves, and rushes to the rescue...

This is a car?

Was it difficult to guess? Together they form a riddle.

Dunno: Got it, I understand everything. Can I tell you a riddle? This is an icebreaker, it breaks through thick ice and guides ships through the northern seas. What is this?

Guys, did Dunno make up the riddle correctly? Where is the mistake? Help Dunno correct her. Well done, thank you.

Z. Physical education minute.

On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars. Freight trucks are in a hurry,

The cars snort, hurry, rush, as if they were alive.

4. Look at the pictures and try to make up your own riddle. The map will help you - a hint (model)


Writing riddles for children. 4-5 riddles.

For example:

— This machine is working at a construction site. He has a long arrow. He lifts bricks and panels onto floors. Can unload and load heavy loads. What is this? Crane.

- This is ground transport. This car clears the way for all other cars on the street; a red cross is depicted on the body. The car is in a hurry to help the patient. What is this? Ambulance.

— This car is big, red. She has a sliding ladder, a water tank, and long hoses. She puts out fires. What is this? Fire engine.

Dunno: Can I tell you my own riddle?

- This is a car. It has a steering wheel, headlights, a cabin, and a tank. What is this?

Guys, can we determine exactly what kind of transport this is? Why? Where did Dunno go wrong?

- Sorry, I forgot to say, she transports gasoline. What is this?

Well done Dunno, he corrected it himself and clarified it.

Bottom line. Dunno. Thanks guys, I learned a lot about special purpose vehicles. Now I will confidently go and share my knowledge with the little ones of the Flower City, teach the city residents how to make riddles. Thank you! Goodbye!

Guys, what can you be proud of after our lesson? Whose riddle did you like and why? Children's reasoning.

Next >

Assignments for mastering the material

When introducing preschoolers to various types of vehicles, various games are used to help them remember them better. They can be represented by the following options:

  • Puzzles. They contribute to the development of logic, thinking, and intelligence.
  • Outdoor games. Each child is given a picture depicting some type of transport. There is a house where the corresponding transport base is located. The child’s task is to correctly identify it in relation to the type of vehicle depicted in the picture he received.
  • Puzzles. This is, for example, a picture of an airplane cut into pieces. The child finds a picture with the required part and talks about what it is intended for.

The information about transport received by a preschooler will contribute to his further development.

Thematic week “Transport” preparatory group

A week. Topic: "Transport".

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about transport, what we call transport, what types of transport there are. To generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the methods of human movement in different environments. Clarify and expand children's understanding of the rules of behavior on the road, continue to familiarize them with the rules of the road.


I. Seryakov “Street where everyone is in a hurry”; G. Tsyferov “Locomotive from Romashkovo”; M. Lermontov “The Lonely Sail Is White.” B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”; I. Ivin “Cars of our street”; “Flood”, Sakharov “The Best Steamboat”

J. Rodari “Trolleybus”, “How a boy played with a stick”. V. Suslov “Who is stronger.”

Y. Moritz “Favorite Pony”, K. Tsiolkovsky “The Path to the Stars”, M. Korshunov “The Boy is Riding, in a Hurry”, “The History of Humanity” B. Zhitkov “The Railway” (from “What I Saw”) I. Kalinina “ How the guys crossed the street"

N. Nosov “Car”, V. Berestov “About the car”,


S. Mikhalkov “A pedestrian must remember: intersection-transition”,

Monday. 20th of March.

Morning reception of children.

Conversation with parents about the well-being of children.


Talk to the children about how they spent the weekend, what they did, where they vacationed, what they remembered most, did they like it?

Target. Activate vocabulary, develop speech, teach children to build sentences. Teach Demyan and Kirill P. to maintain a conversation and share impressions.

2.Work in a corner of nature.

Mark the date in the nature calendar, talk about the coming of spring. Practice naming the months of the year and determining their order.

Purpose: to consolidate time concepts: the sequence of days of the week, months of the year.

3. Conversation on the topic. “We have arrived, we are going, we are going.”

Target. Clarify with children the purpose of transport, types of transport and its characteristics in the present, past and future tense.

What do you see in these pictures? (looking at, naming)

How can you call all this in one word? (transport)

What is transport needed for? What other types of transport do you know?

  1. Game activity.

    Choose the word”, “One is many”, “The fourth is odd”, “Say the opposite”
    Exercise children in selecting adjectives.

Didactic game “Why this way and not otherwise?” Goal: to develop the ability to prove the correctness of one’s own judgments, to defend one’s point of view.

Training game “Pretend the mood”

You know that adults most often work somewhere and with someone and they have different moods. We will now try to depict this. Stand freely and with expressive movements of your body and expression of your face show me a cheerful dancer, a surprised conductor, an angry janitor, a sad artist, a frightened driver, an interested animal researcher

Target. To develop in children the ability to manage their emotions in conflict situations, to continue to introduce them to ways of resolving conflicts and relieving tension. Form a conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior.

5. Morning exercises.

6.Preparing for breakfast.

Canteen duty.

Target. To develop the skills of Roma Sh., Kirill P. to engage in labor relations with adults. Foster independence, form ideas about rational ways to carry out feasible tasks.

Breakfast . KGN.

Strengthen the ability to eat food carefully, silently, maintaining correct posture at the table.

GCD Cognition.

Integration of areas:

“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”.

General conversation
about transport.


photos, reproductions, illustrations, drawings of other children

Target. Expand and deepen children's knowledge about transport. Give basic ideas about types of transport: air, land, water. Fix the names of air transport, the professions of people associated with working in air transport, the importance of air transport in the public life of people. Introduce children to the structural basis of an airplane and helicopter.

GCD plan.

  1. Name the transport.
  2. What types of transport are there: land, air, water.
  3. Name land transport, air, water.
  4. Listening to the song “Hugging the sky with strong arms”
  5. The riddle about the helicopter. =
  6. Conversation on the topic. Looking at illustrations.
  7. Games “Who works in air transport?”
  8. Game “Choose Definitions” (What character traits does a pilot need?)
  9. Physical exercise "Planes in flight."
  10. “Name what parts an airplane or helicopter consists of,”
  11. The game “What in the world happens at the same time in relation to other objects” “fast - slow butterfly and bird, helicopter and plane, plane and rocket...”
  12. Riddles about aerial technology.
  13. Summarizing. What role does transport play in human life?


According to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Target. Practice climbing a gymnastic wall; repeat balance exercises, practice jumping into the distance.

Games “Pass the ball in a line”, “Tag - dash”, “Jumping rope”, “Fishing rod”

Walk No. 1

(I.o.: cognitive, speech, social and communicative development)

Bird watching. Notice that birds are coming to us again. Which birds are migratory and which are wintering? Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about birds: name, body parts, nutrition. Remember that there are migratory and wintering birds.

  1. Labor on site. Entrust Sasha and Nikita with cleaning up the area from garbage. Target. Develop a desire to work, cultivate independence and responsibility.
  2. P/games “Cars”, “Transport”, “Free space” /running/. Target:

    practice running in all directions, jumping, and the ability to perform actions on a signal.

  3. Individual work

    "Don't lose the ball."
    to consolidate the ability to perform the exercise consistently.

  4. Research activities:

    comparison of different types of transport (find similarities and differences)


I. Ivin “Cars of our street.” Target. Continue to introduce children to literature on the topic of transport, instill an interest in literary expression.

Preparing for lunch. Canteen duty.


2 half day.

Gymnastics after sleep, washing.

  1. Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea.

Constructive activity. Origami. "Boat"

Int./areas: artistic and aesthetic, speech development, social and communicative)


Help children master several methods of paper construction. Teach children to work according to a diagram that shows the sequence of work. Develop creativity, intellectual initiative, and the desire to find new solutions based on already familiar methods. Cultivate the ability to complete the work started, independence.

  1. Introduction of the game moment;
  2. Reading the poem by M. Lermontov “The Lonely Sail Whitens”
  3. Repetition of water transport with children.
  4. Physical exercise “Sailors”;
  1. Showing the progress of the work;
  2. Self-made by children.
  3. Playing with crafts;
  4. Bottom line. Exhibition of children's works.


Walk 2.

Observing the sun. Pay attention to how the sun's rays are already warming. How

The winter sun is different from the spring sun.

  1. Labor on site. Restoring order in the area. Instruct Vladik and Nadya to sweep the stairs and path leading to the site,

Target. Instill responsibility in fulfilling this assignment and conscientiousness.

  1. P/games “Airfield”, “Pilot” /running/, “Pathfinders” /space orientation/.
  2. Ind. in physical education with Lesha and Maxim, practice throwing a medicine ball with both hands from behind the head, to promote the development of strength abilities.
  3. Games with external materials, games with snow.

Evening. 1.

Director's play "Road" with small cars using a street model (roadway)

Role-playing games at the request of children. Target. To teach independence in choosing games. Develop creativity and imagination. Develop friendships through games.

  1. Individual design with Kirill, Roma. Repair and construction of toy cars together from a construction set. Target. Train children in the ability to repair broken toys.
  2. N/and lotto “Underwater World”, “Professions”, “Transport”. Target. Develop attention, perseverance, patience. To educate children in the ability to play together and follow the rules of the game.

Interaction with parents.

Inform parents about the thematic week and the progress of the educational process

Tuesday March 21st.

1. Morning appointment.

1. Looking at the album “Water Transport”, reading art. literature. Examination of illustrations of marine equipment.

Conversation on the topic

Water transport”

Target. Find out from the children who have relatives who work in water transport, what they told about their work, what do they like most? Which of the children sailed on board transport: catamarans, boats, sailboats, ships?

What should sailors be able to do? What equipment do you use in your work?


Game activity :
P/i game “Catch and name which transport it belongs to”;

D/game “Every picture has its place”, “Yes - no”, “Cut pictures”, “Confusion” (all types of transport: sort by type).

3. Listening to songs about rivers and seas: “The sailor waddled ashore”, “Across the seas, along the waves”, “I am a sailor, you are a sailor.” Target. Teach children to identify means of musical expression that create an image, and to characterize them.

4. ISO. Invite children to draw an image of the character they heard, randomly select the color and technique of creating the image.

S/r game "Journey". Target. Develop imagination, thinking, friendships. Morning exercises.

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

FEMP. Integration of areas.

“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative”.

Subject. "Square. Measuring area."


Form ideas about the area of ​​figures, comparing figures by area directly and using a conventional measure. Learn to divide a square into 8 equal parts, name the whole and parts of the square.

To consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting within 9, the composition of numbers 8 and 9, the ability to solve simple problems based on the relationship of the whole and parts.

GCD plan

  1. Organizational point: repeat how much one number is greater or less than another.
  2. Game “Name the number of quadrilaterals in the figure.
  3. Comparing figures by area using a measuring stick.
  4. Dividing the square in half, into 4 parts, into 8 parts. “Name the parts of the square”
  5. Physical exercise "Ducks"
  6. Numerical segment.
  7. Preparation and solution of problems.
  1. Work in notebooks
  2. Conclusion.

MUZO lesson.


Conducted according to the plan of the swimming instructor.

In Group.

1. Musical and theatrical activities for children. A dramatization of the fable “The Crow Ilisa.” Basics of acting: learn to portray the emotional state of animals,

using expressive movements and intonation.


with children: “Road rules”, “The street is full of surprises”.

= Where can you cross the street?

What traffic signs do you know?

Riddle: at the intersections of two roads, at the edge of the pavement, a resolute and stern iron guard stands.

— How many “eyes” does a traffic light have? What color are they? What does each color mean?

The first traffic light had only 2 colors: red and green and was controlled by a special person. Why was such a traffic light inconvenient? Why was the electric traffic light invented?

Why did they add a yellow “eye” to the traffic light?

Didactic game “What is missing” (with road signs).

Goal: to develop visual memory and attention.

Role-playing games:

"Land transport".

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules on the roads in games.

Excursion to the ecological room.

Rabbit observation Purpose. Learn to observe animals. Develop a cognitive interest in the animal world.

Math games

and puzzles: “Labyrinth”, “Crosswords”, “Rebuses”, “In the Forest School” /quantity and counting/. Target. Develop logical thinking and imagination.

Preparing for lunch. Canteen duty. Dinner.

2 half day.

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack.

GCD Artistic creativity.

Region integration:

speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Drawing. Subject. "The Lonely Sail Is White"

Target. Strengthen the ability to select contrasting colors in creating a plot. Learn to search for and find a successful compositional solution.

GCD plan.

  1. Reading a poem.
  2. Looking at illustrations.
  3. A conversation about how you can give three-dimensional forms to a plot.
  4. Show sample.
  5. Children's work.
  6. Exhibition of children works

Walk 2. 1.

Watching the dog. Draw the children's attention to a dog running into the kindergarten territory. Note her appearance, method of movement, where she ran, what might have interested her, why is she fondling children? Foster a love for animals, remind children that they should not touch unknown animals for health reasons.

2. Ind/r.

“Snake” trains children to jog along a winding path /orientation in space/.

3. Free communication “Why know the rules of the road”, “Don’t cross the street without paying attention to the traffic light.” Target. Reinforcement of rules on the roads.

4. Base games “The Third Wheel”, “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Burners” /running/.

4. Preparing for dinner. Dinner.


Physical entertainment. Games “Like firefighters”, “Walk under the arc” /coordination/, “Who’s next” /jumping/, “Twist the hoop” /throwing/, “Jumping rope”

Target. To teach how to act on a signal, to help improve movements in children’s active activities.

Game activity.

S/r game "Dining Room"; "Beauty saloon". C. enrich the content of games, consolidate the ability to independently organize games.

N/games “Loto”, “Puzzles: transport”, “Checkers”. C. Teach Roma to obey the rules in a group game, cultivate a culture of fair competition.

7. Labor.

Duty around the corner of nature, preparing material for joint activities.

  • Creating a subject-development environment

    and joint production of game attributes.

8. Interaction with families

Find out what problems parents have with their children.

Wednesday 22 March


  1. half a day. Reception of children.

1. Enter pictures depicting different types of transport.

  1. Guys, you know many types of transport. Look at these pictures and divide all transport into groups according to common characteristics (ground, air, water). Why did you divide it this way? What is the name of a vehicle that transports people? Loads?
  2. A story about fabulous transport. What is transport? What is it for? What types of transport do children know? Name the professions of people who drive cars, trains, planes, and check tickets. Where are cars made?

Didactic game “Find out by description.” Goal: develop the ability to work with models, determine the type of transport based on essential features


Riddles about transport. Target. To intensify the mental activity of children in the process of observing the surrounding reality and the development of speech. Give a figurative idea of ​​transport, teach comparison and comparison.

3. S/r game “Car Exhibition”. Independent play activity. C. Strengthen the ability to independently organize games, develop a plot, and perform role-playing actions.

4. Construction games.

Buildings according to plan. Target. Encourage children's creative initiative and design abilities.

GCD Speech development.

“Ground transport” p. 74.
Purpose. To consolidate knowledge about types of transport and its purpose (ground, underground, water, air); repeat the rules of the road and the meaning of traffic lights. Deepen knowledge about the rules for using public transport; enrich the vocabulary with words denoting the professions of people related to transport: driver, machinist, taxi driver, motorcyclist, cyclist, coachman, cab driver.

GCD plan.

  1. Listening to a song from the cartoon “Locomotive from Romashkovo”.
  2. Game "Travel on a Steam Locomotive"
  3. Conversation about ground transport.
  4. Looking at illustrations.
  5. Irra “Sort transport into groups: passenger, cargo, amateur”
  6. The game “Be Attentive” is a physical exercise.
  7. Game "Make a proposal"
  8. Game "Finish the sentences"
  9. Game “Name the professions of people who drive transport”
  10. Traffic rules for drivers.
  11. Bottom line. What did we do in class? What types of transport do you know? What type of transport did you use?

Walk No. 1

. 1. Observation of the work of a janitor. What are the responsibilities of a janitor, how and with what does he clear the snow on the site. Offer children shovels to clear the snow from the veranda. C. Instill work skills.

2. Games with snow and v/m. “We make from snow” C. Strengthen children’s ability to create crafts from snow, develop imagination, and cultivate friendly relationships with Kirill and Semyon.

3. Ind/r. Exercise Maxim and Bogdana in jumping, develop jumping skills and movement coordination.

5. Base games “Wolf in the Moat” /jumping/, “Forbidden Movement”. Target. Develop orientation in space, enrich motor experience.

4. S/r game “Explorers”.

Experience. Place an ice cube in two buckets, cover one bucket with a cap. Where will the ice melt first? Target. Develop curiosity and interest in experiments.

GCD Artistic creativity.

Transport on our street”
by T.S. Komarov, lesson No. 70

Target. Learn to convey in a drawing the shape and structure of cars consisting of several parts of a quadrangular shape. Strengthen the skills of correctly drawing vertical, horizontal and oblique lines, uniformly coloring a picture with colored pencils, using different pressure on the pencil.

GCD plan.

  1. Reading the story by I. Ivin “Cars of our street”;
  2. Simulation game “Choosing a body for a car”
  3. Determining the topic of the lesson, examining the parts of the machine.
  4. Show car image sequence
  5. Completing of the work.
  6. Bottom line. Park the car in the desired garage.

Walk 1

(Integrated area: cognitive, social-communicative, speech and physical development)

  1. Car surveillance.

    continue to distinguish cars by their purpose, compare with other modes of transport; develop observation skills.

Hood. word

— Buses are in a hurry, cars are in a hurry

They are in a hurry, rushing, as if they were alive. Every car has things to do and worries,

Cars leave for work in the morning.

  1. Labor activity.

    Clearing the area of ​​snow.
    to cultivate diligence and the desire to work together.

  2. Outdoor games:

    "The Snow Queen", "Dodgeball".
    to develop agility, running speed, attention.

  3. Individual work.

    Practice jumping up from a place.
    develop the ability to concentrate effort, combine strength with speed.


Strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes before going to bed, turn the sleeves of a shirt or dress inside out.

Reading the work of G. Tsyferov “Locomotive from Romashkovo”

Preparing for lunch. Canteen duty. Dinner.

2 half day.

1. Gymnastics after sleep.

2. Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack.

about the City.

What is the name of the street where the kindergarten is located? What other buildings are there on it?

What kind of transport can you see on our street? Why is it called that?

Where are there traffic lights on city streets? What is a traffic light for?

How will you cross the street where there is no traffic light?

What professions do people work in transport?

Didactic game “On earth and underground, in the sky and at sea”

Purpose: to exercise in the classification of transport by type, according to characteristic features

Descriptive stories.

Comparative and descriptive stories (plane-helicopter; trolleybus-bus; trolleybus-tram). Aleshina page 29

Learning riddles

and tongue twisters about transport. Improving retelling skills.

Children's play activities.
“Collect a picture.”
Target. Exercise children in recognizing and naming individual parts of transport. Develop imagination, fine motor skills, memory, patience.

Walk No. 2

. GCD: Excursion to the parking lot. Monitoring vehicles in the parking lot.

Target. Observe with the children the vehicles in the parking lot, formulate children’s ideas about transport. Provide an opportunity to collect a variety of material for subsequent group work on transport. develop observation skills and interest in transport.

2. Labor. We clear the area of ​​snow. Tag the most active children.

3. Games with snow “Who is bigger”, C. consolidate the ability to sculpt lumps of snow, roll them into large lumps. Strengthen the properties of snow.

4. Sub-games “Who will throw the snowball further” /throwing/, “Two Frosts” /running/.

5. Games with external material at the request of the children. C. Strengthen Tanya and Vicky’s behavior skills during games, develop the ability to take into account the opinions and desires of other children, and the ability to give in.


. Educational games:
“Chauffeurs”, “What types of transport are there?”,


“Find the differences”, “Fix the car”, “Find out by part”, “What did the artist mix up?”, “Who needs what?”

Target. develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, cultivate perseverance.

2. Offer children building materials and build a “Ship”. Target. Fix the names of the parts: cube, brick, cylinder, block, pyramid, cone while playing with the buildings. Teach children before the game starts, coordinate actions, distribute roles, prepare the necessary equipment. Develop the ability to negotiate and share building materials.

Individual drawing work. Target.
Strengthen the ability to draw different types of transport. Strengthen the skills of making a sketch with a simple pencil, painting over it without going beyond the contours of the drawing.

Thursday 23 March.

  1. Reception of children.
  2. Conversation

    on the topic “Who controls the transport
    Today we will talk about people who manage transport. Name the professions of these people

  3. Didactic game "Who's on what" Goal: to systematize knowledge about the professions of people in transport

Show a picture of a vehicle, children name their profession


Situational conversation “Which transport is most important.” (Int. region: speech, social and communicative development).

5. Staging of a poem by B. Zakhoder. "Chauffeur"

= I'm flying at full speed. I am the driver myself, and the engine itself.

I press the pedal and the car rushes into the distance.

C. Teach children to play out short poems, imitating the content..

6. Labor assignment.

Cut napkins and prepare for breakfast. Target. Foster the need to work and help adults.

7. ISO

Offer coloring pages on the theme “Transport”. C. develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. Morning exercises

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

Speech development.
Topic: “Ground transport. System operator "Bus".

Objectives: Generalize the idea of ​​modes of transport; consolidate knowledge about types of urban transport, clarify the importance of transport in human life. Expand and deepen children's knowledge about passenger transport. Foster respect for the profession of people driving vehicles. Find out what types of passenger transport there are, why people invented transport, who works on passenger transport ( bus driver, trolleybus driver, train driver


Teach children to see the whole, consisting of parts, to observe, compare, prove. Analyze the dynamics of transport development from the past to the future.


illustrations depicting urban transport.

GCD plan.

  1. Organizing time. “The one who names the ground transport will sit down”
  2. Examination of illustrations of passenger transport.
  3. Riddles about ground transport. Page 163.

Game “Name the professions of people driving passenger transport”

  • Bus. S/O: ( present time)

    looking at the bus in the center of the picture.

1. Car park. /Where do the buses live?/

2. How does it serve people? /Carries people/ Who serves it? /driver/.

3. What does the bus consist of? /Motor, engine, cabin, interior, wheels, chassis/. How does the driver serve the bus?

Past tense:

  1. What did people drive before?
  2. Who looked after the horses? /coachmen, coachmen/ Reading “Native Word” p. 191
  3. How did the coachman look after the horse?

Future tense:

1. Buses of the future: /we create buses of the future/

a) - what it consists of: /select the material/ rubber, metal, wood, plastic...

b) - energy /what it will work on/: gasoline, gas, steam, solar energy, batteries, accumulator.

B) - form: □, ○, ◊, ∆, ☼

D) - the computer downloads data

D) - children's drawings: the bus of the future.

GCD Artistic creativity.

Application. "Bus"


Teach children to perform an object application consisting of several objects. Develop visual memory, eye, sense of rhythm, color, composition.

GCD plan

  1. Mystery.
  2. Looking at the illustration
  3. Conversation, clarifications, questions
  4. Sample Show
  5. Children's work.
  6. Analysis of children's works.

Walk No. 1

Observation of coniferous trees. How are they similar and how are they different from deciduous trees? Consider the trunk, branches, needles, trees. Teach children to notice the beauty of winter nature, its uniqueness.

2. Labor. We clear the area of ​​freshly fallen snow. Mark the most active d.

3. Himself. play activity. Games with external material at the request of the children. C. Strengthen behavioral skills during games, respect the interests of other children..

4. Sports game “Towns”. Improve your throwing technique.

5. Outdoor games:

"Burnouts." Target. Develop organization skills while playing. “Throwing snowballs at a target” (throwing technique), “Serpentine”. Goals: to learn to perform actions on a signal, to work smoothly with your hands, to run in a certain direction; develop speed and agility.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.


2 half day

  1. Wake up exercises, walking along massage paths.
  2. Afternoon snack.

Talking with children about transport.

— Why did people come up with so many types of machines? Has there always been such transport? How did people get around when there were no cars? (showing pictures). Is this kind of “transport” used now?

Didactic game "Who's on what"

  1. Goal: to develop ingenuity and imagination in determining what a particular fairy-tale character can move on

Reading and discussing the story

B. Zhitkov “Railway” (from “What I Saw”)

(I.o.: cognitive, speech development)

Collage on the theme "Transport".

Discuss with the children the material collected on the topic. Work by subgroups is divided into three groups: air, ground and sea. Each group researches and selects their material and creates their own collage, which is then combined into one whole.

Target. Development of children's creativity in the process of creative activity

1. Game activity:

D/games “Explain the word”, “Correct the sentence”, “Guess the riddles and explain what helped you solve them.” Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about transport, develop and activate children's speech.

2.S/r game “Airfield” with building materials. Target. Fix the names of the parts: cube, brick, cylinder, block, pyramid, cone while playing with the buildings. Teach children before the game starts, coordinate actions, distribute roles, prepare the necessary equipment. Develop the ability to negotiate and share building materials

3. Outdoor games “Ringbross”. Target. development of eye and throwing technique in Nadya and Semyon.

3. Walk 2.

Observation of a drop. 1. Draw the children’s attention to the drops. Examine the icicles on the roof and their shape. If you hold an icicle in your hand, your hand will become cold and the icicle will melt. You can't put icicles in your mouth - you might get sick.

D/games: “The longest icicle”, “The widest”, “Where the icicle fell”, “Counting the drops”,

Goal: teach children to observe natural phenomena.

*. Work. We clear the veranda from snow. Cultivating hard work in Alyosha, Vanya V.

Myself. gaming activity. Games with external material at the request of the children. Instill a friendly attitude towards children in Nikita and Danil during games, respect the interests of others.

4. Ind/r. With Varya and Bogdana, improve the technique of throwing at a target.

P/games. games “Ride the car through the gate” /endurance/, “I’ll catch up”, “Sharp shooter” /throwing at the target/.


2. Household work.

Offer to wash the toys and disassemble the construction sets. Work in subgroups. Target. Continue to teach how to work together and cultivate accuracy.

Contents of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

  • Center for Productive Activities: illustrations, stencils depicting transport.
  • Construction from a large construction set according to diagrams.

Friday March 24th.

1. Admission of children

Work in a corner of nature.
Mark the date, day of the week, weather for the past day in the nature calendar.
Target. develop natural history skills .
Target. Strengthen the ability to carry out various tasks related to caring for plants in a corner of nature; perform the duties of an attendant in a corner of nature (watering indoor plants, loosening the soil, etc.). Explain to children why plants are needed, what is needed for their growth and flowering. Instill respect for plants.

  1. Games. “What flowers are in the group?”, “Show the flower”, “Describe the flower”, “Compare the plants”), “Live and artificial flowers”. C. consolidate knowledge about indoor plants
  2. A game "

    How does day and night change? (The earth rotates around its axis; when the earth is on the sunny side, it is day on Earth, and when it is in the shadow, it is night on Earth.

Creative games.

Invite children to play the game “Explainers”, “Guessers”, “Rationales”.

Target. Exercise children in guessing objects based on children's statements. Learn to ask leading questions, reason, and draw conclusions. Expand children's horizons, activate their vocabulary.

S/r game «

Car park".
: continue to introduce children to professions, clarify what their work is? Expand children's vocabulary: “mechanic”, “car mechanic”, “engine”, “clutch”, “gas station”

4. ISO

Offer coloring pages on the theme “Transport”. C. develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. Morning exercises

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.


Integration of areas.

“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative”.

Subject. " Arithmetic

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve arithmetic problems. Improve the ability to divide a circle into 8 equal parts, correctly label the parts and establish relationships between them. Exercise the ability to determine time on a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour. Develop attention.

Introduce the formation and composition of the number 9, the number 9.

Strengthen the ability to find signs of similarities and differences between figures, the relationship between the whole and parts, addition and subtraction on a number line.

GCD plan

1. Organizational point: the composition of the number 9. Their location in the ordinal series.

2. Structure of the task.

3. Preparation and solution of problems.

4. Physical exercise “Rebuilding in digital order”

5. Dividing the circle into parts.

6. Game “Name what time it is”

7. Work in notebooks

  • Conclusion.


Walk 1.

1. Observation of the drop. Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about changes in water depending on temperature; Teach research activities.

2. Work on the site. Sprinkle sand on the paths on the site. Target. Teach children to work together and help each other.

3. P/games “Tag”, “Wind” /running/, “Don’t get your feet wet” /jumping/.

4. Individual work

Walking on the boom; jumping from a place on two legs (energetic push-off and correct landing).


develop coordination of movement and balance.

5. Games with external material - friendly relationships /Vladik, Vanya/.

6. S/r game “Souvenir shop”. C. Nurturing friendly relationships.

"Reading fiction."

Reading chapters from the book "Muffin and His Friends"

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.


2 half day

Wake up exercises, walking along massage paths.

Afternoon snack.

Quiz game. Subject

"Water and air transport."


speech, physical, social and communicative development.


- learn to distinguish and name different types of transport

- enrich your vocabulary.

- develop speech activity

- consolidate the skill of forming and changing words and phrases

- develop speech attention, coherent speech

Conversation on the topic. What types of air and water transport do you know? Who controls the ship or plane? Why do we need a lighthouse and parachutes?

Games: “Guess the riddle”, “Name the parts of an airplane, helicopter, ship”, “Find the odd one out”, “Guess what the person’s profession is.” Target. reinforcement about tools.

Comparison of airplane and helicopter

Game “Put the picture in the right place” (separation of water and air modes of transport

Result: What kind of transport were they talking about? What new did you learn?

Walk 2.

Observation of icicles
Objectives :
to introduce the properties of water, its various states: to promote the development of environmental thinking and erudition.

Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

The playful icicles looked down.

They're tired of hanging down

They began to throw droplets.

All day long the ringing goes on - drip-drip! Don-don!

Labor activity.

Preparing water for watering indoor plants

Outdoor games:

"Bus". "Wolf in the Moat"

Individual physical work

Walking on the boom;
jumping from a place on two legs (energetic push-off and correct landing). Goal:
develop a sense of balance.

Construction of a “Motorcycle” from snow.

Pay attention to the relationships between children and ways out of conflict situations.


Game activity.

(Integrated region: physical development, social-communicative, speech development) D/ games: “Road signs”).

Target. Continue to familiarize children with road signs

P/game: “Gawkers.” Target. To foster logical thinking and the development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

ART Offer Vanya, Roma, Lesha scissors, colored paper. Target. Exercise children in cutting out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half.

Entering photographs, pictures, illustrations on the topic “Transport”

10. Interaction with families: Conversation with parents: “You ask, we answer”

Prepare reminders of words that a child should know on the topic “Transport”, “Street”.

Invite parents to bring books and postcards about transport for the group library.

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