Short poems about letters of the alphabet for children: the best

Riddles starting with the letter U

Ulyana the snail's entire lawn is overgrown with weeds. I don’t have time to mow the weeds – I have to move the house. And opening the gate, a snail crawled. It crawls along the path, carrying the little house on its back. He will crawl a little and hide his horns in the house. He sleeps in his own house and dreams about the letter... (U)

These riddles need to be continued by substituting the required letter into the rhyme. Author: I. Ageeva, A. Khrebtyugov.

I found a twig in the forest, It looks like a letter...

If I make sponges with a very thin tube, then make a sound, then you will hear the letter...

The author of this riddle is N. Punko, it needs to be continued in rhyme, substituting the desired letter

A duck in the morning at the gate Smiling at the snail, Picking his nose In the picture with the letter... In this riddle you must first guess the words in question, and then the letter with which these words begin.

This letter can tell children about everything in the world, catch crucian carp in the river, carry their house in a backpack. Answer: letter U (teacher, fishing rod, snail)

Poems about the letter "U"

The letter U has one leg and very sharp horns.


The letter U is quite simple: Pulls horns from the tail.


The letter U resembles the ears of a bunny on the top of its head. The snail's horns also look like the letter U.


“U” - the snail on the path - boldly released its horns. Get out of the way! Don't interfere with the house being transported.


Everyone knows the LETTER from the cradle, “U-U” the child buzzes at everything. He raised his finger, looked menacingly, “U-U-U!!!” The horn is honking seriously.


Guys, I find the letter U interesting. Coal gives us heat, Hurricane carries logs.

The knot holds two ropes. Clever Already dexterous in hunting. There is a corner for punishment. Ulyana is busy knitting.


You will find a twig in any forest and you will see the letter U. And the bunny has funny ears sticking out like U on the top of his head. U is a slingshot, everything is clear here, it’s dangerous to shoot from it!


Uh! Hooray! We're cleaning! I'll give mom a bucket! Everything in our house will shine clean again.

My little brother is just bitter about our idea, everything screams: “Wa-Wa, I don’t like the game.”

At noon we went into the forest together, we approached a hillside, I had already started the game, I started shouting: “AU-AU.”

I’ll pick up all the chants for this letter “U”.


The letter U SMILED on a cool morning at the motley ducklings, and at the ducklings quacking together, and at the snail in a round shell.


The letter U is in the corner. She looks sad. Apparently the letter was punished. For what? They didn't tell us...


Ulyana was learning the alphabet, The letter “U”, it hums, Already, a snail, a corner, I know the letter “U” by heart.


The Duck Can Do Everything - Catches fish with a Fishing Rod. She will have fish soup for dinner. For Ukha, she needs Dill. There are a lot of words starting with “U” around: Morning, Street, Iron. One-two-three-four-five, We need to know the letter “U”!

A snail is crawling along the road, carrying the letter U on its back, I will give the letter to the children, so that everyone can know the letter U!


I have the Letter U. You have the Letter U. He has the Letter U. She has the Letter U. Where else is there the Letter U? Let us know, AU!!!


The letter U would have time to learn a lesson in the morning.


Is it a tail or legs? Someone's horns appeared. Well, I just don’t understand, but this is the letter “U”.


A duck in the morning at the gate, saw how the snails crawled away from the eared kangaroos into the kennel.


Already Smiled at the Snail, And Already Smiled at the Snail. Already politely walked away, Already crawled away.


The bell rang and stopped. The lesson begins. We sat down together at our desks! And they looked at the board, and quickly opened the Twenty-nine ABC books. We learned the letter A, We learned the letter U. The kids shout UA. We are screaming AU in the forest. From the letter A, watermelon and stork (We tried to remember). From the letter U, guys, we have an ear, a fishing rod, ducklings... This is what the first grade learned for the first time.


Letter U – Boa constrictor Plato Tried on a new coat. A very large Boa constrictor - will not fit in the sleeve.


The snail was cleaning the hut in the morning. I stocked up on coal - both in the chest and in the tub. I pushed the iron and tub, unnecessary utensils, and a cast iron grip into the corner. Dried Dill Placed Everywhere. Then she washed the dishes in the Washbasin... Before Dinner, the Snail worked in the house. And then she said with a Tired Smile: “Let them see my Cozy House in the forest - I will carry it with me on a walk.”

Tongue twisters with the letter U

Hooray, hooray, hooray.

Already in a puddle.

The snake stung terribly. I was horrified. Horror! — Uzhikha was horrified. - Squeezed! Have supper! - We've already had dinner!

Cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

The wasp doesn’t have a mustache, or a whisker, but a w-whisk.

The coals were placed in the corners, The coals were placed in the corners.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.

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Poems about the letter U, 4.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

Poems about the letter I | Nursery rhymes starting with the letter I, riddles with the letter I for children with pictures

The very last letter of the Russian alphabet is the letter Y. You already know a lot of fun and funny words. Now you will read poems about the letter Y, short poems about the letter Y for children and solve funny riddles with the letter Y. Find out more on this page of the Fairytale House website about the letters of the Russian alphabet.

The letter I is the thirty-third and last letter of the Russian alphabet. The letter I at the beginning of words, after a vowel sound, and also after ь and ъ means two sounds: [І][А]. The letter I after a consonant softens this consonant and denotes the vowel sound [A].

Words starting with the letter I: apple, manger, jaguar, hawk...

The letter I is in the middle of the words: oath, slush, pulp, mint...

The letter I at the end of words: family, printing house, gymnasium...

Several letters I in one word: ...

Children's poems about the letter I

Everyone knows the letter I, the most boastful. To everyone in the world the letter I is ready to report: - Do you know who I am? You don’t know who I am. I am not only a letter I am a letter, a syllable and a word! (A. Shibaev)


And this letter is considered the last because you do not put yourself in the front row. In our country they cannot expect honor, glory, honor for those for whom “I” and “me” are in first place! The people intelligently and not in vain arranged the letters of the primer. (S. Marshak)

Short poems starting with the letter I for children

Yak is a shaggy mountain bull. I’m already used to it. On a clear January morning, Yak brought us the letter “Ya”!

So many Berries! How many Apples! Everything is clear! The boat has sailed. We have arrived, friends, We are greeted by the letter Y.

Everyone knows: the letter YA is the most boastful

A bunch of apples on the counter... And I noticed, I’m friends: If an apple had two legs, the letter Y would immediately come out.

I am me, and who else is so similar to my brother? He calls me Snitch, It’s a shame - so what!

Poems about the letter I for 1st grade children

The letter I is ready to report to everyone in the world: - Do you know who I am? You don’t know who I am. I am not only the letter I - the letter, the syllable and the word!

I am a tramp with a backpack, traveling on foot.

The letter I has always been dear to everyone, but we advise, friends, to remember the place of the letter I!

Funny riddles about the letter I

► First, there are several riddles - deceptions, when the rhyme makes you want to say one letter, but in fact the answer is a completely different letter. Author – I. Ageeva

Farthest away, right at the end, the letter in the alphabet is...

Answer: not C, but I

► The author of this riddle is N. Punko, it needs to be continued in rhyme, substituting the desired letter

An apple grows on a branch, Our children love it. I love the apple too - With it I will remember the letter...

► In this riddle you must first guess the words in question, and then the letter with which these words begin. Its author is Olesya Emelyanova.

They bite the letter on the sides, throw it into the sea from a ship, snakes do evil with it, people make speeches.

Answer: letter I (apple, anchor, poison, tongue)

► Another traditional riddle. Its author is A. Khrebtyugov.

Don’t suddenly pronounce this word - this letter! You will begin a story about yourself, so you will name it!

Funny tongue twisters with the letter I

My yacht is light and obedient, I will plow the seas on it.

Lizard on a skiff Carrying apples to the fair in a box.

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna settled in Yaroslavl. Yaroslav and Yaroslavna live nicely in Yaroslavl.

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Poems about the letter Z | The best poems about the letter Z for children with pictures

The letter Zh is a bold, large, wide letter of the Russian alphabet. This letter looks like a bug. Let's read some poems about the letter Z and find out in which words this letter appears. There are also funny riddles about the letter Z; by solving them, you will remember many words that contain this letter.

The letter Z is a pot-bellied beetle, It buzzed loudly suddenly. Little letter, don’t buzz, It’s better to tell a fairy tale.

Poems about the letter Z

When he saw the letter Z, the giraffe bent down: The letter suddenly ran. But it’s just a beetle.


Look: the letter ZH looks like a beetle, because it has six beetle legs.


The letter Z - well, exactly, a beetle: Only suddenly it got scared. Everything is trembling from fear, And like a beetle, it buzzes!


This letter is wide and looks like a beetle. And at the same time, like a beetle, it makes a buzzing sound: zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh!


This letter buzzed, Like a beetle, it flew, It sang sweetly like a lark, It walked like a crane in the fields. But tell me already, What is this letter? This is...J.


The snowflake has become the letter F, the sun will not melt it anymore!

Quatrains about the letter Z, short

F has so many legs, It’s as if a letter can crawl. The letter F is probably a beetle’s shadow on the paper.


She looks like a Beetle and is friends with an Acorn. And the Giraffe said: I also need the letter F.

We wrote the Letter ZH and were tired of it already. It has as many legs on all sides as a Beetle!


This is F, and this is K, a whole beetle and half a beetle.


She looks like a snowflake, Look at the picture. Do you remember how a bee buzzes above a flower when it circles?

Poems about the letter Z for children

The letter Z makes everyone happy, Because everything is buzzing. The beetle is buzzing, The wasp is buzzing, And in the stream - she is murmuring. She will play blind man's buff with us, She will scold us if she loses, The cranes are friends with her, The larks and beetles, The giraffe sends her greetings, Even though he lives far away.


Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch, I keep repeating the letter F. Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in the spring and summer. And one day a beetle-bug Answered a lesson in the spring. Instead of the words “the stream is babbling”, he wrote “the beetle is buzzing.”


Zhenya, Toad, Beetle and Beetle,Waited for Rain from the cloud. It was hot, It didn’t rain. The Beetle, buzzing, crawled under the table, Zhenya and Beetle drank water, Toad sat down on the log. The cloud got very dark. Zhenya, Toad, Beetle, and Bug, Glad for the rain, hurray! The heat is over!

Tongue twisters with the letter Z

•A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle. The beetle has a heavy casing. Hedgehog, hedgehog, where do you live? Hedgehog, hedgehog, what are you carrying?

•The lark circled over the stubble in the heat

•A prickly hedgehog ran by. You can’t see the hedgehog’s legs. You can’t see it under the clothes. Show us the hedgehog’s legs.

•The snake has been bitten by the snake. You can’t get along with the snake. The snake has become narrower from horror—the snake will eat it for dinner.

•It is important for every beetle to buzz: “I’m buzzing, I’m buzzing!”

•Already granted the hedgehogs a dozen new pajamas. The old pajamas were punctured by hedgehogs.

•The greedy beetle chewed potatoes, got a little greedy: Ate a huge root vegetable... The beetle has a stomach ache!!!

•The little matryoshka's earrings disappeared, I found the earrings on the path.

Riddles starting with the letter Z

An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

Hidden in this smooth Bronze-colored box is a small oak tree for next summer. (Acorn)

He is tall and spotted, With a long, long neck, And he eats leaves - Leaves of trees. (Giraffe)

Black, not a raven, Horned, not a bull, With wings, not a bird. (Beetle)

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch, I'm sitting on a branch, and I repeat the sound Z. (Beetle)

Leaves are falling from the aspen trees, A sharp wedge is rushing in the sky. (Cranes)

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Poems for memorizing the alphabet

* * *

A, b, c, d, e, f, f - We will wash the clothes. F, h, i, j, j, l, m - I’ll quickly eat the orange. N, o, p, r, s, t, y - Let's take a walk on the bridge. F, x, c, h, w, sch - Oh, what a thicket! ъ, ы, ь – They won’t be remembered in any way. E, yu, I - That's all, my friends.

* * *

Hello, my reading: A, B, C, D, D, E, E

I’ll read it out loud to everyone: F, Z, I, J, K, L, M
Well, I’ll re-read it again: N, O, P, R, S, T, U
Read with me too: F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Sh, S
Kommersant and b
- There’s no way we can read them!

But I read twice: E, Yu, I

E, Yu, I
(M. Yasnov)


A B C D E E F Know your place! G H I J K L M Remember who is behind whom! N O P R S T U Stand together in a row! F X C CH Sh and Sh Sit down slowly! Ъ Ъ ь Stand side by side, like this! Hurry up, E Yu Ya! Here is the family collecting letters!

S.F.Zhuikov, M.M.Zelenina, E.G.Carlson

Favorite Russian alphabet

Favorite Russian alphabet consists of letters and sounds. A, B, C, D, D, E, F... You already know the rest. We talk to you about sounds, We pronounce and shout, We whisper, we howl, we hear... We write letters, We can draw them, Print them and send them! That is, we only hear sounds, but we only write letters! Now let's talk about sounds - After all, sounds are a whole science! Vowels, consonants... Difficult, terrible...

What are vowels? Oh, it’s not clear to me yet! Explain quickly, so that I can become smarter! “Voice” was called “voice” - Here are our vowels: A, O, I, E, U, I, Y - We will stretch out with a voice. Or, for example, the letter E - We draw it with our voice.

Why are vowels needed? Why are they important? No vowels - no syllables, Without syllables there will be no words. Let's repeat it together, friends: I know ten vowels: A, Z, U, Yu, O, E, I, E, E and, of course, Y!

Who agrees with the vowels? Of course they agree! We will pronounce them with a loud noise, We will help the voice with our tongue, And sometimes with our teeth, And the palate, and the lips. Those consonant sounds are all so different: They are voiced - (M, L, Z, Zh, R, N,) There are also voiceless - (S, Sh, P, K, F, X,)

There are hard and soft, There are others... Here, let's, for example, Let's give this example: Sh and Sh - we hiss, S - as if we are whistling, M - moo, R - growl... F - buzzing, Z - itching,

Has it become easier to understand? Shall we answer correctly? Vowels, consonants... Sweet, beautiful!

Maria Lang

These are such fascinating and funny poems about the alphabet. Let children learn in a fun and interesting way!!!

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