Automation of sound C
Setting the sound C in words, syllables and phrases
We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound
Tongue twisters contain many similar sounds
Tongue twister Liguria - the longest tongue twister in the world
In our country, over thirty percent of first-grade schoolchildren have speech pathologies -
How to quickly teach a child to say the letter “r” independently at home?
July 16, 2018 Averyanova Sveta Pronunciation of the hard and soft sound “r” is rarely given to children
Tongue twister Liguria - the longest tongue twister in the world
The longest tongue twister Liguria, full text On Thursday the fourth, at four and a quarter
Picture for automating the sounds zh and sh
Automation of sound [Ш]card file for speech therapy (senior group)
Working in words You need to choose only those words that contain a practiced syllable. Work is under construction
The cup exercise is important for proper articulation
Hello, dear readers! Do you know such dishes that do not break, do not break and
How to learn sign language easily and quickly? Step-by-step description and recommendations
How to learn sign language? This question has worried people for a long time, because there were deaf and dumb
The longest tongue twister “Liguria” - full version with text and accents
If you decide to develop your diction, then you have probably found the longest tongue twister
Automation of the sound L in words. Games and exercises in pictures using modeling
Automation of the sound L at the end of words: glass, pencil case, jackal, barbecue, dagger, ox, stake, table;
Diction is a prerequisite for good speech
10 tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction (1 photo)
How to work with tongue twisters to improve diction Do you want to quickly improve your diction? Start speaking clearly
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