Lexical topic "FOREST" methodological development for speech development (senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Autumn. Trees in autumn"

Integration of educational areas

: “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Health”, “Cognition”.


To activate and expand children’s vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees in autumn." To develop the skill of word formation of adjectives from nouns; compound words by merging two stems.


Exercise children in selecting signs and actions for an object, correctly agreeing adjectives and verbs with nouns.

Clarify the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, consolidate the visual image of the letters A, U.

Reading sound combinations AU, UA.

Clarify and consolidate the correct articulation of “Ш” in isolated form, syllables, words, sentences.

Improve phonemic hearing and phonemic representations, sound-syllable analysis of words.

Reinforce the concept of “word”, “sentence”, practice building sentences.

Develop visual, auditory attention, memory, imagination, thinking.

Develop general and fine motor skills of the hands, facial expressions; the ability to coordinate speech, rhythm, and movement.

Strengthen and preserve the health of children in the classroom using health-saving technologies: physical education with an element of logarithmics, water hand massage, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

Develop control over your pronunciation.

Cultivate a sense of love for nature, develop observation skills.


leaves of different trees; pictures: trees, leaf fall, waterfall, snowfall, rockfall, starfall; reproductions (photos, slides) of autumn landscapes; painting “What the artist got mixed up”; baths with dissolved gouache or watercolor; a bowl of water and sea salt (chamomile infusion), a towel, whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper, samples of handprints; phonograms: children's songs about autumn, sounds of rain and wind; tambourine or maracas; sound strips and chips; contours of the letters A, U in the form of clouds.

Lesson summary “Forest is our wealth.” Senior group

Summary of an open lesson in the senior group of a kindergarten on the topic “The forest is our wealth”
Goal: Consolidating and systematizing children’s knowledge about nature and environmental protection. Objectives: 1. To reveal the aesthetic, educational, health-improving, practical significance of nature in people’s lives and the desire to preserve and protect the environment.
2. Expand children’s understanding of the rules of behavior in nature, teach them to evaluate their actions and the actions of others. 3. To form elementary ideas about the crisis state of the Earth’s nature, about the Red Book. 4. Foster a responsible and caring attitude towards our native nature. Progress of the lesson
Educator: Someone came up with a simple and wise idea to say hello when meeting! - Good morning! Guys, I want everyone to be in a good mood, good morning and good afternoon. We will send our warmth, our good mood, with an air kiss to each other and to our guests. Today we will have an unusually interesting activity. You will all become young nature connoisseurs. There is a huge house on earth under a blue roof, the sun, rain and thunder, forest and sea surf live in it. Birds and flowers live in it, the cheerful ringing of the stream. You live in that bright house and all your friends. Wherever the roads lead, you will always be there. This house is called the nature of our native land. (poems by L. Daineko)
What house is this poem talking about?
What is nature?
(This is the sun and sea, trees and flowers, birds and animals, etc.)
I suggest you go on a trip to one of the corners of nature.
Sit on the carpet and close your eyes, and I will take you to this corner. (Audio recording “Sounds of the forest”)
Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering to us at dawn, covered in dew, like silver? Who is lurking in your wilderness - What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it: You see, we are our own! (Pogorelovsky Sergei) Educator: Today we will talk to you about the forest - our wealth. (Exhibit the painting “Forest”)
Why are we friends with the forest and why do people need it?
Guys, why do we need a forest? 1. "Place of rest." – What is a forest for a person? (The forest is a place for human recreation)
2. “Dining room”.
— In the forest a person finds food for himself. These are berries, nuts, mushrooms, clean water. 3. "Pharmacy". – Why is the forest a pharmacy? (There are many medicinal plants in the forest. Forest air also heals.)
4. “Workshop”.
Look around, what things made of wood do you see? (Cabinets, chairs, wooden floors, doors. Houses are also built from wood.)
5. “House.”
— How can a forest warm a person? (A man heats a house with wood, and the wood is trees that grew in the forest.)
- For whom else is the forest a home?
(For flowers, bushes, mushrooms because they grow in the forest. The forest is home to birds, animals, insects.) Educator: Let's sit on the chairs and play the game “Fourth Wheel.” Only in the forest you can’t make noise, so you’ll say an extra word in my ear. Game “The Fourth Extra” Progress of the game:
the teacher names four words, the children must name the extra word: 1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;
2) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; 3) boletus, honey fungus, toadstool, chanterelle 4) bee, sparrow, swallow, duck; 5) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito 6) birch, poplar, pine, oak 7) rose, dahlia, aster, cornflower Physical exercise “Walk” Children walked through the forest, (Walking in place)
Watching nature.
(Turn your head left and right)
They looked up at the sun,
(Stand on your toes)
And their rays warmed them.
We have miracles in the world, Sit down, hands on your belt. The children became dwarfs. And then everyone stood up together, (Stand on tiptoes, hands on waist)
We became giants.
Butterflies were flying, (Running in place, smoothly waving our arms)
They were flapping their wings.
Let's clap together, (Clap our hands)
Stomp our feet.
(Floods are in place)
We had a good walk
(Children sit down in their places)
And we weren’t tired at all. We came to visit nature, we need to know well how to behave in the forest, follow certain rules of behavior. I will tell you how some people behave in the forest, and you will determine whether this is right or wrong. 1. We sat in the clearing, Everyone drank and ate, And then we went home - We took the trash with us! Right? 2. Can you walk through the forest? Break branches from a tree? 3. The girls picked flowers and braided them into wreaths. And the clearing is all empty - Not a flower left! Right? 4. Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot birds with. Here's a noisy pistol to scare the animals. With this heavy stone you can destroy nests, with this stick - a lifesaver, knock down all the flowers.

The forest is our friend!
And not immediately, and not suddenly, We learned: the FOREST is our friend. Without the FOREST there is no oxygen, all of nature will wilt at once, without it we will not be able to breathe and no one will help us. The winds will blow away the harvest And then - forgive, goodbye! Our rivers will become shallow, They will dry up forever, All the animals will get sick, Down to the smallest hole. Without the FOREST we have no medicine, There will be no food on the tables. Then the planet will disappear, It’s bitter for me to read about this. And therefore, friends, I urge all of you: Take care of every bush, Do not burn fires unnecessarily, Appreciate every blade of grass And a drop of rain on a leaf. Let's save the FOREST from fire For you and for me. Living beauty is the FOREST, Let it grow to the skies! (N. Filimonenko)

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Methodological material on the lexical topic: “Trees, shrubs” in the younger group



"Trees, bushes."

Junior group No. 2 “Fairy Tale”


Lebedeva O.A.

Panuhnik TV.


: rose hips, currants, raspberries, thorns, bunches, berries, rowan, apple tree, spruce, pine, birch, buds, branches, trunk, leaves, fruits, seeds, catkins, bark, roots, cones.
: slender, tall, low, beautiful, big, birch, spruce, small, green, yellow, red, prickly, sweet, sour, ripe, bitter, hard, soft, juicy,


: prickly, grow, stand, fall, swing, pick, collect, bloom, decorate, fly, make noise, water.
Birch - birch. Spruce - spruce. Rowan - rowan. Pine - pine. Currant - currant. Linden - lime. Apple tree - apple tree.

All plants can be divided into three groups: trees, shrubs and herbs. Trees are the largest and longest-living representatives of living nature. They are as tall as a ten-story building. The tree consists of three main parts. The roots hold it in the ground and absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. The trunk and branches carry the sap and lift the leaves towards the sun. The tree becomes taller and wider due to the growth of shoots and branches at the top. The trunks of all trees are covered with bark, which protects the delicate interior of the tree from drying out and various damage.

Coniferous trees have long thin needles instead of leaves, which are called needles, and they do not shed them in the fall, but remain with the needles all year round. In spring, coniferous trees, along with old needles, produce new young needles. That's why coniferous trees are always green. Coniferous trees include fir, spruce, and pine.

Shrubs are similar to small trees, but differ from them in that they do not have one thick trunk, like a tree, but several thin trunks connected together at the base. WHAT ARE TREES FOR, THE BENEFITS OF TREES

: Trees purify and humidify the air, create coolness, and some produce delicious edible fruits. Sawn wood is a building material: dried trunks are used to make boards, plywood, furniture, toys, and paper. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them, sometimes talk to them kindly, and in the spring, plant young trees together with our parents.


What trees do you know? (deciduous and coniferous).
Where do trees grow? What types of forests are there? (If pine and spruce trees grow in the forest, then this forest is coniferous. If oaks and aspens grow in the forest, then this forest is deciduous. If spruce, birch and oak trees grow in the forest, then this forest is mixed. If birch trees grow in the grove, then this is a birch grove. If oaks grow in the grove, then it is an oak grove. If maples grow in the grove, then this is a maple grove.) Why are they called that? What does the tree have? (Root, trunk, branches, leaves (needles), crown, fruits.) Are trees different from shrubs? How? Are trees living or non-living? Who (or what) helps them grow? GAME “WHOSE FRUITS?”
Acorns grow on... oak;
clusters of rowan grow on - rowan; apples grow on an apple tree; catkins grow on birch, alder; round cone on a pine tree; long cone on - spruce. Etc. GAME “NAME IT AFTERLY.”
Spruce - Christmas tree. Pine - pine. Birch - birch. Needle - needle. Branch - twig. A lump is a lump.


There was a spruce tree growing near the house.
There were cones on the spruce tree. Lena was collecting cones in a bag. Lena gave the cones to her mother. Mom made toys out of cones. CONVERSATION ON QUESTIONS.
Where did the spruce grow? What did mom make from the pine cones? What kind of toys could you make from pine cones?

Finger gymnastics

The wind flew through the forest"

The wind flew through the forest (smooth movements with palms)

The wind counted the leaves: (bend one finger on both hands)

Here's an oak one,

Here's a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here from the birch tree - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree

The wind blew it onto the path. (calmly place palms on the table)

"Autumn leaves"

One two three four five -

We will collect leaves. (clench and unclench fists)

Birch leaves (bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb)

Rowan leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (clench and unclench fingers)


The aspen tree is chilling,

Trembling in the wind, (spreading fingers and shaking hands)

It gets cold in the sun,

Freezes in the heat... (clench and unclench fingers)

Give it to the aspen

Coat and boots:

Need to warm up

Poor aspen. (join fingers together and blow on them)


The wind quietly shakes the maple tree, ( fingers spread out and stretched upward


To the left, to the right, tilts ( we swing our palms to the right, to the left)

One - tilt and two - tilt, ( tilt your palms left and right)

The maple leaves rustled. ( move your fingers



In a fur coat in the summer, and undressed in the winter. (Trees)

In spring and summer We saw him dressed, And in the fall all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. ( Tree)

In the rain and heat, a friend, green and good, will help us - will stretch out dozens of hands and thousands of palms to us. (Tree


It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter. (Tree)

Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

I crawled out of the little barrel, put down roots and grew up, I became tall and powerful, I am not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds. I feed pigs and squirrels - It’s okay that my fruit is small. (Oak)

I am the most serious of Russian trees, I won’t just give in to the log house. The crown is spreading, my branches are strong. And people call me... (Oak)

Lyuba planted an acorn so that she could have a son... (Oak tree)

A green fur coat is made from carved leaves On the thick trunk of a mighty... ( Oak tree )

Alena is standing: Green scarf, Slim waist, White sundress. (Birch)

The Russian beauty is famous throughout all countries: White clothes, Gold earrings, With an unbraided braid, Washed with dew. (Birch)

Tanya is standing in a white sundress. On a slender leg There are earrings in the ears. ( Birch)

What a beauty tree, Below the waist is a braid? Yes, a magical slender figure, Yes, a bleached sundress, Yes, earrings like tears, The beauty has...


Who gets dressed up once a year? (Spruce)

In winter and summer - one color. (Spruce)

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything herself, But she wears needles all year round.


The prickly, green one was cut down with an axe. The prickly, green one comes to our house. (Spruce)

This is how hardened it is, And under the snow it’s all green!

(Christmas tree)

You will always find her in the forest - Let's go for a walk and meet: Standing prickly like a hedgehog, In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

The Green Beauty is famous throughout the area: The sundress is like a bell, On the ground and dragged, The hat is with a brim, With a sharp crown. (Spruce)

Here is a touchy thorn! You better not touch her. Oh, the green needles are sharp... (Christmas trees)

Her clothes are sharp - all needles and needles. The animals joke: “Uncle Hedgehog looks a little like her!” ( Christmas tree)

She dropped her curls into the river and became sad about something, and what is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

Near rivers and in lowlands They always grow, Their rods form baskets and boxes. (And you)

The branches of the tree are like hands, Silvery leaves. And from flexible, thin rods you can weave a lot: Sofas, baskets, Chairs, armchairs and curtains. Both useful and beautiful, forever crying...


The maiden let down her braids near the river at the escarpment. And it’s amazing to all my girlfriends that she washes her curls in the river


The branches are horned, the fruits are winged, and the leaf is palm-shaped, with a long stem.


Its leaf is the sign of Canada. What is the name of the tree? (Maple


Who at the dacha near the veranda wears garlands on their noses? It is bright in the scarlet leaves. Did you guess it? This is... (Maple)

In haymaking it is bitter, and in frost it is sweet. What kind of berry? (Rowan


She turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer, Autumn came to the garden, she lit the red torch. ( Rowan)

They are small and unprepossessing and turn modestly green, but in the fall their leaves and berries turn red.



The dress is lost - the red buttons remain.


Autumn has come to our garden and lit the red torch. Here blackbirds and starlings scurry about and, noisily, peck at him. (Rowan)

She was green in the spring, tanned in the summer, and wore red corals in the fall. ( Rowan)

Reading to children on the topic: “Trees and shrubs”

"Granddaughter of the old cherry tree."

Cherries grow in the garden. Oles saw a small thin cherry tree not far from it and asked his grandfather: “Where did this tree come from?” - It grew from a seed. - So this is the daughter of the old cherry tree? - Daughter. - Will the old cherry tree have a granddaughter? “It will be, Olesik,” answered the grandfather. “If you grow a little cherry, wait for the fruit, plant a seed, and the granddaughter of the old cherry will grow from it.” Oles thought. Grandfather saw tenderness and anxiety in his eyes. “I will raise the granddaughter of the old cherry tree,” said the boy.

K. Ushinsky “Tree Dispute”

The trees argued among themselves: which of them is better? Here the oak says:

- I am the king of all trees! My root is deep, the trunk is three times around, the top looks to the sky; My leaves are carved, and the branches seem to be cast from iron. I do not bow to storms, I do not bend before thunderstorms.

The apple tree heard the oak boasting and said:

- Don’t brag too much, dude, that you are big and fat: but only acorns grow on you, for the pigs’ amusement; and my rosy apple is even on the royal table.

The pine tree listens, shakes its needle-like top.

“Wait,” he says, “to boast; Winter will come, and you will both stand naked, but my green thorns will still remain on me; without me, people wouldn’t be able to live in the cold side; I use it to heat stoves and build huts.

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