Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson. Topic: Differentiation of sounds [zh], [w]. outline plan for speech therapy on the topic

Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds and letters SH-Zh in syllables, words, phrases”

Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds and letters SH-Zh in syllables, words, phrases”


teach children to differentiate the sounds and letters SH-Zh when writing syllables, words, phrases.




  1. Clarification and comparison of the articulation and sound of the sounds [w] and [zh].
  2. Development of sound-letter analysis skills.
  3. Repetition of the spelling rule zhi – shi.
  4. Improving the ability to form phrases with the proposed words.
  5. Expanding and clarifying vocabulary.



  1. Development of phonemic perception of sounds [ш] and [ж].
  2. Development of visual perception of the letters Sh-Zh..
  3. Development of auditory attention, auditory memory, logical thinking.


  1. Nurture children's initiative and respect for each other.
  2. Increase children's motivation to learn.

Formed universal educational actions:


  1. Finding errors, both with the help of an adult and independently.
  2. Bringing what you started to completion.


  1. General education:

    Identify and formulate a cognitive goal.

  2. Monitor and evaluate the results of your activities.
  • Brain teaser:
      Develop the ability to analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and justify your point of view.
  • Equipment

    : cards describing the heroes of the lesson for each child; a picture of a frog and a hedgehog (or toys); symbolic image of consonants, vowel sounds, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless consonants; ladders for children's reflection; Coloring pages with a drawing of a hedgehog and a frog.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizing time.

    Speech therapist:

    The one who names the first sound in the word will sit down: catfish, umbrella, hay, zebra.

    1. Formulating the purpose of the lesson.

    Speech therapist:

    Guys, read the description of the heroes of our lesson and guess who they are:

    The first hero is prickly, gray, nimble, small, eats mice, loves apples, milk, and mushrooms. (hedgehog)

    The second one is green, smooth, wet, loves midges, worms, flies. (little frog)

    When the children guess the characters, the speech therapist shows pictures of a hedgehog and a frog or toys.

    Development of visual perception of the letters Zh-Sh

    Speech therapist

    : The hedgehog and the little frog have prepared a task for you. Tell me, which letter was written by the hedgehog and which by the frog? (the speech therapist hangs an image of the elements of the letters Zh and Sh on the board)


    : F, W

    Speech therapist:

    Right. Tell me, what letters will we learn to distinguish today?


    : we will learn to distinguish between the letters Ш and Ж.

    Speech therapist:

    Right. Name the sounds that are indicated by these letters.


    : sounds [w] and [z].

    A minute of penmanship

    Speech therapist

    : Well done. Open your notebooks, write down the number and write the letters Ш and Ж.

    The speech therapist writes on the board the topic of the lesson “ Shsh - Zhzh”


    1. Clarification and comparison of the articulation and sound of the sounds “sh” and “zh”.

    Speech therapist

    : Let's make the sound [w], now [zh].


    : [w], [f].

    Speech therapist

    : How are your lips positioned when you made these sounds?


    : in the form of a circle (donut, megaphone, etc.)

    Speech therapist

    : And where is the tongue located?


    : behind the teeth, with a cup.

    Speech therapist

    : Okay, since the air encounters a barrier when pronouncing the sounds [w] and [z], does that mean they are vowels or consonants?



    Speech therapist

    : Right. Now place your palm on the neck and pronounce the sounds [w] and [w] in turn? When pronouncing what sound does your throat tremble?


    when pronouncing the sound [zh].

    Speech therapist

    : When pronouncing what sound does your throat not tremble?


    when pronouncing the sound [w].

    Speech therapist

    : Okay, so which one will be voiced and which one will be voiceless?


    the sound [zh] is voiced, the sound [w] is unvoiced.

    Speech therapist

    : Right. Remind me, please, are the sounds [w] and [zh] hard or soft?



    Speech therapist

    : Great, Egor, choose from the symbols posted on the board those that match the sounds of the lesson? (blue house, blue bell, blue headphones).

    Speech therapist

    : Guys, why do you think the hedgehog and the frog will be the heroes of the lesson?


    Because their names contain the sounds [w] and [z].

    1. Sound differentiation

      [w] - [g]
      by ear in syllable rows and reproducing them from memory.

    Speech therapist

    : Well done! And now I will tell you the syllable rows, you must listen to them carefully, remember and write down the syllables separated by a dash. The hedgehog and the little frog will make sure that you don’t peep at each other in your notebook. Ready?



    The speech therapist names the syllable series:

    Sha - zha - zhu, zhu - shu - zhu, shi - shi - zhi.

    Speech therapist

    : Okay, tell me, what spelling rule is repeated in the last syllable row?


    I write Zhi-shi with the letter “i”.

    Speech therapist

    : Tell me, what vowel sound is heard in the syllables “zhi” - “shi”?


    : vowel [s].

    Speech therapist

    : Correct, what vowel do we write?


    : vowel [and].

    Speech therapist

    : Well done, that’s why we teach the rule that we write the syllables “zhi” - “shi” with a vowel [i], right? Well, let me see if everything was written correctly.

    Physical education minute

    The hedgehog stomped along the path

    And he carried a mushroom on his back. (Walk in place.)

    The hedgehog stomped slowly,

    Quiet leaves rustling. (Walking in place and vertical movements with your palms in front of you)

    And towards me there is a little frog,

    Jumps with his legs stretched out.

    Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place.)

    Under a bush and silence. (Sit down and bring your index finger to your mouth)

    1. Differentiation of sounds and letters Ш-ж in words.

    A) Development of sound-letter analysis skills.

    Speech therapist

    : Very good. The hedgehog and the frog love to play school. They write down words with the sounds [w] and [zh] each on their own board. Let's play with them and help them make the right choice. Go to the board. I will name the words, and you write them down either for the hedgehog on the board or for the frog.

    Words: Skis, tire, rosehip, giraffe, car, spring, belly, screen, vest, jug, fluff, life.

    Speech therapist

    : Well done, tell me, what spelling rule is repeated again in all the words?


    I write Zhi-shi with the letter “i”.

    Improving the ability to form phrases with the proposed words

    Speech therapist:

    It’s wonderful, and the hedgehog and the little frog also love to describe objects, that is, select attributes for objects. Then they come up with word combinations. Want to try making word combinations?


    : Yes

    Speech therapist

    : Okay, sit down, choose 3 words from those written on the board, make up phrases with them and write them down, separated by commas, in your notebook.

    Children write down phrases in a notebook, for example: new skis, rubber tire, fragrant rosehip, spotted giraffe, truck, iron spring, big belly, theater screen, dad's vest, broken jug, light fluff, interesting life.

    Speech therapist

    : Let's read what phrases you made.

    Children take turns reading the word combinations.

    1. Summing up the lesson:

    Speech therapist:

    Great, guys! So, what letters did we repeat?


    : W, F

    Speech therapist:

    Right. Name the sounds that are indicated by these letters.


    : sounds [w] and [z].

    Speech therapist

    : Describe the sound Zh.


    : Sound Ж – consonant, hard, sonorous.

    Speech therapist

    : Describe the sound Sh.


    : The sound Ш is consonant, hard, dull.

    1. Reflection:

    Speech therapist

    : Right! Remember the heroes of the lesson


    : hedgehog and frog

    Speech therapist

    : Well done! I am giving you pictures with a ladder drawn. Picture yourself on one of three steps: I worked great, I worked well, I will try. Hand over the ladders. You did a good job today, although you made mistakes. But the hedgehog and the little frog liked to play with you and as a gift they give you their portraits, which you can color. Thank you. The lesson is over.

    Read the description of the heroes of the lesson and guess who they are.

    The first hero is prickly, gray, nimble, small, eats mice, loves apples, milk, and mushrooms.

    The second one is green, smooth, wet, loves midges, worms, flies.

    Read the description of the heroes of the lesson and guess who they are.

    The first hero is prickly, gray, nimble, small, eats mice, loves apples, milk, and mushrooms.

    The second one is green, smooth, wet, loves midges, worms, flies.

    Read the description of the heroes of the lesson and guess who they are.

    The first hero is prickly, gray, nimble, small, eats mice, loves apples, milk, and mushrooms.

    The second one is green, smooth, wet, loves midges, worms, flies.

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