Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Sound “H”.

Speech therapy lesson Sound and letter H

Sound and letter -CH-



-maintain motivation to study;

-show interest in the educational material;

— develop the ability for self-esteem, solve educational problems under the guidance of a teacher.



-accept the educational task of the lesson;

- take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher, plan your actions;

- adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment, perform educational actions in the material, speech, and in the mind.



-participate in various forms of group work (individual, frontal, in pairs);

-use the rules of politeness in communication;

-formulate your own opinion and position;

— participate in educational dialogue;

-use criteria for evaluating your activities.


comply with hygienic rules of writing, carry out mutual control and evaluation of their implementation;

- to update children’s knowledge about the sound -ch- and the letter CH;

- teach children to listen to speech sounds, analyze the sound Ch;

- teach children to isolate the sound CH from the names of object pictures;

- develop auditory and visual attention and memory;

- develop phonemic processes: sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words with the sound [h'];

Evaluating your achievements in the lesson.


: flower, object pictures with the sound Ch, “Magic chest”, “fishing rod”, a picture symbol of the letter Ch, cards with individual tasks, “Tree” with “leaves” - words with missing letters, I. “Place the residents in houses” , “Place things in suitcases”, “Make a word using the first sounds of the names of the pictures”, “Select pictures, highlighting the first sounds to make a word”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. (Greetings). Children stand in a circle with a speech therapist, holding hands.

Hello guys! My name is Albina Sergeevna. I came to you to get to know you better and play with you.

Let's greet each other. And the flower will help us with this.

We, inhaling the delicate aroma of the flower, will pass it around in a circle, calling each other and saying: “Masha, I’m so glad to see you!”

So we greeted each other. Please sit down at your desks.


2. Guys, a girl came to visit us. Guess what her name is?

The grandmother loved the girl very much and gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

Kr. Sh. invites us to take a trip with her. Encounters, adventures, and obstacles await her along the way, which I think we can overcome together. _______________________________________________________________________

3. So, we hit the road. Oh, who did we meet on the way? Look at him - something happened to him. (children's answers) Little Red Riding Hood said about him:

The student was studying his lessons, his cheeks were inky.

Do you ever have ink on your cheeks?

Little Red Riding Hood wants to draw your attention to the sound that is heard most often in the poem. (sound -h-)

So - What sound are we going to talk about today? And in the name Kr. Sh. is there a sound -h-?


4. Characteristics of sound -h-

Let's tell the Student everything we know about the sound -ch-. Describe the sound.

Let's make the sound -ch-. Can you sing it? Prove So what sound is this?

Is he voiced or deaf? Prove it.

Does the sound -ch- sound hard or soft?

This means: the sound -ch- is consonant, dull, always soft.

Well done, now our Student knows everything about the sound -Ch-

5. Correlating sounds with letters.

-What is the sound -ch- indicated in writing? (letter H)

-What does the letter H look like? Yes, you decided correctly: we write H as four.

Friends, we cannot confuse letters only with numbers.

The writing of the written letter CH (large and small) is analyzed. Letter in the air.

Capital letter - An inclined line with curves at the top and bottom, an elongated straight line with a curve at the bottom to the right.

The lowercase letter h is a curly line and an oblique line with a curve at the bottom to the right.

Write with your finger on the desk.

Our Student tried to write the letter -ch-, but this is what he came up with. Cross out all the wrong letters. And here the letter elements are unfinished. Add them.

Well done. Now our student will know how to write correctly, and his cheeks will not be covered in ink.

6. We continue our journey. We were walking along the path, and we saw a “Magic Chest” standing there. Want to know what's in it? But opening a chest is not so easy. We need to say the magic words: “Chest, chest, open your barrel!” What's there? (picture), name it. If the title of the picture contains the sound -ch-, determine the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end)

Well done.


7. Physical exercise. We continue our journey. What good music (“Song about Little Red Riding Hood”) Makes you want to dance. Join me.


8. On our way we met a little boy and a girl. They are about to go to school and cannot divide words into syllables. It’s not easy for them to do this on their own. Shall we help the boy and girl?

You will help the girl to cope with the task “Place the residents into houses” according to the number of syllables (SEAGULL, BUTTERFLY, SWALLOW, ROOK), and you will help the boy to “Put things into suitcases” (KEY, HANDLE, BRUSH, GLOVES) (Work in pairs) .

Well done. Everything was laid out well.


9. Somehow the weather began to deteriorate. What's happening? (it started to rain) And our rain is unusual. What are these droplets? (droplets - pictures). Let's form a word based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures. What happened? (CLOUD)

The rain has stopped. The sun has come out, giving us light, warmth and confidence in our abilities. Now we are working in pairs. Can you name what is shown on the screen?

- you - select pictures, highlighting the first sounds to make a word (glasses); and you - select pictures, highlighting the first sounds, to make up a word (doctor) (Creative task)

Well done. Amazing.


10. We continue the journey. What's on our way? (tree). And the leaves fell from the tree. Oh, it turns out there is something written on the pieces of paper, but it’s impossible to understand. The rain probably washed away the letters. Let's put the letters back in place. (I. “Insert the missing letters”) Mutual check.

CH___YN___K ___A___ ____A T____ H K___ ____Y____O____

Fine. Well done.

11. Visual gymnastics. Look how merrily Ray of Sunshine plays.

We blink our eyes. Ray, mischievous ray, come play with me.

Circular movements of the eyes. Come on, little ray, turn around and show yourself to me.

They look away to the left. I’ll look to the left, I’ll find a ray of sunshine.

They look away to the right. Now I’ll look to the right, I’ll find the ray again.

Close both eyes. Our eyes are resting and doing exercises.

Using our eyes we draw the letter -o- Let's draw the letter -o-, it turns out easy.

Let's lift up, look down

Let's turn right, left, and continue the journey.


12. We walked and walked and met whom? (Gardener). It was no coincidence that we saw him in the magical forest. He watches how trees and flowers grow. The harmony of nature brings him joy. But we are in a magical forest. Magic can happen to us. Let's imagine how we can turn from a small grain into a beautiful flower.

Let's squat down - we are a small grain. Now you feel how the warmth warms you from the inside: your legs, body and arms. The sun warms up and the grain sprouts. Gradually you straighten up, a sprout stretches towards the sun. He gains strength and becomes stronger and stronger. The sprout straightens its leaves and enjoys the sun. Stretch, stand on your toes, look up. The bud blossomed and became a flower. What kind of flower have you become? (I turned into a daisy, ....) What kind of flower are you - describe.


13. (Exercise “Impulse”.

One, two - turn around, find yourself back at school and join the circle.

Let's hold hands and take turns pressing the hands of our neighbor and transfer the impulse of a good mood and gratitude to Little Red Riding Hood for an interesting journey. (3 times, increasing the pace)


14. Summary. Sitting. During our journey, we met different heroes, overcame difficulties, paying attention to what sound? What words with this sound do you remember? Thank you.

15. Reflection. Look at the screen. What do you see? What mood do we feel when we see the sun? What mood do we feel when we see a cloud? What is your mood like when a dark cloud appears and covers the sun?

And now we will put together a picture of your mood after our journey with Little Red Riding Hood: this is the sky, and here is the SUN, a CLOUD and a CLOUD. You take the picture that shows our mood and attach it to the sky.


16. Thank you guys for your work in class. I suggest taking a group photo as a souvenir of our meeting today. Goodbye!

If you found it interesting and not at all difficult to complete the tasks, you will take and attach the SUN to the sky.

If you had difficulties, but you easily dealt with them, you will take and attach a white CLOUD to the sky

And if you have any difficulties and something remains unclear, you will take the TUCCHKA.

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