Consultation for teachers “Development of speech activity in preschool children” consultation on speech development on the topic

The speech activity of children depends on how the environment of his life is structured. What illustrative material, what toys, what equipment and what aids does it consist of? It also depends on what the developmental potential is in games, how they are located, and whether they are accessible so that the child can carry out independent activities.

Equipment in groups should be placed in such a way that the teacher can easily approach all children during classes and games.

Formative speech environment

The formative speech environment provides great opportunities for speech development.

Children can be encouraged to look at pictures, toys, books on their own, and tell them about these objects, as well as about various events. Using assignments, you can give children the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults. In order to develop initiative speech, it is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to independently talk about objects from their immediate environment. You also need to give children examples of how to address adults.

We will also discuss games and game exercises.

Game as a means of speech activity

Play is the first step in the educational process. Play shapes language. Language organizes the game. The nature of the game determines speech functions, means of communication and content. The word for children is part of reality. It follows from the words how important it is to stimulate children’s activities and shape their language.

To do this, it is necessary to properly organize the play space, provide children with suitable toys and objects that will nourish the children’s activities, enrich the stock of certain ideas and form their language. Exercises and games give positive results only in cases where the teacher understands exactly what tasks are being solved in the process of conducting them and what are the features of organizing games in early childhood.

City Center for Medical Prevention

On March 15, at the City Center for Medical Prevention, a seminar “Speech development of early and preschool children” was held for district pediatricians and nurses, medical workers in healthy child offices of children’s clinics and children’s outpatient departments. “Pre-speech and speech development of children. Issues of prevention and diagnosis of specific speech disorders" - this was the topic of the report by Vera Vladimirovna Pozdnyak, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. She recalled the age periodization (according to D.B. Elkonin). In the period of “infancy” (from birth to one year), the leading activity of the child is direct emotional communication, and the main new formations are the formation of the need for communication and emotional relations. In early childhood, the leading activity is object-manipulative activity, the main new formations are the development of speech and visual-effective thinking. In preschool age, there is a desire for socially significant activities through role-playing games. For younger schoolchildren, the leading activity is educational activity, for adolescents it is intimate and personal communication, when self-esteem, a critical attitude towards people, the desire for adulthood, independence, and submission to collective norms are formed. The child should like everything related to school. If he is still in the play stage, then he is not ready for school. The ability to read and write has nothing to do with readiness for school. What matters here is the ability to sit in one place for 40 minutes. At high school age, as a result of educational and professional activities, the formation of a worldview, self-awareness, professional interests, dreams and ideals occurs. At the age of 16–17, a student must already decide on a profession. Many parents believe that a child in the first year of life only remains silent or cries. It's a delusion. In the first year of life, the mother should constantly talk to the child! It is necessary to remove all “artificial” sounds from TV, radio, gadgets, and phones. Nothing works in the background. Only live speech. But you don’t need to start teaching your child English or philosophy at this age. The more objects a child surrounds from 1 to 3 years old, the better. He should touch everything, open it, push it out, try it - this is normal. But we need to protect him from what is dangerous, and not from life when everything is impossible. In the first year of life, a “revival complex” is formed, four “screams and cries” (I want to eat, I’m wet, I want to sleep, I’m bored). If a mother understands her child well, then even from another room she knows by crying what he needs. Communicative behavior begins to develop at about three months. As numerous studies show, already in the first months after birth, a baby is to a certain extent communicatively competent and communicatively active. Such a behavioral phenomenon as the “revitalization complex” is a clear illustration of the infant’s social orientation and the intrinsic value of the communication process for him. Disorders of pre-speech development of infants in conditions of complete maternal deprivation (absence of mother, for example, in an orphanage) manifest themselves in the form of deprivation pre-speech retardation syndrome, the structure of which includes: lack of differentiation of screaming and crying; delay in the formation of modulated vocalizations (hooting, humming, babbling, sound and syllabic imitation, etc.); reduction (complete absence) of vocal manifestations. During the humming period, the easiest vowel sounds to pronounce appear first (a, o, u, e). In the process of phoneme formation, various features of sounds are acquired, rather than auditory images of words. The process of phoneme formation is finally completed by the end of the first year of life. Up to 3 months, vocal activity does not depend on the functioning of the auditory analyzer, so humming can also be observed in deaf children. After 3 months, the pronunciation of sounds is carried out under hearing control. The child shows interest in his own vocalizations by listening and repeating them. The determining stimulus for the infant’s pre-speech development is the family input – the totality of speech perceived by the child. The speech of an adult addressed to a child, regardless of national and linguistic characteristics, differs from ordinary speech by universal acoustic characteristics. It has a pronounced rhythm, vowels, as a rule, are stretched out and higher in tone, pauses between statements are lengthened, words are melodically colored, and frequent repetitions are characteristic. Babbling appears at the age of 5-6 months and is a combination of consonants and vowels. The first syllables are formed, the most common of which - “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba” - began to denote the child’s closest relatives. By the eighth month, the sound composition becomes more complex, verbal babble manifests itself in the use of pseudowords (“mam”). Despite the fact that pronunciation can be very accurate and resemble real speech, the basis of verbal babble is an imitation mechanism. Pronunciation approaches the speech environment with its inherent features, that is, children babble in their native language. This stage of pre-speech development can occur safely in children with subsequent delay in tempo development, motor alalia, autism, and general mental underdevelopment. The speech mechanisms responsible for babbling are actively functioning up to 1.5 years, after which babbling as a form of pre-speech activity is reduced. At 12-13 months, the child should speak 12-13 words. At 2 years old, the baby should pronounce sentences consisting of 2 words (I want to eat). At 3 years old - three-word sentences (I'm hungry). By the age of 4, normal speech should be formed. What to do if pre-speech disorders are discovered? The general principles of behavioral therapy for pre-speech behavior disorders include: adequate response to infant cry-crying; • stimulation of the development of modulated pre-speech vocalizations; • use of emotional communication techniques with infants. In the second half of the year, the main task is to develop the child’s understanding of words. It is necessary to pronounce the names of objects, cause the child to move towards these objects, and teach them to navigate the environment. You should also make the child a participant in all the actions that take place (changing clothes, putting them to bed, distributing food, feeding). The appearance of the first words is usually preceded by a stage of unintelligible “mumbling” or children’s “jargon”, which is normally observed at the age of 1-1.5 years. Outwardly, it resembles a “conversation” using intonations characteristic of adult speech. Intonation muttering consists of unintelligible sound combinations separated by pauses. Children's speech is a completely independent activity, characterized by its own goals, motives, and its own hierarchical structure. Due to the limitations of his semiotic abilities, in the early stages of speech ontogenesis, a child builds his own, simplified version of the language system, from which, through a series of intermediate stages, he moves to a normative language. Stages of speech development: Stage I - initial, it covers the period from 10 to 18 months of life. Its main content is mastering the simplest skills of verbal communication using the most elementary, unstructured forms of statements - holophrases. At the early stage II (18-30 months), the child begins to form a language system, including subsystems of linguistic means, and continues to improve verbal communication skills. Stage III - middle (30 months - 6 years), characterized by the completion of the formation of language ability and the achievement of a sufficiently high level of linguistic and communicative-speech competence, at this time the formation of metalinguistic skills begins. Stage IV is late (6-12 years), its main content is improving the pragmatics of speech in a wide range of communicative and social situations, mastering the skills of constructing complex coherent texts, developing contextual monologue speech, and mastering written speech. Currently, the most common speech pathology is delayed speech development, the so-called “late start”. 50% of children do not speak about their age. This is due to the abundance of information flows. Sometimes a child is well versed in gadgets, but does not speak. There is a violation of phonemic analysis and synthesis in children - the ability to perceive and differentiate phonemes (sounds of audible speech), to use them in their own speech, writing, and reading. Another disorder is dyslalia. It is a violation of sound pronunciation with intact physical and phonemic hearing and articulation. Dyslalia is divided into functional (impaired neurodynamics of pronunciation) and mechanical (anatomical defects of the speech organs). The most common types of dyslalia are: sigmatism (impaired pronunciation of whistling and pinching sounds), rhotacism (impaired pronunciation of the sound “r”), lambdacism (impaired pronunciation of the sound “l”). General speech underdevelopment is manifested by a violation of the formation of all aspects of speech: phonetic (sound pronunciation), phonemic (difficulty in differentiating sounds), lexical (impaired speech understanding), grammatical (difficulty constructing phrases). There are 3 levels of general speech underdevelopment. Level 1 - alalia (literally “speechlessness”). Speech is represented by syllables and onomatopoeia. Level 2 is characterized by the presence of individual words and two-syllable phrases with pronounced distortions of pronunciation. Level 3 is an extensive phrasal speech with agrammatisms and distorted pronunciation of words. There are 2 variants of alalia - motor (expressive) and sensory (receptive). Motor alalia is associated with underdevelopment of the pronunciation of speech sounds, words, and sentences. Sensory alalia is the inability to perceive and differentiate speech units (speech sounds, words, sentences). The speech of others is perceived as a single “flow”. Motor alalia. With motor alalia, the first words appear much later than normal - between 3 and 4 years. Difficulty in pronouncing new words is typical. There is a pronounced gap between understood and spoken speech. The most characteristic sign of motor alalia is the facilitated and distorted pronunciation of words (“ashi” - “car”; “kaika” - “horse”). Generalizing concepts are difficult to understand. Thus, at early and preschool age, children have difficulty learning colors. The child expresses his requests mainly through facial expressions and gestures. Refusal from verbal communication is typical in a situation where a child is aware of his speech deficiencies and sees his parents’ persistent desire to get some kind of result from him. Sensory alalia occurs due to damage to the “Wernicke’s area” of the brain, which is responsible for understanding speech. Sensory alalia is based on a pronounced impairment of phonemic hearing. Children are not able to distinguish speech units - sounds, words, sentences. The speech of others is perceived as a single “flow”. With sensory alalia, the connection between the word and the object (action) that it denotes is not formed. In mild cases, there is difficulty in listening to speech. The child is not able to distinguish words that sound similar (for example, daughter-barrel, mouse-bowl, etc.). It is very difficult to work with such children. There is medicinal treatment of speech disorders (dehydration drugs; neurometabolic cerebroprotectors; absorbable agents; vitamins and their analogues; anticonvulsants; drugs regulating emotional and behavioral reactions) and non-medicinal (special gymnastics, speech classes).

The second speaker, a psychologist, communications specialist at the ANO DPO St. Petersburg Institute of Early Intervention, Ksenia Yuryevna Antokhina, spoke in detail about the main difficulties in the development of communications and speech in young children. Communication is the ability to express your feelings, thoughts, ideas and understand the meaning of what was said or done by a communication partner. Communication motives: refusal or consent; request; information (answer or ask a question); social interaction (attract attention to yourself). Means of communication: verbal (words, sentences) and non-verbal (facial expressions, intonation, gaze, gestures, sounds, body movements, real objects, photos, technical means). Communication skills: the ability to be attentive - the ability to concentrate on people and things; ability to take turns - the ability to take turns in a game or conversation; the ability to imitate – the ability to copy the actions, sounds and words of other people; listening – the ability to listen selectively; ability to play – thanks to play, the child gets to know the world around him and learns the most important communication skills; understanding - the ability to understand people's feelings, situations and speech; the ability to make gestures, make body movements - the ability to use the movements of the hands, body, face to convey a message. The ability to speak, as a result, is the ability to pronounce sounds and put them into words, and words into sentences. All these skills do not develop in isolation from each other; the development of each skill goes through certain stages. A breakdown in communication occurs when one or more elements are ineffective. Impaired communication (receiving, transmitting, processing verbal and nonverbal symbolic systems) can be temporary or permanent. It may be a mild or severe disorder, present from birth or acquired later. Communication and speech disorders can have various causes: disorders in the speech areas of the brain, deterioration or loss of hearing, physical impairments (cerebral palsy), intellectual impairments (Down syndrome), disorders in which it is difficult to control attention (hyperactivity), acoustic spectrum disorders. Signs indicating disorders in the field of communication development: the child makes little eye contact, does not respond to his name, does not use gestures, does not copy actions and sounds after an adult, shows more interest in objects than in people, does not show objects to an adult, no babble by 1 year, no two-word phrases by 2 years. How is early assistance organized in this case? The risk of communication impairment is identified, a differential diagnosis is carried out, an in-depth assessment is carried out, and an individual program of assistance and support for adaptation to an educational institution is drawn up. Who helps in case of communication and speech development disorders? Pediatrician, neurologist, speech therapist, defectologist, early communication specialist, alternative communication specialist, special educator, psychologist, educator, parent. The child’s communication skills will develop successfully when the mother constantly communicates with him and does not “sit on the phone”; he will have a communication partner; he will always be understood and will receive a response to his messages (crying, humming, babbling, gestures, etc.); he will hear the words spoken and see what they mean; he will repeat words and other signals in different appropriate situations; he will practice communication in everyday activities; he enjoys communication. The seminar participants asked the speakers many questions, to which detailed answers were received.

Specifics of didactic games

Didactic games contain all the structural components that are characteristic of the play activities of preschoolers. But they manifest themselves in a different form, since their role is educational and training in nature.

The didactic task makes the game aimed at learning, directs its content to the formation of children’s cognitive activity. Unlike a direct task during classes, a didactic game encourages the child to set himself a gaming task.

In order to develop in children the ability to listen carefully, as well as to assimilate the sequence of events in the plot, to freely navigate the reading they hear, and to imagine literary characters, it is necessary to introduce special exercises and problem situations into classes.

For example, a teacher should read an excerpt from a fairy tale and ask: “Do you agree that this song should belong to a wolf and not a goat? Why do you think so?". Or you can ask the children: “Do you think this is the fox from the fairy tale about the fox, the rooster and the hare? Why?"

When children answer such questions and explain why they have such a point of view, they have to perceive the text and imagine certain images.

When teaching children the means of expressiveness, it is necessary to use their favorite and familiar fairy tales, which would contain the entire complex of expressive language means and would provide children with the opportunity to naturally get acquainted with the rich culture of their native language.

Moreover, the use of fairy tales makes it possible to teach children to use a variety of expressive means in their complex.

First, fragments from fairy tales are used as exercises. For example, children should ask to go to the tower like a bear and a frog, after which the teacher should ask which of them has a more similar manner or voice to these characters.

He will dwell in more detail on how didactic games to form the speech of younger preschoolers are used in the learning process.

Formation of speech activity

What should be understood by speech activity?

  • Firstly, the beginning of the emergence of speech. The norm is the appearance of the first words in a child at 1 year, and the beginning of phrasal speech (the child speaks in sentences, not words) at about 1.5 years. If a child has a delayed development of speech (at 3 years of age or later), then he falls into the orthodontic risk group. Bite pathology is almost inevitable!
  • Secondly, speech activity can also be considered from a psychological point of view. In short, introverts are more likely to develop an overbite than extroverts. As a rule, speech is always a matter of one’s own initiative and the need for self-expression. If a child has problems in implementing a statement, then parents should know that these features in communication can be corrected.
  • Thirdly, the level of language proficiency is taken into account. Defective pronunciation of sounds, difficulties in choosing the appropriate word or expression appropriate to the situation, fears of being misunderstood, sometimes lead to a decrease in self-esteem, and the child turns into a silent person of a secondary nature.

Such a bouquet of speech and psychological problems can affect the aesthetics of the bite. Early contact with a speech therapist will allow you to “talk” the child and prevent unwanted complications! So, extroverts, call us! Introverts, write! Don't create a problem!

You can make an appointment with the Family Dental speech therapist Tatyana Borisovna Tsukor by calling the clinic +7-499-110-18-01 or using the form on the website. You can ask questions about speech therapy to T.B. Zukor on her page in.

Subject games in speech development

Playing with toys or objects is used to develop tactile sensations, manipulate different toys and objects, and develop creative thinking and imagination. When children get acquainted with different parts of the body, I try to play the game “Ola’s Helpers.” In this game, children not only get acquainted with different parts of the body, but also learn to form the plural of verbs.

By playing “What is this object?”, preschoolers learn to name objects correctly. Children take objects out of the bag and name them. The game “Colorful Chest” is played in a similar way.

Children must take a picture out of the chest and name what is drawn on it.

To consolidate acquired knowledge and clear sound pronunciation, I use the game “Magic Cube”. Children throw dice so that they spin. Then the children depict what falls on the top edge and try to pronounce the appropriate sound.

To compare objects by size, we invite children to find their own plate for the three bears.

In order for children to remember the specific features of different animals and birds, the game “Whose fur coat is this?” is played.

Word games and development of speech activity

Verbal games are based on words and practical actions with toys. These games help develop memory, teach the child to use dialogic speech, form their attention and desire to clearly express their thoughts.

The teacher tries to activate, consolidate and expand the lexical vocabulary of children. For this purpose, games are used that help children pronounce different sounds clearly and correctly.


Timely mastery of correct, clear speech is important for the formation of a full-fledged personality.
A person with well-developed speech easily enters into communication; he can clearly express his thoughts and desires, ask questions, and agree on joint activities. Conversely, unclear speech greatly complicates relationships with others and often leaves a heavy imprint on a person’s character. Correct, well-developed speech is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for successful learning at school. Speech deficiencies can lead to academic failure and give rise to a child’s lack of self-confidence, and this will have far-reaching negative consequences. Therefore, you need to start taking care of correct speech as early as possible.

By the age of 4-5, a modern child must master the entire system of his native language: speak coherently; express your thoughts fully, easily constructing simple and detailed complex sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales.

Such a baby pronounces all sounds correctly and easily reproduces polysyllabic words. The vocabulary ranges from three to four thousand words. And in order for a child to master oral speech in a timely and high-quality manner, it is necessary that he use it as often as possible, coming into contact with peers and adults, i.e. had a certain speech activity. With the normal development of speech, this process occurs unnoticed, by itself, and the pedagogically correct organization of children’s life and communication makes it possible to accelerate the formation of speech activity.

Much attention is paid to speech development in our kindergarten.

Nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, teaching coherent speech - these speech tasks are solved throughout preschool age. Special attention is paid to the formation of coherent speech, since this is one of the main tasks of speech education of a preschooler.

Classes are conducted to expand the vocabulary, form correct sound pronunciation, phrasal speech, and teach retelling. All this gives positive results, but they relate mainly to the quantitative side of speech.

During the lesson, the child, obeying the adult, pronounces and remembers individual words and phrases, but, as a rule, almost does not use them in active speech. The effectiveness of classes is directly dependent on how the preschooler incorporates the acquired skills into active speech.

Based on this, there are several directions in work on the development of speech in preschoolers:

— activation of children’s activities.

Main content: game exercises and studies on the perception, experience and expression of emotional states in facial expressions and pantomime, on the development of behavioral activity, the formation of independence, emotional support for group members, on overcoming isolation, social isolation through the formation of a sense of belonging to the group and adequate self-esteem.

— activation of components of speech activity.

Activation of speech activity as a whole is impossible without activating its main components, therefore we pay great attention to the speech games “Call it affectionately”, “One - many”, “Big - small”, “Who is doing what?”, “Whole-part”, “ Say the opposite,” the goal of which is to enrich vocabulary, develop grammatical correctness of speech, intonation expressiveness and, most importantly, develop the ability to use existing means in speech activity.

The value of such games is that children not only receive linguistic information, but also operate with it, which stimulates their own speech activity.

activation of speech in different types of activities.

To do this, it is advisable to use modeling of problem and game situations, which are created through the use of visualization and children playing various roles.

Performing roles in the process of play and communication psychologically prepares the child for the speech actions expected of him in a certain situation. Work on activating speech in play and communication involves the use of more complex dramatization games, dramatizations, creative role-playing games, improvisation games with rules, aimed at realizing one’s social self, developing the ability to correctly determine the attitude of others towards oneself, and act in accordance with with the proposed or chosen role, show creativity and initiative.

Productive activity can also act as a specific means of activating the speech development of children. During drawing, appliqué, and modeling classes, children are offered visual material, denoting it in words, and talking about actions that can be performed with objects. Such activities provide an opportunity to create problematic situations that promote the manifestation of speech activity.

The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, such as collaborative learning, project-based methodology, interactive interaction, and the use of new information technologies help us implement a person-oriented approach to children, ensuring individualization and differentiation of the pedagogical process, taking into account their abilities and level of development .

Today the focus is on the child, his personality, and his unique inner world. Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of choosing methods and forms of organizing the educational process that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development. Since a necessary condition for the development of a child’s personality, his consciousness and self-awareness is communication with adults and peers, which is associated with innovative technologies in organizing the process of children’s speech development.

The task of teachers is: in order to create conditions for the practical mastery of spoken language for each child, to choose such teaching methods and techniques that would allow each pupil to demonstrate their speech activity, their word creativity.

The activities of the teaching staff of our kindergarten are aimed at developing communication skills in preschoolers, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and clearly formulate thoughts, obtain information from various sources, and create a language environment that promotes the emergence of natural needs for communication.

To conduct bright and emotional classes, we use extensive illustrated material, sound and video recordings, and use multimedia equipment. Each group has television and audio equipment, CDs with their favorite children's fairy tales, which children enjoy watching and listening to.

Play is one of the best ways to develop children's speech and thinking. It gives the child pleasure and joy, and these feelings are the strongest means of stimulating the active perception of speech and generating independent speech activity. All organized games, including finger games, accompanied by speech, turn into original small performances. They captivate kids so much and bring them so many benefits!

The level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of hand movements. If the development of finger movements corresponds to age (normal), then the development of speech is also within normal limits, but if the development of fingers lags behind, the development of speech also lags behind, although general motor skills may be within normal limits and even higher.

In addition, finger games give our children health, since this affects the skin of the hands, where there are many points associated with certain organs.

Cycles of finger games on lexical topics, games for the development of fine motor skills - “Magic Fingers”, complexes of speech (articulation) gymnastics for “difficult” sounds, complexes of breathing exercises, cycles of homework for children and their parents to enrich the vocabulary have been developed and are being implemented. , the development of lexical and grammatical categories of language by lexical topics, by season.

Board-printed games are also used (“Find out by contour”, “What does it look like”, “Forgetful artist”, “Seasons”), which help children learn to classify objects, develop speech, visual perception, figurative and logical thinking, attention, observation, interest in the surrounding world.

We all know how difficult it can be for a child to construct a coherent story, even just to retell a familiar text. The point here is not only the level of speech development. They are often confused by the details of the work that in their opinion seemed most important, and they may repeat them repeatedly

Sometimes in classes we use different methods and techniques. We remind, suggest, ask questions: “What’s next?”, “How did this happen?”, “Why did this happen?” We have to interfere with the child’s story and retelling, asking him a lot of questions. l found a way out - to use model diagrams when telling stories.

What are model diagrams? This is a schematic representation of an object or event. In the field of development of thinking, the main thing is to master the actions of visual modeling.

Modeling is considered as a joint activity of the teacher and children in constructing, selecting and constructing models. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects depicted schematically or with signs. The model makes it possible to create an image of the most significant aspects of an object and abstract from the unimportant in this particular case.

As children understand the method of substituting signs, connections between real objects and their models, it becomes possible to involve children in joint modeling with the teacher, and then in their own modeling. The most diverse and productive work is with model schemes for the development of coherent speech and creative storytelling.

Familiarization with fiction plays an important role in the development of coherent speech. The groups have organized a book corner “Library” and a “smart book shelf”, which store children’s books, anthologies of works, pictures for composing stories, illustrations on topics of interest to children. Children's magazines and newspapers are introduced from the older group.

So, organizing joint activities stimulates active speech, since such activities are interesting and meaningful for children, and its success is largely achieved through speech actions. As a result, every child develops a desire to construct verbal statements.

A necessary condition for the full development of speech is the creation of a modern developmental spatial environment.

By saturating the group space, we teachers take care, first of all, that children can satisfy their needs for cognition, communication, and movement in a group.

When creating a speech zone, we pay attention to games, manuals and materials. It is important that they are aimed at developing all aspects of speech: pronunciation, grammatical structure, vocabulary development, syllabic structure and coherent speech. For this purpose, the following are used: sets of didactic subject and plot pictures on basic lexical topics, sets of toys, printed didactic games.

Play equipment, clarity, and demonstration material provide a higher level of cognitive development in children and provoke speech activity.

Organizing work with parents aimed at developing the correct speech education of a child in the family is a necessary condition. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the child’s speech development, encouraging them to take action on the general and speech development of the child in the family is carried out through:

Design of information stands and folders for parents.

Group consultations : “The speech environment in the family and its influence on the development of the child’s speech”, “Articulation gymnastics”, “The child’s speech culture is born in the family”, “Playing with fingers and developing speech”, “How to learn poetry... while playing?”, introduction with the peculiarities of speech development of children of a certain age.

Individual conversations and consultations with parents based on the results of the examination of children’s speech, upon request.

Consulting parents of children with problems in speech development (recommendations for visiting specialists, referral to primary medical education).

Practical advice for parents - showing articulation exercises for pronouncing certain sounds, games and exercises to consolidate the material covered.

Conducting parent meetings. with the invitation of a speech therapist teacher.

Joint purchase of games and speech development aids.

The inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process is the most important condition for the full speech development of the child. The most important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the preschool educational institution, during which the positions of parents and teachers are adjusted.

Not a single developmental program, even the best one, can give full results if it is not decided together with the family, if the preschool institution does not create conditions for involving parents in participating in the educational process.

So-printed games

These games allow children to broaden their horizons, shape their attention and intelligence, help them navigate changing game conditions, and teach them to anticipate the results of their actions.

When taking part in the game, children show restraint, try to strictly adhere to the rules and bring a lot of joy to the children. To do this, games are played with matching pictures, with collecting cut cubes and pictures, with finding similar objects and with funny little people.

These games help children compare objects, find the same ones among them, consolidate knowledge about shapes and colors, and compare objects in illustrations with certain objects.

To activate children's everyday vocabulary, you need to organize games with a didactic doll.

Exercise to stimulate speech activity

Classes become an important form of the pedagogical process in kindergarten. They allow children to concretize and clarify the knowledge that they receive in practice and that they received when they acted with objects from their environment.

In the younger groups, preschoolers were not yet able to study in a group, did not relate to themselves speech that would be addressed to the whole group, and could not listen to their comrades. The teacher’s speech becomes a big irritant that can attract children’s attention.

In these groups, it is necessary to widely use visualization, emotional teaching techniques, surprise and playful moments. Preschoolers should not be given a learning task. Classes should be arranged in individual and group forms.

The structure of the lessons should be simple and not require individual answers from preschoolers. Teachers’ questions should be answered by those who want to or by the whole group at the same time. Communication between children at this age is situational in nature and is often initiated by adults. It is usually short-term and unstable.

At the same time, a new type of communication with adults appears - this is cognitive communication, which is usually included in joint activities, and then in independent ones.

Stages of speech formation

Classical speech therapy identifies 5 stages of speech formation. Let's take a closer look at these stages (please note that all the dates and durations of the stages are quite approximate and are determined by a speech therapist after an individual examination of the child):

Pre-speech period. During this period, the child develops the first vocal reactions (humming, babbling, screaming). Humming can be heard at 3-4 months, babbling at 5-6 months. These sounds are not yet speech, but, nevertheless, the child is actively working on the development of articulation and speech apparatus. Contact with adults or older children leads to the fact that the baby’s vocal reactions acquire more expressive features. New modulations, intonations, tones appear. Children very early (after six months) begin to understand intonations addressed to them and distinguish timbres. The pre-speech period lasts up to about a year. Thus, to the question “When does a child begin to speak?”, we can answer - at the age of about a year, but note that this will not be speech in the usual sense for us!

The first period of speech formation. During this stage, the child develops the first “words” of active speech. This usually occurs at the age of 1 year. Quotes indicate that the first words can consist of several sounds and are often complemented by active facial expressions or expressive movements of the child. For example: muuuu (cow), bibi (car), etc. Some children can repeat the stressed syllable in the word spoken to them: ma (mom), pa (dad), ka (porridge). The further you go, the more complex the structures become. The first period of speech formation lasts up to approximately 2 years. Closer to two years, the first phrases of 2 words may appear in speech. In girls, this usually occurs at the age of 1.5-1.7 years, in boys a little later, at 2 years.

If a child does not speak at one year of age, you need to see if you are making too high demands on the child’s abilities. If there is onomatopoeia in the speech, the child can convey at least something to you in words - just wait a little. Also analyze your speech - how do you communicate? Speak slowly, clearly, calmly, in a slightly sing-song voice so that the child can hear the sounds well? Do you read children's poems, nursery rhymes, etc. to your baby? Do you draw the child’s attention to new objects, let them study, touch them, repeat the name several times? If you answered yes to all these questions, in addition, you pay a lot of attention to the development of the baby, and the child does not speak at 2 years old, then contact a pediatric neurologist or speech therapist with this question. It is better to dispel doubts by contacting an experienced specialist than to worry and worry about why the child does not speak. Most often, delayed speech development may be a variant of the norm, but sometimes the child still needs help. What exactly is needed in your particular case is best determined by a specialist.

The second period of speech formation. This turbulent period is characterized by the complication of phonetic and lexical structures. Words of 2-3 syllables appear in the child’s speech (sound distortions may be present). The child increasingly repeats what he hears around him (this is why it is so useful to read and constantly talk with the child) and gradually gives up babbling. Along with the emergence of new words, the range of ideas expands. Most often, this stage occurs in the first six months of the child’s third year of life. If a child does not speak at 3 years old, then this is a reason to start classes with a speech therapist (if non-speech therapy causes of speech delay are excluded).

The third period of speech formation. This period is characterized by the appearance in the baby’s speech of complex words of three or more syllables (first with swallowing of sounds and contraction) and the beginning of stable pronunciation of sounds. This stage can be called adjusting or clarifying sound perception. During this period, the child begins to speak in sentences. This period occurs at the age of 2.5-3 years. Often the first, second and third periods have blurred boundaries and can merge into one stage.

The fourth period of speech formation. The ability to pronounce complex words and sentences improves, and the stage of forming correct pronunciation is completed. It is during this period that active word creation occurs. This stage occurs at the age of 4-5 years. Clear speech without impaired sound pronunciation is usually established by the age of 5-5.5 years.

Each individual case of “why the child doesn’t speak” needs to be considered individually with specialists. In some cases, neurological problems, hearing defects, or problems associated with tongue dysfunction may be to blame (more on this problem below).

Speech activity in integrated classes

Integrated activities are a combination of different types of activities, which arouses children’s interest and helps them relieve stress, relieve children from stress, switching them to different types of activities. Ordinary activities can contribute to the formation of speech, expand children's horizons, and help develop a harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.

Integrated activities allow the child to have the opportunity to use his creative abilities. Children compose and fantasize, reflect, learn the features of their native language.

A number of circumstances determine the importance of classes for teaching the native language and speech formation:

  1. training during classes makes it possible to perform all program tasks systematically, systematically and consistently;
  2. during classes, children's attention can be purposefully fixed on specific linguistic phenomena, which can gradually become the subject of awareness;
  3. a whole range of speech skills and abilities that form the basis of language ability are developed only in special learning conditions;
  4. During classes, in addition to the teacher’s influence on children’s speech, there is a mutual influence on each other’s children’s speech.

Also, in a playful way, you can actively enrich the vocabulary of children, form their grammatical speech structure and communication skills. Children learn to freely express their thoughts, share impressions, and talk about something.

Preschoolers also develop cognitive activity, because tasks and questions require them to activate existing speech experience and use it in real life.

What affects children's speech activity?

“Speech activity influences the shape of the dental arch and the structure of the maxilla, especially the roof of the mouth,” says Professor Rudolf Slavicek. I think that this statement of the world-famous gnathologist and the author of his own theory of occlusion is beyond doubt. The tongue is a fairly strong muscular organ that exerts pressure on the dental arch weighing about 500 g. Consequently, in the case of severe tongue dysfunction, the point of application of this force shifts, which causes changes in the bite.

Speech dysfunction, of course, refers to language dysfunction. Why? For the reason that this defect implies low mobility of the tongue and its incorrect position (low, subdental or interdental), both at the time of speaking and at rest. We are talking, in this case, about medium and low degrees of speech activity. In turn, in none of the above positions, the tongue does not perform the function of supporting the palate, which causes its deformation.

Enrichment of vocabulary and vocabulary

Vocabulary development is carried out with the help of different subjects.

To develop the ability to find objects by size, color and name. You also need to enrich the names of household items and toys, babies and pets. To develop the ability to understand generalized words, to draw children’s attention to words with similar meanings. You also need to name the essential details of objects, babies and pets.

To form vocabulary in younger preschoolers, a variety of teaching techniques and methods are used.

In order to enrich the vocabulary, observations are used, toys and pictures are examined, games-conversations are held, play and speech actions alternate.

To clarify and activate the vocabulary, it is necessary to use games, look at pictures, talk through pictures, organize practical and sensory perception, conduct speech exercises and situations for using the phrases and words being learned. You also need to use techniques of emotional impact: surprise, dynamic action, elements of dramatization.

To develop an understanding of the meaning of words, you need to use lexical exercises, activate adjectives, nouns and verbs, and introduce a wide range of visual materials - toys and paintings. The speech of the teacher himself, which is the most important source of enriching the child’s speech, plays a great role in this.

In order for children to master general concepts, it is necessary to play and select objects from the same gender.

Speech culture of a preschooler

Sound speech culture is very important for the speech development of a younger preschooler.

Children need to be trained to pronounce isolated vowels and consonants. It is necessary to form the articulatory apparatus. One must develop the ability to use the pitch and strength of the voice. You need to develop the ability to pronounce phrases and words clearly. It is necessary to develop articulation of sounds. We need to teach children to speak calmly and use natural intonation.

The grammatical speech structure contributes to the construction of more correct statements by preschoolers.

It is necessary to teach children to agree on nouns and pronouns, and to use different prepositions in speech. It is necessary to teach children to obtain common sentences from simple non-common ones. It is necessary to introduce additions, definitions, circumstances. It is necessary to teach children to compose sentences from homogeneous members. You need to actively use prepositions in your speech.

Speech development of older preschoolers from the perspective of the theory of speech activity

Analysis of preschool education and development programs allows us to determine the existing requirements for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age: correctly perceive and understand statements or messages addressed to children, differentiate and correctly pronounce phonemes, intonation, stress, separation using speech pauses, speak clearly; have sufficient vocabulary and grammatically correct speech; the ability to interact with another person; retell and discuss what you heard and saw; express your point of view.

At the same time, in the 80-90s of the twentieth century, new approaches to understanding the essence of speech development in older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren were determined - from the position of the theory of speech activity (works by A.A. Leontyev, I.A. Zimnyaya, N.I. Zhinkin , T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.A. Plenkina, V.I. Kapinos, A.Yu. Kupalova, M.R. Lvova, M.S. Soloveichik). First, psychologists, then teachers, came to the conclusion that speech is also a unique human activity, and the very content of this activity, its features, began to be defined based on the concepts of “speech” and “language”.

Speech development involves teaching children speech, which is possible only in the conditions of organized educational speech activity.

Speech activity is considered by us as a communicative process that is carried out during communication, and therefore presupposes the presence of partners, i.e. the one who creates speech (speaks, writes), and the one who receives it (listens, reads).

“Speech activity... is a process of active, purposeful, language-mediated and situation-conditioned communication of receiving or issuing a speech message in the interaction of people with each other (with each other).” [1]

Children enter into certain relationships with other people, and therefore they need to understand the speech statements of others as accurately as possible, and be able to correctly express their impressions, experiences, intentions and thoughts in speech; possess verbal communication skills, have a sufficient level of speech (verbal) thinking.

A child’s mastery of his native language in the process of pedagogically organized speech development, limited by the needs of the child’s communication with the people around him, does not correspond to the child’s potential capabilities either in mastering linguistic reality as a special object of cognition, or in the development and improvement of speech itself.

The child’s entry into such educational and cognitive activities, in accordance with the theory of A.N. Leontiev, is ensured by the very structure of the activity: “Every activity has a ring structure: initial afferentation – effector processes that implement contacts with the objective environment – ​​correction and enrichment with the help of feedback of the initial afferent image.” [3]

Like any other activity, speech activity has an object (thought) and structure. “In any activity, the same structural components can be identified. It has four stages: a) the stage of orientation in the conditions of activity; b) the stage of developing a plan in accordance with the results of the orientation; c) stage of implementation (implementation) of this plan; d) control stage.” [3]

Let's consider a schematic representation of the structure of any human activity, proposed by A.N. Leontyev:

where a need is understood as an experienced need, a motive as an incentive to activity, a goal as a consciously projected image, an action as a unit of activity, a task as a goal of activity given in certain conditions, an operation as a way of carrying out an action.

Let’s correlate these concepts with the content of speech activity:

Subject – thought (expressed or perceived).

Need – desire for communication (communicative need).

Motive is an opportunity through communication (with a person, a book, etc.) to understand, learn, communicate, express, prove, etc. (cognitive interest, personal motive).

The goal is the projected result (the interlocutor’s reaction, finding an answer, knowing the information, understanding the text, etc.).

Action - speaking, reading, writing, listening, when language is used as a means of speech activity.

A task is a product of activity (sentence, text, conclusion, etc.).

Operation – a method of action (selection of content for expression, use of linguistic means to express this content, etc.).

The concept of types of speech activity belongs to the famous linguist and teacher L.V. Shcherbe and is considered by us both methodological and psychological. Usually there are four main types of speech activity: reading, listening (listening) - receptive types of speech activity; oral speech (speaking) and writing, which are called productive types.

The concept of types of speech activity in the methodology allows you to more clearly imagine the psychological patterns of the formation of relevant skills and abilities: methodological techniques, types of exercises, etc. must be correlated with the structure and formation of corresponding psychological mechanisms, always complex and multi-level.

This means that in practice, the need to ensure the formation of individual psychological operations and their complexes cannot but take into account the fact of the interaction of different types of speech activity , their mutual intertwining, especially when solving complex communication problems. It is hardly correct to deal completely separately and incoherently with preschoolers with reading, listening, and oral speech. It is better to build classes with preschoolers as integrated from the very beginning. [2]

The statement of L.S. is widely known. Vygotsky: “It is not thinking that thinks, it is man who thinks,” which can be continued: the hand does not write, the tongue does not speak, the ear does not listen. It is especially important to take this into account in relation to teaching reading.

Let us note that the process of learning to read at the preschool stage is traditionally perceived as teaching a child to reproduce a printed word (text) aloud, and it is precisely at what age such learning can begin that, as a rule, there is debate. Reading as a type of speech activity is practically not considered in relation to preschoolers. The main research is related to the methodology of teaching children 3-6 years old to speak (oral coherent speech) in a sensitive period for this.

In addition, for some reason it is generally accepted that by teaching a child to read aloud, we ensure his ability to read in general. However, according to A.A. Leontyev, “learning to read aloud is not so much learning to read as learning oral speech and the development of the articulatory apparatus.” [3] Fully sharing the position of the scientist, we also note that in the process of listening to what adults read to preschoolers, the reader-listener engages three of the four spheres of the reader’s perception of the text: the emotional sphere, the sphere of imagination and reaction to the content of the text. Our research confirmed the initial assumption that readers aged 5-7 years practically do not involve the sphere of reaction to artistic form in the reading process.

Thus, the nature of older preschoolers’ perception of the text, which, as a rule, is read to them by an adult, suggests that children are more likely to be involved not so much in the listening process as in the reading process. The type of speech activity when the text is perceived by ear, and at the same time the inclusion of emotions, imagination and reaction to the content of what is read is ensured, we call reading-listening.

Of course, children need to be taught reading and listening, and we consider the age of an older preschooler as an extremely sensitive period for solving this problem. The child, most likely, will not be able to do what we did not specifically teach him. Many troubles in the future study of the school literature course are rooted precisely in the fact that we did not teach older preschoolers to read (perceive) a literary text as fiction.

In general, full-fledged training in various types of speech activity at the stage of preschool education is a condition for the successful future educational activity of a schoolchild and at the same time “it is a tool for his self-development, something that makes possible his self-education, socialization, his further cognitive, personal, artistic and value development.” [2]

Ways to improve the speech activity of older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren were suggested by M.S. Soloveitchik:

  1. broadening their horizons, ensuring the renewal of children’s thoughts and feelings, potential subjects of their speech activity;
  2. children’s awareness of the language system, the purpose of various language units;
  3. developing the ability to choose language means taking into account the communication situation and correctly formulate one’s thoughts;
  4. developing the ability to select content for expression and organize it in accordance with the plan;
  5. understanding the significance of all elements of a “foreign” text, developing the ability to extract meaning from each element of the text.

So, today, preschool specialists are faced with the task of ensuring the full speech development of preschool children, revealing rather complex phenomena of a new language reality for them, cultivating interest in language and thereby increasing activity in its acquisition.

Based on the above, we can outline the main content of the work that ensures the development of speech activity of older preschoolers:

Literature: 1. Zimnyaya, I.A. Psychology of teaching a non-native language. / I.A. Winter. – M, 1989. – P. 133. 2. Leontiev, A.A. Language and speech activity in general and educational psychology: Selected articles. psychol. works / A.A. Leontyev. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing house NPO "MODEK", 2003. – 536 pp. 3. Leontyev, A.N. Consciousness, activity, personality./ A.N. Leontyev. – M.: Politizdat, 1977. – P.86.

Author: Chindilova Olga Vasilievna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Professor of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education of APKiPPRO

Author: Badenova Anastasia Viktorovna

Author of manuals for preschoolers for the educational program “Kindergarten 2100”

Photo: Depositphoto, Pexels

Tags:Badenova A.V. Speech development Chindilova O.V.

Formation of coherent speech through folklore

Coherent speech promotes effective communication of preschoolers with others.

We need to help children answer both simple and complex questions. We need to teach them to ask questions and develop proactive speech in them. It is necessary to develop the ability to conduct dialogue with children, with adults, with teachers.

One of the main sources for the development of expressive speech in children is folklore works and other oral works of folk art.

Folklore has enormous aesthetic, cognitive and educational significance, because it allows children to expand their knowledge about the surrounding reality and develops the ability to subtly sense the artistry, rhythm and melody of their native language.

Folklore is one of the brightest means of speech, which is fraught with great didactic opportunities.

The use of oral folk art is possible only if verbal folk art is widely included in the lives of younger preschoolers.

Children need to read new or familiar works of fiction every day. Also suitable for reading are various anthologies and books specially published for younger preschoolers.

Many literary collections contain works that allow you to make generalizations with children for one or another time period of a routine moment: while eating or washing, while going to bed or at play, on walks and other events. Various kinds of humorous poems are also used. For example, the works of Marshak.

During the walk, children show how big legs can walk and small legs can run. Nursery rhymes allow kids to talk about how their weekends and holidays went, who visited their grandmothers, what their grandmother treated them to and how she greeted them.

Based on all this, introducing preschoolers to works of folklore allows them to shape their speech, enrich and replenish their vocabulary.

Turning to familiar folklore genres makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the development of independent speech in preschool children.

The use of all Russian folklore genres accessible to children in the process of development, training and education of children of primary preschool age makes it possible for children to acquire the necessary skills and abilities to use them in the process of verbal communication, in plot and theatrical games.

For younger preschoolers, these are, first of all, chants, riddles, nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

Oral folk art preserves the specific features of the Russian people, which contain moral values, people’s ideas about courage, beauty, loyalty and truth, as well as goodness.

All this can be found in Russian folk works. It is fairy tales that become good material for teaching younger preschoolers the formation of speech.

Fairy tale characters are familiar to children, their character traits are clearly expressed, and their motives for their actions are very clear. Fairy tale language is incredibly rich and expressive, it is filled with figurative comparisons, and contains simple forms of direct speech. This makes it possible to involve children in active speech activity.

Thus, if you create a formative environment, if you alternate learning and games, and introduce play exercises, all this helps maintain children’s attention, increases their speech activity, and causes children to strive to generalize. Taking this into account, we can conclude that the creation of pedagogical conditions is important for the development of speech in younger preschoolers.

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Consultation for teachers “Development of speech activity in children of senior preschool age”

Tatiana Cherkashina

Consultation for teachers “Development of speech activity in children of senior preschool age”

Preschool age , as is known, is a period of intensive development of the child , and timely acquisition of correct speech, including its active use , is one of the main conditions for the normal psychophysical development of the child , the formation of a full-fledged personality, and preparation for school.

“To learn to speak, you must speak”

M. R. Lvov.

Speech is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people for cognition, self-organization, self-development and construction of one’s personality, one’s world through dialogue with other individuals.

In order for a child to master oral speech in a timely and high-quality manner, it is necessary that he use it as often as possible, coming into contact with peers and adults, i.e., have a certain speech activity . With the normal development of speech, this process occurs unnoticed, by itself, and the pedagogically correct organization of children’s makes it possible to accelerate the formation of speech activity .

The comprehensive development of a child is carried out on the basis of assimilating the centuries-old experience of mankind. This experience comes to children from adults; it is transmitted through language.

development - This is teaching the native language, correct speech, developing verbal communication , expanding the vocabulary, learning retelling. The components of speech activity are the speed of speech reactions both in dialogue and in other situations, the choice of games and gaming hobbies related to speech, speech imagination , and mastery of the language system at a certain level.

Mastering coherent speech is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, namely a chain of words united by one verb.

The subject-developmental environment of the group should contribute to the development of children's speech : book, theater, speech corners , story games to familiarize children with social reality.

We must strive to ensure that children independently name objects, their characteristics, actions, and are able to classify them. To do this, you can design a speech box , where various subject and subject pictures are placed. Children will be able to independently compose riddles, descriptions, and stories based on pictures.

You should use finger games and games with origami elements more often in your work (Children make cups for their fingers and then play the game): “We have five assistants in reserve every time,

They shave, glue and wash, knead, iron, clean.

I will cover you with hats, my fingers are all my friends.

Increasing the level of communication skills, expanding vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, improving sound culture, including sound pronunciation and general speech skills , practical awareness by children of the elements of language, development of coherent speech (monologue and dialogic)

occurs in classes with games of the following content:

“Find (invent)

words with sound..."

(let's collect the words in a basket,

“Catch the words if you hear the sound in them...”

or Firecracker

“Help me find a place for sound in a word”

, (sound tracks,

“Who will win - vowels or consonants in a word....? Count which sounds are more?”

“How many sounds do you hear in the word...?”

, “Determine the sequence of sounds in a word”


“Come up with a word based on the sound (syllable...”).

“Let’s divide the words into parts and count how many we got!”

(cones, cubes, claps, steps, buttons on Slogovichka,

"Magic Transformations"

or rhymes
(exercises on word formation and inflection)

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (Snow.)

Fuzzes keep sliding from the sky - Silver...
To the villages, onto the meadow Everything is falling...
Here's fun for the guys - More and more...
Everyone is running in a race, Everyone wants to play...
Like Dressed up in a white down jacket...
Nearby there is a snow figure - It's a girl -
(Snow Maiden.)
In the snow, look - With a red breast...
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, Decorated the whole Earth...
(Snow. ) “Choose a related word”
: Dragonfly - dragonflies, dragonfly;
Winter – winter, wintering, winter quarters; Summer – summer, annual, perennial; Leaf – leaves, leaf fall, deciduous; Table – tables, table top, dining room; House – homely, brownie, homely; Ant - ants, anthill, ant; Day – days, daytime, noon; Hour - clock, sentry, hour; Head – head, heads, tadpole. “Come up with a sentence using a given word or using pictures”

"Finish the sentence"

: It became dry outside because...

It's dark at night because...

It started to rain, so...

Rivers and lakes freeze at night because...

Children water carrots in order to...

We'll go for a walk if...

“So that the words are not lost”

(drawing up sentence diagrams,


(distribution of proposals,

“And that’s how it was!”
(compilation of stories based on a series of plot pictures)
"One day…." (compiling a story according to a given plan or plot picture) “Let’s color the words!” (selection of epithets)
Hedgehog, hedgehog, where were you walking?

Where did you lose the thorns? Run to us quickly, hedgehog. We will help you now! “Find something similar!”

(selection of synonyms,

"Stubborn Donkey"

(selection of antonyms,

“If a letter gets lost...”
(selection of paronyms)
, etc.

Telling riddles:

The sun rises early in the morning. It draws rays and gives us warmth.

Snow in summer! Just laughter! Snow is flying around the city, why doesn't it melt? (Poplar fluff)

This little one has legs. This one has crumbs. The eyes of a ladle And the ears as long as C the kitchen dish (baby elephant)

The story “What are hands for?”
E. Permyak Petya and his grandfather were great friends and loved to ask each other different questions. The grandfather once asked his grandson: “Why, Petenka, do people need hands?” “And to play with a ball,” answered Petya. - And for what else? - asked the grandfather - To hold a spoon - And also? - To pet the cat. - And what else? - To throw pebbles into the river. How would you answer Petya’s grandfather’s question?

A fairy tale is one of the most accessible genres of fiction children The language of the tale is simple and accessible. By retelling a fairy tale, the sound expressiveness of speech, diction, phonemic perception, and vocabulary are formed. Children love to show tabletop and finger theaters based on fairy tales. Also, it is easier for children to complete a math task with their favorite fairy-tale characters.

Memorizing poetry is a tedious process, so it is useful to use techniques such as: “tell it in pairs”

“draw a poem”

Sketching poetry is an excellent assistant for solving many educational problems. For each word or small phrase, a picture is created. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

Exercises for the development of speech creativity in children : 1. Compose a story based on observed actions. 2. Compose a story based on several plot pictures. 3. Compose a story based on the text and picture you listened to. 4. Compose a story based on one plot picture. 5. Compose a story from memory. 6. Compose a story using symbols. 7. Compose a story using diagrams. 8. Compose a story based on natural objects. 9. Compose a story using subject pictures. 10. Compose a story using the given words. 11. Compose a story with the replacement of any one detail or episode in the presented text. 12. Compose the end of the story started by the teacher 13. Compose a story on a given topic. 14. Writing fairy tales.

It is useful to play games with a globe and a geographical map. Here not only speech develops , but also horizons. The child becomes a traveler, he conquers seas and countries, remembers the names of cities, flora and fauna of other countries.

You can make interesting glasses of different geometric shapes. Having put them on, children find objects of the same shape and come up with different names for these objects.

Proverbs and sayings are genres of oral folk art. They reflect various aspects of people's lives and everyday life. They broaden children's and help them learn better about folk art. In Russia they believe that a saying is a flower, and a proverb is a berry. In your free time, you can play guessing proverbs, dramatizing them, or the “Finish the Proverb”


Many words in the Russian language have not one, but two or three, sometimes a dozen or more meanings. There is a pattern: the more often a word is used in speech, the more polysemantic it is. Polysemantic words form a semantic unity. The interpretation of their meanings necessarily reveals a certain similarity between the objects they designate and the phenomena of the surrounding world. The word "nose"

in great demand.
It was needed by people and animals, as well as by boats, ships and boats, which began to proudly plow the waters of the seas, oceans, lakes and rivers with their bows. The word "tail"
is useful to all animals, birds, as well as trains, planes, rockets and comets.
Working on the polysemy of words ensures speech development and contributes to the formation of the qualitative side of children’s vocabulary, the development of free speech , and the ability to consciously choose the most appropriate linguistic means for a given statement. Ultimately, this work serves to develop the level of general speech culture .
Of particular importance are literary and speech festivals dedicated to the work of children's writers. The main task of such holidays is to give joy from meeting with your favorite works, and at the same time, speech problems .

Memorizing poems, designing baby books, holding speech quizzes , competitions, and tournaments help develop children's thinking and teach them to reflect basic emotional states.

The speech development of an older preschooler is determined by the degree of formation of his knowledge, skills, cognitive and social motives, needs and interests, as well as other mental formations that form the basis of his personal culture. A high level of speech achievements gives him the opportunity to realize both social and intellectual activity among peers and adults. Expanding the content of communication needs directs the child’s attention to new aspects of reality: knowledge of the human world and relationships with others, the natural world, objective and practical and artistic reality. New communication needs determine the need for new means that should help realize new goals.

Conclusion: The development of creative abilities will awaken the hidden potential, reserves, originality and talent inherent in any child. However, the ability to create, including speech creative ability, will develop most successfully only if its development is promptly provided with appropriate incentives and optimal conditions of the environment in which the child is located.

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