How to teach your child to talk on your own
For many parents, the day separating the first year of a child’s life from the second is a kind of milestone.
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Use of Cerebrolysin in the correction of speech disorders in children on an outpatient basis
Cortexin is a medicine that is used for diseases of the nervous system. The drug is obtained from
The child doesn't say mom
Help! Teenager stopped talking to me
There is such a joke - first parents wait for the child to speak, and then they don’t.
Briefly about how to create a business card for a competition
How to introduce yourself at a competition: business card, presentation about yourself, greeting in verse, story about your team and family + examples and videos
The ability to introduce yourself is an important skill that can be useful in all areas of life. Self-presentation
Scheme of speech therapy examination of a child 2-3 years of age
Speech therapy as a science, subject, tasks, methods. Conceptual-categorical apparatus of speech therapy. The connection between speech therapy and other sciences
Speech by the manager at the New Year's corporate party. Congratulatory speech from the director at the New Year's corporate party. Examples of congratulatory speech. Collection
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15 games to develop attention for children and parents
Many of us have heard complaints from acquaintances, girlfriends or mothers on the site that
Tasks for parents to automate the sounds P, Pb
Russian words ending with P Reverse Russian dictionary (word endings with P) -
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