We enrich and activate our vocabulary. We consolidate knowledge of nouns: salad, soup, juice, cucumber, tomato (tomato),
Pronunciation of the sound T You can highlight common mistakes made in the pronunciation of the sound T: sound replacement
Preview: Topic: “BOOTS FOR MATRYOSHKA!” Goal: creating a social situation of development in the process of drawing
Progress of the game: Teacher Child Whose tail is the fox's tail? Fox tail Hare ears - whose ears are these?
Introduction The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech in children (dysgraphia and dyslexia)
NUTS FOR THE MIND. Game tasks for automating the sound Pb. All-Russian distance competition of pedagogical excellence
Didactic games aimed at enriching the knowledge of preschool children about their hometown “Wasp Buildings”
Mental retardation is a mild and reversible disorder of cognitive activity and the emotional-volitional sphere
Impaired written speech in adults most often occurs as a result of damage to higher mental functions.