Girl practicing in front of a mirror
Tired of burr? Learning to pronounce “r” correctly
The formation of speech is not an easy task, which a child masters between the ages of 2 and 4.
examples of conversational style texts
Literary examples of texts in conversational style of speech. Conversational style of speech: short text examples
Informal communication in an informal setting is the most common description of this functional style. Examples of texts
DEFECTOLOGY AS A SCIENCEmethodological development on the topic
Subject of study and main tasks of defectology Defectology branches into separate branches: deaf pedagogy (studies
Speech breathing exercises
How to start a motor: tips for parents on making the sound “r”
Development of a strong and long-lasting air stream. An important role for sound production [P] is played by the correct
Sounds [B] [B`]. Letters B, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Now you will learn about the letter and sound B. Pinocchio, drum, Squirrel, bun and banana.
verbal communication communication
Nonverbal and verbal communication. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication
Every person is a social being. We cannot live without communication. When born, the child is already
Motor and sensory alalia: what is it, symptoms, types
Alalia is a systemic underdevelopment of speech function or its complete absence. The main causes of the disease
How to develop eloquence or how to become a great speaker yourself
Oratory and the art of speech: a tutorial on how to become a speaker
The art of eloquence is of great importance, because a person with his words can convince people of something
Mom gives the child a dandelion
A child's first word - when do children start speaking?
Article: All parents, without exception, wait for the moment when the child begins to say mom and dad.
Album for staging and sound automation [SH] “The Journey of the Shushi Snake”
Lesson 1 Spatial orientation Cross orientation. - Place your right hand on your left shoulder. Put
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