Exercises to develop fine motor skills. So that little fingers don't get bored
Greetings, my beloved readers! Every parent knows that the more our children move,
Card index of games for children with alaliamethodological development in speech therapy (middle, senior, preparatory group)
We help with alalia. We work with children of all ages. We develop correction programs based on the characteristics
Ways to identify and overcome dyslalia in preschool children
We help with dyslalia. We work with children of all ages. We develop correction programs based on the characteristics
Practical recommendations for parents on the development of impressive and expressive speech in young children
Main reasons Children are sensitive to various types of influences. Difficult pregnancy, childbirth, illness and
How to teach a child to say the letters r and l: advice from speech therapists
How to teach a child to say the letters r and l: advice from speech therapists
The sound R is one of the most difficult sounds of the Russian alphabet to pronounce. Subdue him
Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
Article: The purpose of this article is to introduce defectologists to the work of consultation, as well as to provide some
A child’s 5-year-old crisis: advice from a psychologist on how parents should behave
The child reaches the age of 5 years, and strange things begin to happen to him: he
Speech therapy lesson for grades 3 and 4. Agreement of nouns with adjectives in gender. outline of a speech therapy lesson (grade 3) on the topic
Didactic games for children 5-7 years old. Topic: “Adjective” Didactic games for acquaintance and consolidation
Work of a speech therapist with children with mental retardation. educational and methodological manual on the topic
Work program for speech therapy classes 1st grade (ZPR) Meta-subject results. The course provides the formation of the following universal
Stuttering is manifested by a violation of the rhythm and fluency of speech
Methods for correcting stuttering in adolescents and adults; educational and methodological material on speech therapy
What is stuttering? First, let's figure out what it is and what provokes it.
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