LiveInternetLiveInternet Approved at a meeting of the active defectologists of Moscow based on the decision of the board of the Moscow Committee
auditory dictations in speech therapy for grades 1-7 Starlings (S-C) It was mid-March. Spring in
Norms of speech development Child 1 year to 1.5 years. At this age children use
Speech development: toys. Materials for speech and activities with children on the topic “Toys”.
One of the important features of a child in the future is the development of thinking today. It is important how
I. Cabinet equipment: Wall mirror (at least 1.5 - 0.5 m). Children's table mirrors
Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings. Series of plot paintings intended for independent compilation of stories
Autumn. Games, quizzes, teaching aids on the autumn theme Add variety to your autumn matinees,
Automation of the sound “Z” in words is carried out after automation in syllables. In order for the child