3.9 Average rating: 3.9 Total ratings received: 349. 3.9 Average rating: 3.9 Total ratings received
Photo source gpointstudio/freepik A defectologist is a specialist who works with children who have mental or
Dysphonia is a voice disorder manifested by weakness, hoarseness, and hoarseness. If there is complete loss of voice, a diagnosis is made
Automation of the R sound in adults depends on the severity and cause of the incorrect pronunciation. Correction process
4.7 Average rating: 4.7 Total ratings received: 73. 4.7 Average rating: 4.7 Total ratings received
Herbivores Lemming Outwardly, they are little different from a hamster; they also belong to rodents. Animal weighs
A ruff grew in the river, grew, grew, became a ruff, but did not grow. Cancer letter P
The ability to speak in public has been a useful skill at all times. People who have excellent public speaking skills
Alalia is an insufficiency (deficiency) of speech that is not associated with somatic hearing or intellectual impairments.
The sound “L” is one of those sounds that children master quite late. Optimal age for