Home Speech disorders OSD level 2 is a clear disorder of speech development in children
Card index of didactic games for speech development. “Create an advertisement for a book (dress, etc.)” Goal: Develop
Photo source freepik Previously, specialists in the field of sound pronunciation correction worked with children who
Examples of interesting tasks for developing the skill of distinguishing between soft and hard consonants. A picture or
Assignment: printed letter M for preschoolers Look at the letter M. What does it look like? Add it up
Alalia what is it - symptoms in children, causes and treatment Your child is already
Speech therapy online exercises Speech therapy of vowels: | | | | | | | |
Children with SSD (severe speech impairment) are a separate category of children with normal
Home Speech disorders Loss of voice, in which a person can speak in a whisper, is called aphonia: this
Automation of the sound P at the beginning, middle and end of words using pictures will be