Animals of hot and cold countries - Charushin E.I.
Animals of the hottest regions of the world - features, interesting facts and photos
Lion Beware, zebras are striped horses! Beware, fast antelopes! Beware, steep-horned wild buffalos! a lion
A.N. Gvozdev and his role in the study of children's speech. The scientific significance of A.N.’s research Gvozdeva, N.A. Rybnikov.
A.N. Gvozdev - one of the theorists of children's speech Course work in the Russian language A.N. Gvozdev -
Delayed mental development of a child
Basic clinical issues and taxonomy of mental retardation
03/22/2017 Mental retardation refers to a lag in the development of mental mechanisms, as well as immaturity
card file of games for the development of speech hearing card file on speech therapy on the topic
General recommendations for classes Almost all experts adhere to the following advice: All classes must be completed
Clothes and hats. Visual aids and games.
Fourth Extra Goal. Development of thinking. Task. Familiarization with the surroundings (clothes, shoes, hats). Equipment.
Semantic dyslexia: essence and causes
Ways to correct semantic dyslexia and presentation for a speech therapy lesson (grades 2, 3, 4) on the topic
Dyslexia is the collective name for a group of disorders that cause problems with reading and comprehension
Examination of a preschooler in a speech therapy center. To help speech therapists
Map of the primary speech examination Students enter the VIII type correctional school throughout the entire
Speech therapy album of games and exercises for stuttering
14 Stuttering is a violation of the tempo and rhythm of speech, caused by a convulsive state of the articulatory apparatus.
Delayed speech development and massage: is it possible and how to do it yourself - tips, techniques, reviews
Delayed speech development is not a death sentence, and if you contact relevant specialists in time, you can form
Methodology for speech therapy examination of children with rhinolalia
Symptoms of rhinolalia With open organic rhinolalia, the cause of which was various congenital anomalies, the baby
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