Staging “C” and “3”: stages, effective methods, exercises
Automation of the sound C in words with the help of presentations takes place in a playful way. Sound "S"
The development of fine motor skills and speech goes in parallel
Organization of activities for the development of fine motor skills and speech of the child
“The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers” V. A. Sukhomlinsky Level of fine motor skills,
Causes, diagnosis and clinical picture of mental retardation in ICD 10 coding in children
Codification of speech disorders according to ICD 10 There are several types of speech disorders. They are discussed below
Slavic Dictionary of Etymology (ra)
Automation of the sound [P] in words with the syllables ra, ro, ry, ru at the beginning of the word.
Words starting with the syllable “ra” The syllable “RA”, according to the initial sound, belongs to the type -
Preparation and conduct of theatrical games in the second junior group of kindergarten
The essence of theatrical performance in kindergarten One of the most productive ways to help children learn information
Master class “Effective modern technologies in the work of a speech therapist with children with disabilities”
Age-related features of children's speech development. consultation
Children master their native speech gradually. Each age has its own norm. Moms and dads
Differentiation of sounds K - Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Meshcheryakova L.V., teacher-speech therapist, preschool educational institution No. 112, Lipetsk Sounds [f], [v] and their soft
Classification of speech tempo disorders
Rate of speech: norm, changes, diagnostic and therapeutic measures
Rate of speech is a sign of speech function, which facilitates the perception of heard information by others.
Intellectual development exercises for children 5–6 years old
Children grow very quickly, and now the baby, who has only recently learned to walk, has reached
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