Means of expression (table) material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA, 9th, 11th grade) on the topic
When we talk about art and literary creativity, we are focused on the impressions that are created when
Rhetoric and oratory skills to convince anyone - tips
Updated July 21, 2021 Author: Dmitry Ivanetscu Salve, carissimi legentibus! Today we say hello to
Style of literary text - concept, features
In this article you will learn what artistic style of speech is, what its main functions are.
Functional speech styles and their features: table
4.1 Average rating: 4.1 Total ratings received: 2698. 4.1 Average rating: 4.1 Total ratings received
Means of artistic expression - types and examples in literature
4.7 Average rating: 4.7 Total ratings received: 374. 4.7 Average rating: 4.7 Total ratings received
Characteristics, features and main genres of journalistic style of speech
In the article you will learn about what journalistic style is and its main functions,
Rhetoric. Four laws of rhetoric. Target types of speech.
The Origin of the Art of Rhetoric Modern oratory has retained the features that defined it in antiquity.
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